Orange Day? Is that to celebrate Karl Pilkington, the owner of the roundest human head in history, which is shaped "like a f*cking orange"?
Poor you. Poor, poor you. You're so oppressed.And yet most violence in this world is perpetrated against men and boys, yet I bet there isn't a special day worldwide to highlight it.
Poor you. Poor, poor you. You're so oppressed.
Poor widdwe Bwackweaf.
The majority of victims of violence in the world, even in countries like the UK, USA and Canada, are men and boys. Women and girls make up a small proportion of victims of violence in this world, yet we have a special day to highlight their "plight" whilst the plight of men and boys is ignored.
Why don't you just take a look at the murder stats and the violent crime stats in Yankeeland and see who it is - males or females - who make up the vast majority of the victims?
Would it make you feel better if we had a special day to feel sorry for poor, oppressed Bwackweaf? Maybe we could get Karl Thick-as-a-plankington to emcee a national pity party for poor, poor Bwackweaf.
That would be great! Then every day could be Poor, Oppressed, Downtrodden WASP Racist Jerkoff Day!I've heard that the European Union is going to turn the eastern part of Britain into a reservation for Angular Saxons, after they successfully devolve the place into its ethnic constituents.
That would be great! Then every day could be Poor, Oppressed, Downtrodden WASP Racist Jerkoff Day!
You're lying again.If Messrs Tecumsehbones and Curious Cdn can point out the inaccuracies in my statements I shall be very much obliged.