Quit Picking on the Republicans


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Tea Baggers waive flag of treason and terrorism in Washington, DC rally:



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Tea Baggers waive flag of treason and terrorism in Washington, DC rally:

Come on now Gopher even you can do better then that. Note the web page on the obviously photo shopped image DEMOCRATICUNDERGROUND.COM You certainly are unbiased and have no agenda Right ?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Your point is well taken, however, the Rosenbergs, and Greenglass were executed around seventy years ago. Since then there have been no treason trials except for one against a Chinese American.

Greenglass is still alive in his 90s. The others were executed in '53.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
GOP Congressman Rips Tea Party Colleagues: 'I'm Not Sure They're Republicans'

Intra-party tensions are running high as end to shutdown nears.

GOP Congressman Rips Tea Party Colleagues: 'I'm Not Sure They're Republicans' - NationalJournal.com

''In a sign of the internal backlash against the right wing of the House Republican Conference, Louisiana Republican Charles Boustany questioned the political allegiances and motivations of his tea party-aligned colleagues and said they had put the GOP majority at risk in the current shutdown fight.
"There are members with a different agenda," Boustany said Wednesday in an interview in his office. "And I'm not sure they're Republicans and I'm not sure they're conservative."

... nor American ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Unable to Accept Defeat, Republicans Blame Media for Surrender on Shutdown Deal

Forward Progressives — Unable to Accept Defeat, Republicans Blame Media for Surrender on Shutdown Deal

Before the government was shut down due to right-wing antics in Congress, anyone with half a brain knew they stood absolutely no chance at accomplishing their goal of defunding, defeating or repealing “Obamacare.” This wasn’t some partisan opinion based on left-wing talking points, it was just basic facts conjured from easy to understand reality.
So as news has broken that the Senate has agreed upon a deal which should pass the House, thus reopening our government and raising the debt ceiling, you just had to know Republicans weren’t going to accept the blame from the majority of the American people for the shutdown.
Oh no. It wasn’t their false rhetoric that this shutdown would end up with the defeat of “Obamacare,” or the fact that Boehner refused to let the House vote on the Senate’s clean resolution that would have passed the House and kept the government open. Nope, those aren’t the reasons why they lost and have come out of this whole ordeal looking like a bunch of fools.
It’s the media’s fault. The media is to blame for why the majority of the American people put the blame on the Republican party for this shutdown.

Blame Democrats
Blame Obama
Blame the Media

As always, the Republicans and their fellow Tea Baggers refuse to accept the blame for any problem they cause.