Toronto Mayor pays price of obstinacy in council’s rebuke of his transit vision


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
If I had a nickel for every time someone has said that, before each new TTC project, I'd be a wealthy man today.

TTC, the not so better, way.


Well, at least we know at this point that in terms of cost and service, Ford's plan isn't a good one.

When you consider that they even factored in how many low income earners would ride for each plan, we should all be on board the LRT routes as these are the people that most desperately need the ride.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
I feel for ya bud and I'm sure it does. My Yota gets me where I want to go, 100% of the time, lest I brake it off roading, lol. But then I have the Civic to fall back on. The biggest benefit, I don't have to rub elbows with the unwashed masses.

It's not for everyone, I pretty much zone out on it and catch up on news while I take my 30 minute trip to work.


Well, at least we know at this point that in terms of cost and service, Ford's plan isn't a good one.

When you consider that they even factored in how many low income earners would ride for each plan, we should all be on board the LRT routes as these are the people that most desperately need the ride.

But what about the Ferris Wheel, the Ferris Wheel!!!


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006

Well, at least we know at this point that in terms of cost and service, Ford's plan isn't a good one.
If you don't prefer your car to the worst way.

When you consider that they even factored in how many low income earners would ride for each plan, we should all be on board the LRT routes as these are the people that most desperately need the ride.
Ya, I saw that. Neat, all the earmarks of a good sales pitch for the unwashed and those that pander to them.

I'm still waiting for the last claims from the TTC boosters, to come to fruition.

I'll believe it when I see it.

It's not for everyone, I pretty much zone out on it and catch up on news while I take my 30 minute trip to work.
I'm used to open spaces and people who understand BO isn't the part of their culture, I wish they'd share with me.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006

C'mon - Pembina's good about this stuff. :)
I'm not disputing the fact that the proposed lines will go through areas that are currently considered under serviced. Some of the past routes in those areas, were abandoned, because the market wasn't there. Then there's the possibility that the "If you build it, they will come", while a great premise for a movie, maybe not so much for transit.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
No. This thread is about public transit and since it's public and run by the govmint the govmint should control and regulate it.

wow, that almost makes sense. In other words, the mayor shouldn't be allowed to impose his schemes on the city, it's the job of council to determine what happens.