Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Climategate: the UN investigation will be a whitewash

By Nile Gardiner World Last updated: December 4th, 2009

It is rather ironic that the United Nations, a world body that has done more to push the global warming agenda that any other organization, is now vowing to investigate the leaked Climategate emails. Rajendra Pachauri, the chairman of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), told BBC Radio 4:
We will certainly go into the whole lot and then we will take a position on it. We certainly don’t want to brush anything under the carpet. This is a serious issue and we will look into it in detail.
Forgive my scepticism over this, but the United Nations happens to be one of the most inefficient, corruption-riddled, unaccountable and untransparent entities on the face of the earth. It is hard to see how the UN is going to conduct this kind of inquiry with a straight face, let alone an ounce of credibility. I spent several years working on UN issues in Washington, and served as an expert on the Gingrich-Mitchell Congressional mandated Task Force on the United Nations, and nothing I have seen of the UN convinces me that it is capable of carrying out a remotely objective investigation.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Lawrence Solomon: Dirty climate data
Posted: December 05, 2009, 1:37 AM by NP Editor

Climategate emails prove that we must redo the science with data and a process that can be trusted

By Lawrence Solomon


he data from the Climatic Research Unit at East Anglia University — headquarters for Climategate — is now discredited. This discredits any findings by other research bodies that relied on the Climategate data.​

How much falls from Climategate, whose participants read like a Who’s Who at the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change? Not much, says CRU’s disgraced director, Phil Jones, pointing out that CRU’s data for global temperatures is but one of several datasets, all in general agreement. Besides, many argue, CRU was no linchpin to the science. The IPCC relied on numerous other sources. Throw CRU out, they say, and the IPCC’s conclusions remain unshakable.​

In truth, if you throw CRU out, you’ve eviscerated the findings of the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report, the most recent and most definite opus from the UN. This is the report, received with universal acclaim in 2007, which scarily stated: “The warming of the climate system is unequivocal.”​

The argument over global warming requires evidence that the globe is warming in dangerous ways. This evidence the IPCC presents forcefully in its third chapter on surface and atmospheric warming, which rests overwhelmingly on the official global temperature record of the United Nations World Meteorological Organization, called the HADCRUT3 temperature dataset.​

And who produced the HADCRUT3 dataset for the World Meteorological Organization? The Hadley Centre of the UK government’s meteorological office (the HAD of HADCRUT3) and the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (the CRU).​

With HADCRUT3 in hand, the IPCC’s warming chapter confidently pronounced that “The rate of warming over the last 50 years is almost double that over the last 100 years,” that “2005 was one of the two warmest years on record,” and that “Changes in extremes of temperature are also consistent with warming of the climate.” With HADCRUT3, the co-authors of the IPCC warming chapter could show the temperatures going up, up, up.​

Who were the IPCC co-authors who decided to use the HADCRUT3 temperature data? None other than two of the most questionable characters in the Climategate cast: the head of CRU, Phil Jones himself, and his cross-Atlantic correspondent, Kevin Trenberth, a lead author with the IPCC. Trenberth in 2004 also had a starring role in another noteworthy IPCC episode, held in the swirl of an active U.S. hurricane season. Not one to pass up an opportunity to sway the public to the urgency of global warming, Trenberth called a press conference to link global warming with hurricanes even though the IPCC’s own hurricane expert, Christopher Landsea, pleaded with Trenberth not to — the link of hurricanes and global warming had no basis in science.​

If any chapter in the IPCC opus is more important than the warming chapter it is chapter nine, which concludes that man is the culprit “based on analyses of widespread temperature increases throughout the climate system and changes in other climate variables.” The source for the temperature data? HADCRUT3.​

The centrality of HADCRUT3 data is no coincidence. The two British organizations, Hadley and CRU, have worked hand-in-glove since the Hadley Centre was created in 1989 by Margaret Thatcher. One year earlier, in a major address that established the UK’s early promotion of the global warming issue, Thatcher — a foe of the coal mining union and a fan of nuclear power — had pledged to tackle the greenhouse effect by replacing fossil fuels with nuclear power. She then promoted climate change science with funding and diplomacy, placing her people in senior positions at the nascent IPCC and elsewhere at the United Nations.​

Hadley and CRU became major players in every IPCC report, in the World Meteorological Organization, in the IPCC’s iconic hockey-stick graph and in the UK government’s Stern Review that predicted economic calamity. In the minds of many, the Hadley-CRU datasets are the most authoritative source of global temperatures, both because their temperature records date back to 1850 and because they produced the first-ever synthesis of land and marine temperature data — the first truly global temperature record.​

Except now we’re told that CRU disposed of the raw data some 20 years ago after it was manufactured into “homogenized” and “value added data.” The manufacturer 20 years ago? Another Climategate star, Tom Wigley, who was then the head of CRU.​

But what of Phil Jones’s argument, that the Hadley and CRU datasets are nothing special. “Our global temperature series tallies with those of other, completely independent, groups of scientists working for NASA and the National Climate Data Centre in the United States, among others,” he says. “Even if you were to ignore our findings, theirs show the same results. The facts speak for themselves.”​

The answer to Phil Jones comes from the Hadley Centre itself, through another fact that speaks for itself. “The datasets are largely based on the same raw data,” the FAQ page at the Hadley Centre website states, in explaining that NASA, the National Climate Data Center and Hadley-CRU all use the same data. The different results these organizations sometimes obtain, it elaborates, stems not from the data but from its absence — where the data is poor or non-existent, the different agencies employ different types of guesswork.​

There is no unimpeachable raw data in which we can have confidence. There is a large cast of impeachable characters in the Climategate drama with an evident appetite for cooking the books.​

And there are but two honest options for our governments to now employ. They can choose to redo the studies, with data, scientists, and a peer-review process that can be trusted. Or they can recognize that the IPCC process has been politicized from the start, and that the prima facie evidence for dangerous global warming does not meet the threshold required to prolong the scientific sham of the generation.​
Solomon obviously can't google "climate", "data", and "Sources". Climate Data Sources

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Climategate: the UN investigation will be a whitewash

By Nile Gardiner World Last updated: December 4th, 2009

It is rather ironic that the United Nations, a world body that has done more to push the global warming agenda that any other organization, is now vowing to investigate the leaked Climategate emails. Rajendra Pachauri, the chairman of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), told BBC Radio 4:
We will certainly go into the whole lot and then we will take a position on it. We certainly don’t want to brush anything under the carpet. This is a serious issue and we will look into it in detail.
Forgive my scepticism over this, but the United Nations happens to be one of the most inefficient, corruption-riddled, unaccountable and untransparent entities on the face of the earth. It is hard to see how the UN is going to conduct this kind of inquiry with a straight face, let alone an ounce of credibility. I spent several years working on UN issues in Washington, and served as an expert on the Gingrich-Mitchell Congressional mandated Task Force on the United Nations, and nothing I have seen of the UN convinces me that it is capable of carrying out a remotely objective investigation.
So? The UN is a joke in most cases. It leaves itself open to any party with an agenda. Kind of like the Canadian gov't.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Global warming and now anthroclimate are products of bankers who for decades have been able to buy scientists by the bushel. There isn't anything they won't say or do for grants. Junk science brought to us by the corporations. Has everyone winterized yet. It's getting very late in the season. 2012 is just arround the corner. I envision frozen polar bears. We must knit and airlift parkas for them and send them up with the coke flights.


Time Out
Oct 15, 2009
Global warming and now anthroclimate are products of bankers who for decades have been able to buy scientists by the bushel. There isn't anything they won't say or do for grants. Junk science brought to us by the corporations. Has everyone winterized yet. It's getting very late in the season. 2012 is just arround the corner. I envision frozen polar bears. We must knit and airlift parkas for them and send them up with the coke flights.

Bankers and corporations are hiding capitalism.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Global warming and now anthroclimate are products of bankers who for decades have been able to buy scientists by the bushel. There isn't anything they won't say or do for grants.
You watch too much tv. The reality is, is that a scientist studying some phenomenon has to pay asssistants, buy equipment, etc. with grant money.
Junk science brought to us by the corporations.
There is some of that, too, yep.
Has everyone winterized yet. It's getting very late in the season. 2012 is just arround the corner. I envision frozen polar bears. We must knit and airlift parkas for them and send them up with the coke flights.
Envisioning is what usually happens when you do hallucinogens like coke, yes.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
You watch too much tv. The reality is, is that a scientist studying some phenomenon has to pay asssistants, buy equipment, etc. with grant money. There is some of that, too, yep. Envisioning is what usually happens when you do hallucinogens like coke, yes.

Rubbish Lester pure rubbish, I don't know why that poor woman leaves you without supervision. Where on TV would you get the idea that there was anything wrong with Al Gorepone.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Rubbish Lester pure rubbish, I don't know why that poor woman leaves you without supervision. Where on TV would you get the idea that there was anything wrong with Al Gorepone.
Yeah. Coke is rubbish.
Supervision? I have normalvision.
Who watches Gore? There's much better watching on tv than Gore. Even Suzuki is more interesting than him, and not as much of a dingbat than Gore either.
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