Harper ousts 19yo girls for facebook picture!


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You obviously have trouble understanding simple english and the act of questioning.
Oops, you're doing it again.

I would welcome a real discussion of the issues with you,
It has been quite evident, that you aren't. So feel free to keep assuming as you wish.

What about people that rationally compare Canadian political leaders to tyrants? LOL
Determined on a case by case basis. :wink:


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
You obviously have trouble understanding simple english and the act of questioning. You made a statement and I questioned you about it. I imposed no opinion on you, just asked you to clarify and explain your position.

Oops, you're doing it again.
It would seem you do not understand the difference between assuming another's opinion and a personal opinion based on observation of the facts presented. You obviously have trouble understanding simple english and the act of questioning.

Both sentences are MY opinion based upon observations, not me imposing them as your opinion. Do you get it yet? Do we need some more remedial english classes?

I would welcome a real discussion of the issues with you, do you actually believe you could have one without turning into a troll?

It has been quite evident, that you aren't. So feel free to keep assuming as you wish.

Hmmm, see there's that trouble understanding english again (observation). You did not respond to any part of my post in any coherent way.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Both sentences are MY opinion based upon observations
You spelled assumptions and opinion wrong.

Here, I'll help you out...

"Both sentences are MY assumptions, based upon my opinion."

There ya go.

Or is that the other way around?

Ehhh, either or, your questions state your opinion/assumptions already, so run with that.
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The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
It would seem you do not understand the difference between assuming another's opinion and a personal opinion based on observation of the facts presented. You obviously have trouble understanding simple english and the act of questioning.

Both sentences are MY opinion based upon observations, not me imposing them as your opinion. Do you get it yet? Do we need some more remedial english classes?

You spelled assumptions and opinion wrong.

Here, I'll help you out...

"Both sentences are MY assumptions, based upon my opinion."

There ya go.

Very nice try Bear but just another example of your normal MO when you have nothing substantial to add to any conversation. My post is quite correct factually and grammatically and you can change the words to suit your apparent need for superiority if you like but it does not change the fact you seem to have an aversion to actually discussing issues in any type of productive manner.

Awwww, is the poor little pooh bear so frustrated he has to resort to replacing someone's words with his own to make the little bear happy?


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
You spelled incorrect wrong. And I agree, you are quite incorrect.

Maybe you just don't realize how much of an a*s you make yourself look like with crap like this. Maybe you do and you think its fun. Maybe you have such a meaningless life you have to try to feel superior in anonimity online. Does't reallly matter which one you still come out looking like an a*s to most intelligent people. I am actually starting to feel sorry for you and have some concerns over your mental health and well-being.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Maybe you have such a meaningless life you have to try to feel superior in anonimity online.
Oops, you're doing it again.

I actually meet with sane people, from the net. Like DaS. Whom I've actually met. If I'm still anonymous to you, the issue is yours.

And I don't just feel superior to you.

Does't reallly matter which one you still come out looking like an a*s to most intelligent people.
So someone had to explain it to you?
I am actually starting to feel sorry for you
You spelled "me" wrong. And don't worry, as soon as you stop being irrational, and start using reason, critical thought and logic, to formulate posts. They'll cease to be joke and punchline all wrapped up in one.

In the mean time, your new found empowerment by association, is most entertaining. Yours and Cansucks virtual impression of Chester and Spike, is a hilarious.

Maybe when you realize I'm playing with you like a toy, you'll give up and just go help your new buddy to realize his circle jerk fantasy.
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Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
It turns out that the Harper staff require you to preregister to attend any of his campaign events and then perform background checks and screening prior to accepting you into the event.
Bloody hell that's Sturmabteilung.

SA used to do stuff like that to stack their rallies.
The conservatives are the only party using these tactics and the policy has come under fire from the other party leaders and the media.
Well, the Reformocon heartland is Alberta, and Alberta is home to the white-pride neo-Nazis, so maybe for Harper's campaigners that was a natural thing to do.

How did Harpo try to spin it? I think he said something like, 'Well, it says something about a movement when you have to turn people away from your rallies', or something like that, as if it happened because it was an overflow crowd.

If people are going to be so silly as to swallow a rationalization like that, then maybe they really do deserve the government they'll get.

The problem is, because of Canada's non-proportional system of representation, the majority of Canadians are *not* going to get the government they deserve.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
SA used to do stuff like that to stack their rallies.
Well, the Reformocon heartland is Alberta, and Alberta is home to the white-pride neo-Nazis, so maybe for Harper's campaigners that was a natural thing to do.

You are going to get lambasted by u know who.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Well, the Reformocon heartland is Alberta, and Alberta is home to the white-pride neo-Nazis, so maybe for Harper's campaigners that was a natural thing to do.

Really? I've never heard of the white pride neo-nazis. Where are they based out of?


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Really? I've never heard of the white pride neo-nazis. Where are they based out of?
West of Red Deer.

My brother works in Caroline AB, and he says it can get pretty freaky some weekends at the local watering holes.

The normal Alberta red-necks will be sitting on one side of the bar, and the white-priders will be sitting on the other, glowering at each other, and he says it's a rare night when fights don't break out when both crowds are gathered at the same time.

You are going to get lambasted by u know who.

Many things are sensible to be wary of- a picture taken with a friend and Iggy is not one of them.

Hmm... suppose you were to Photoshop an image of yourself posing next to Mussolini, or maybe even the Fuhrer, and stick it on Facebook.

I wonder if Harpo's campaigners would catch that one, because by anyone else's metrics that would obviously be the one to at least keep an eye on.

It might be an interesting social experiment, except how should you react if you were to do such a thing, only to experience the campaigners welcoming you into the hall with beaming smiles?


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
I actually meet with sane people, from the net. Like DaS. Whom I've actually met. If I'm still anonymous to you, the issue is yours.

And I don't just feel superior to you.

So someone had to explain it to you?

you'll give up and just go help your new buddy to realize his circle jerk fantasy.

Geez Bear, not even one response about anything that is at issue in our country today. You are becoming more and more like one of those wierd, slightly disturbed guys muttering to himself in the corner. I would actually have to question if you really know what planet you're on. You are quite obviously some kind of pathetic, needy person who has nothing in their life but some imaginary friends and homoerotic fantasies (you must have because you keep projecting it on others). Do you even have a real home or is your cardboard getting soggy? We can't help you on this forum unless you let out the truth.

There are people out there willing to help you pal, look for the big red cross somewhere and just start talking to people in the building, they will know what to do with you, they won't hurt you, the fancy coat with all the buckles is fun, don't be scared.


Jan 6, 2007
Really? I've never heard of the white pride neo-nazis. Where are they based out of?

There are something like 19 of them infesting Calgary. More than 200 people turned out to counter protest them when they reared their ugly heads this year. But, people like to focus on the negative, not the positive.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
There are something like 19 of them infesting Calgary. More than 200 people turned out to counter protest them when they reared their ugly heads this year. But, people like to focus on the negative, not the positive.

White Pride Neo-Nazis? It sounds like they are accepting gays now...isn't that a positive thing?


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
I can just imagine the notepad screens of the conservative handlers at the rally lighting up with "THOUGHT CRIME in row six" warnings or something like that. Welcome to the world of big brother.

If they actually had the ability of independent thought the people handing this "crisis" would have realized it was an opportunity to convince someone to support their cause, not some kind of bizarre threat to the purity of the occasion. The more they do the more frightening becomes the thought of a conservative majority... or even a continued minority.