Post Election Poll shows Commanding Liberal Majority


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

The first post-election poll is out, and it is a doozy.

Does a poll conducted four years before the next federal election mean a lot? No. Of course, it says nothing about the next election and, really, has no impact on where things stand today. But it is an indication of how Canadians are reacting to the new Liberal government. And before you say "It's only Forum", remember that Forum nailed the election results almost exactly.

Oh, and it marks the first salvo in what will undoubtedly be a barrage of Conservative leadership polling that we will see between now and the date that the next leader is actually chosen.

The poll gives the Liberals the support of 55% of Canadians, an enormous number that the Conservatives never managed in any poll throughout their tenure. My records only go back so far and are incomplete the earlier they go, but even back in the days of 2002 and 2003, when the Liberals faced a divided opposition and the coming Paul Martin juggernaut was poised to deliver Liberal rule for the rest of time, the party was only polling at around the 50% mark. First post-election poll is not bad for the Liberals

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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
As always the only poll that matters is the 39.5% the Libs got in the election.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
It is common for a newly elected government's popularity to rise in the polls. Easy to look good when nothing of import has been done yet.
When Parliament convenes and the work begins the criticism will begin.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
It is common for a newly elected government's popularity to rise in the polls.

Not like this. That's the point of the article. Trudeau's honeymoon bump is much higher than previous governments. In fact, the Conservative didn't get a bump at all. That's the point. Read the article people. I cannot stress that enough.

Also from the article

The significance of this new poll should not be exaggerated, as its significance is minimal.

Like you said, wait until they actually do something.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Re the OP photo: Trudeau's comment, 'Because it's 2015' (why gender equality) wasn't all that bright!
Are we to believe that everything before 2015 is outdated and must be replaced? One could construe that he thinks that way.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Certainly getting a fair share of favourable press which doesn't hurt a post-election surge. For example, on CBC facebook feed, they did a hard hitting interview with the defense minister where he had to answer the tough question "Are you a bad-a-s-s?". I don't recall any such fluff when Harper was in power.