Tories on e-snooping: ‘Stand with us or with the child pornographers’


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Geezus, stop trolling already.
I'm not trolling. I asked a question.

You answered it.

When I pointed out the ignorance you expressed in that answer. Instead of just admitting an error, or more correctly, admitting that you actually do endorse criminality directed at the CPC, but not allegedly committed by the CPC.

You dishonestly edited your post.

Me pointing out your partisan hackery and dishonesty, isn't trolling.

It's a public service.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The forum is open to the general public.
Why am I not surprised I had to explain that to you.

Well I wholeheartedly agree with you.

Can we end this on a good note now or are you unable to resist a last word insult?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Well I wholeheartedly agree with you.
I'm glad you agree with me, that you're an ideologically driven hack, who endorses criminality directed at the CPC, but not allegedly committed by them.

Ya, it's a weakness of mine, I just love making fun of ideologues.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I'm glad you agree with me, that you're an ideologically driven hack, who endorses criminality directed at the CPC, but not allegedly committed by them.
Ya, it's a weakness of mine, I just love making fun of ideologues.

I expected as much.

I'm sure everyone will bookmark this thread to remember your sparkling achievement of non-stop harassment on these forums. The neverending divisive script is a testament to the public service you so lovingly provide to everyone who is fortunate enough to grace your masterful presence.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I expected as much.
I never said you were stupid, just an ideologue. Although there might be some correlation. I mean even a dog eventually figures out barking makes the collar zap.

I'm sure everyone will bookmark this thread to remember your sparkling achievement of non-stop harassment on these forums.
If you post it, they will come.

If you're to sensitive to have your ideological crap beat up. Grow up, and stop being such an ideologue.

The neverending divisive script is a testament to the public service you so lovingly provide to everyone who is fortunate enough to grace your masterful presence.
LOL, that's cute. You think I'm the divisive one.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I'm sure none of us is perfect.

But I don't make it my entire M.O. to harass others like you do. I barely even make any commentary before you put words in my mouth and make up your own pet terms.

Call that 'sensitivity' or what have you, but I'm not going to stop stating my opinion to satisfy your bully tactics.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I'm sure none of us is perfect.
This is true, well accept for the admittedly stupid, they always believe they can make no error.

But I don't make it my entire M.O. to harass others like you do.
You only think it's harassment, because I keep pointing out your ideological crap.

I barely even make any commentary before you put words in my mouth and make up your own pet terms.
I didn't put words in your mouth. You said "No", it wasn't a threat against democracy. While in many other threads you have made it your mission to bury the CPC for alleged criminal activity.

Those aren't pet terms. They are reasonable labels, that adequately and accurately describe you.

Call that 'sensitivity' or what have you, but I'm not going to stop stating my opinion to satisfy your bully tactics.
Gawd I hope not. I don't know where I would get as many laughs from then.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I never agreed to whatever it is you're assuming about me.
Yes you did.

I didn't assume anything....

My question...

Hmmm, threatening and intimidating a politician. To illegally coerce him to do what you want. Isn't a threat against democracy?

Your answer, before your dishonest edit...

No, that's republicanism. :wink:

Your words, where you endorse criminality directed towards a member of the CPC.

And since this following reply had nothing to do with the post you quoted, it can only be applied to the premise of my position.

Well I wholeheartedly agree with you.

Now, if you're going to cry about it, maybe you should turn of the puter and take a nap.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
You mean this whole time you've been ranting on a one-liner bit of sarcasm? I even edited in a winky to make it more friendly for you.

This whole time.. the whole rampage..


I mean.. you didn't even think to actually ask about the context, you just assumed I agreed to some kind of myopic agreement to criminal behaviour against the CPC.

Wow... lol


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You mean this whole time you've been ranting on a one-liner bit of sarcasm? I even edited in a winky to make it more friendly for you.

This whole time.. the whole rampage..


I mean.. you didn't even think to actually ask about the context, you just assumed I agreed to some kind of myopic agreement to criminal behaviour against the CPC.

Wow... lol

The patented Fuzzy, "You must be mad" dodge.

It's OK, Fuzzy, if you say it a dozen more times, somebody might buy it. Maybe even you.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
When I pointed out the ignorance you expressed in that answer. Instead of just admitting an error, or more correctly, admitting that you actually do endorse criminality directed at the CPC, but not allegedly committed by the CPC.

Specifically, what crime has been committed?

You mean this whole time you've been ranting on a one-liner bit of sarcasm? I even edited in a winky to make it more friendly for you.

CB has a very difficult time with the concept of sarcasm. I would go easy on him about it. He has admitted that he is disadvantaged so as Canadians, it is our job to do what we can to help him. I believe his trolling directly relates to his feelings of inferiority and inadequacy caused by his disadvantaged position.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I think he's right on a great number of things, but the constant flurry of insults will never foster agreements or change others for the better. As I said before, a good dig here and there is fine, but the neverending bitterness is counterproductive.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
...t the neverending bitterness is counterproductive.

As I said, he has admitted to being disadvantaged. I'm sure that is where the bitterness stems from. I think having close to 25,000 posts in total and having close to 20,000 that are nothing more than insulting other posters, says a lot about his troubles. I used to make fun of him a lot but when he spilled his guts about being disadvantaged it changed my perspective and my attitude toward him.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006

He has admitted that he is disadvantaged...

As I said, he has admitted to being disadvantaged.

Funny, every time I ask you for a quote to back up that erroneous claim, you change the subject, or disappear.

I blame your admitted stupidity for your anger and obvious dishonesty.

I used to make fun of him a lot but when he spilled his guts about being disadvantaged it changed my perspective and my attitude toward him.

Correction, you used to try and make fun of me, until you got PWND endlessly by me.

Now you just stalk me and neg my posts.

I think he's right on a great number of things, but the constant flurry of insults will never foster agreements or change others for the better.
You aren't here to agree or change.

As I said before, a good dig here and there is fine, but the neverending bitterness is counterproductive.
Your perception skills are rather poor, I'm not bitter. I don't care, would be a better observation.
Last edited:


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Funny, every time I ask you for a quote to back up that erroneous claim, you change the subject, or disappear.

Not every time. I used to tell you that I'm far too lazy and disinterested to search through old threads. You obviously had an problem with the concept. You certainly take this more seriously than I do. I've said more times than I care to count, that I'm here for entertainment. You may find searching old threads entertaining but I have a life.