End the fed !


New Member
Jul 2, 2010
Shut Down the Federal Reserve?

Are the fraud allegations from the article urging to Shut Down the Federal Reserve accurate? Why is there so little education about the Federal Reserve in the media, schools and universities?

Why is the Government Accountability Office not allowed a full audit of the Federal Reserve? The position that something is very wrong with the Federal Reserve is even supported by some courageous Congressmen from both parties. If their accusations are unfounded, then why aren't the democratically elected Congressmen allowed to audit the Federal Reserve's alleged fraudulent activities and private ownership? The US Constitution in Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 5, states that Congress has the authority to "coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;".
Why is the Federal Reserve so secretive?

July 1, 2010
"Ron Paul’s attempt to audit the Federal Reserve, which was previously co-sponsored by 320 members of the House (HR 1207), failed by a vote of 229-198."

"The band aids will not help the economic crisis. There is a systemic problem. The Federal Reserve and all the central banks in the world that are designed on its model are defrauding the people of the world.

There is no rational reason why the U.S. Congress cannot print its own currency. The Congress was intimidated, bribed and blackmailed into creating and maintaining the Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve was awarded a contract to manage the currency in America. The cost of that contract to the U.S. has been $10 trillion in national debt.

To try to cover for the Federal Reserve's greedy fraud, many countries are being forced to pay into the Federal Reserve coffers to keep the world economy afloat. One of the ways they are being forced to pay is through devaluation of their currencies with respect to the U.S. dollar, which is a way of building up America at the expense of others in the world.

All of the band-aid measures will fail. The problem is the Federal Reserve, which concept is founded upon debt-based currency and fraud. It must be closed down or it will continue to suck the resources of the U.S. with its currency management contract. The American government could do the Federal Reserve's job for virtually nothing, and save the U.S. taxpayers between $200 and $900 billion each year in interest off a debt that will never be paid off."

"McFadden is also remembered for his criticism of the Federal Reserve, which he claimed was created and operated by European banking interests who conspired to economically control the United States. On June 10, 1932, McFadden made a 25-minute speech before the House of Representatives[2] , in which he accused the Federal Reserve of deliberately causing the Great Depression."

"Long was a staunch opponent of the Federal Reserve Bank. Together with a group of Congressmen and Senators, Long believed the Federal Reserve's policies to be the true cause of the Great Depression. Long made speeches denouncing the large banking houses of Morgan and Rockefeller centered in New York which owned stock in the Federal Reserve System. He believed that they controlled the monetary system to their own benefit, instead of the general public's benefit."

"Paul opposes the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the Federal Reserve's control of the nations money supply and interest rates. He wants to allow the free market to regulate interest rates, and supports congresses constitutional role of controlling the money supply. Paul endorses H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, a bill introduced by Congressman Ron Paul mandating an audit of the Federal Reserve. Although Paul would abolish the Federal Reserve, he supports transparency and accountability of the semi-private institution. Additionally, Paul opposes inflation and supports "restoring the value of the dollar that has devalued by approximately 95% since the Federal Reserve's inception in 1913"."

"Grayson is a co-sponsor of the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009, which would provide addition provisions to audit the Federal Reserve, including removing several key exemptions."


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Sorry Dan but the Fed is your sovereign. You are but an asset of the Fed. There is nothing that you or your fellow Americans do but to rise up and destroy it and its owners through violent revolution. If you really understood how really insidious it is, you would be moved to act. Short of that, you are hooped.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
I agree with Cliffy.

The only meaningful solution will come from outside of the system.

Americans will have to take their freedom back.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Shut Down the Federal Reserve?
Sure, that should start the US on a tail spin that they couldn't recover from. But the bankers sure would love it.

Are the fraud allegations from the article urging to Shut Down the Federal Reserve accurate?

Why is there so little education about the Federal Reserve in the media, schools and universities?
So conspiracy nuts can have fun rent space in weak minds too.

Why is the Government Accountability Office not allowed a full audit of the Federal Reserve?
They are. The GAO has access to the full monetary accounting. The only area the GAO has no access to is monetary policy. Since when is a monetary accounting office, like the GAO, an expert on policy?

The position that something is very wrong with the Federal Reserve is even supported by some courageous Congressmen from both parties. If their accusations are unfounded, then why aren't the democratically elected Congressmen allowed to audit the Federal Reserve's alleged fraudulent activities and private ownership?
I'm not sure why. But then again, there are is no evidence that the Fed is acting fraudulently, and it's well known the the Fed is a private institution, under public control. That was the negotiated deal between the gov't and the bankers of the time.
The US Constitution in Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 5, states that Congress has the authority to "coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;".
Why is the Federal Reserve so secretive?
It isn't, it has always been audited.

July 1, 2010
"Ron Paul’s attempt to audit the Federal Reserve, which was previously co-sponsored by 320 members of the House (HR 1207), failed by a vote of 229-198."
I actually welcome a full audit of the Fed's policies and foreign association. It would go along way to debunking a lot of BS myths, that's for sure.

"The band aids will not help the economic crisis. There is a systemic problem. The Federal Reserve and all the central banks in the world that are designed on its model are defrauding the people of the world.
How so? The Fed deposits 90+% of her annual earnings into the US Treasury.

There is no rational reason why the U.S. Congress cannot print its own currency.
Yes there is, it would cause gross inflation and devalue the dollar.

The Congress was intimidated, bribed and blackmailed into creating and maintaining the Federal Reserve Bank.
This actually might be true, because many of the men in Congress at that time, had a lot to lose from the tighter banking controls and policies that would come with it.
The Federal Reserve was awarded a contract to manage the currency in America. The cost of that contract to the U.S. has been $10 trillion in national debt.
That's pure BS without a shred of intelligent proof.
To try to cover for the Federal Reserve's greedy fraud, many countries are being forced to pay into the Federal Reserve coffers to keep the world economy afloat. One of the ways they are being forced to pay is through devaluation of their currencies with respect to the U.S. dollar, which is a way of building up America at the expense of others in the world.
Riiight, care to explain how. And please don't cut and paste someone else's commentary.
All of the band-aid measures will fail. The problem is the Federal Reserve, which concept is founded upon debt-based currency and fraud. It must be closed down or it will continue to suck the resources of the U.S. with its currency management contract. The American government could do the Federal Reserve's job for virtually nothing, and save the U.S. taxpayers between $200 and $900 billion each year in interest off a debt that will never be paid off."
Schauff is a well known Fed conspiracy author (For lack of a better term). Here's what he has to say about that...

The Treasury Department prints Federal Reserve Notes and then sells them to the Federal Reserve system for an average cost of about 4 cents per bill. However, the Fed must present as collateral for the currency an amount of Treasury securities that is equivalent in value to the currency purchased. The Federal Reserve collects interest on all the Treasury securities it owns, including the ones held as collateral.
At this point, he's right. But that's where it stops. Like most conspiracy nutters, he negates to inform the reader that the Fed then repays the Treasury for Treasury securities, and adds the profits from it's exchanges to the tab, paid to the US Treasury. I know that part sucks, because it blows the silly conspiracy out of the water and all. But that's fact.

Feel free to look up...
GAO report T-GGD-94-44
Which completely supports that fact.
"McFadden is also remembered for his criticism of the Federal Reserve, which he claimed was created and operated by European banking interests who conspired to economically control the United States. On June 10, 1932, McFadden made a 25-minute speech before the House of Representatives[2] , in which he accused the Federal Reserve of deliberately causing the Great Depression."
It has been argued that he bungling and failed policies of the Fed had an impact on the depression, but there is o fact that supports the claim that it was a deliberate act.

Huey Long - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Long was a staunch opponent of the Federal Reserve Bank. Together with a group of Congressmen and Senators, Long believed the Federal Reserve's policies to be the true cause of the Great Depression. Long made speeches denouncing the large banking houses of Morgan and Rockefeller centered in New York which owned stock in the Federal Reserve System. He believed that they controlled the monetary system to their own benefit, instead of the general public's benefit."
That's awesome, now if only the Fed was controlled by anyone but but the PUBLICLY appointed Board of Directors.

Rand Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Paul opposes the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the Federal Reserve's control of the nations money supply and interest rates. He wants to allow the free market to regulate interest rates, and supports congresses constitutional role of controlling the money supply. Paul endorses H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, a bill introduced by Congressman Ron Paul mandating an audit of the Federal Reserve. Although Paul would abolish the Federal Reserve, he supports transparency and accountability of the semi-private institution. Additionally, Paul opposes inflation and supports "restoring the value of the dollar that has devalued by approximately 95% since the Federal Reserve's inception in 1913"."
Ah, the good old Jekyll Island conspiracy...

The Federal Reserve act of 1913 was the direct result of the Wall Street panic of 1907. Which was caused by fairly similar trading practices that caused the recent recession. The truth is, the Act wrestled control away from the bankers.

"Grayson is a co-sponsor of the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009, which would provide addition provisions to audit the Federal Reserve, including removing several key exemptions."
And those exemptions are? Oh ya, policy.

Are familiar with the term "He who has all the gold, makes all the rules"?

There's a reason we operate under the fiat system of currency. It prevents hording.

Sorry Dan but the Fed is your sovereign. You are but an asset of the Fed. There is nothing that you or your fellow Americans do but to rise up and destroy it and its owners through violent revolution. If you really understood how really insidious it is, you would be moved to act. Short of that, you are hooped.
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Council Member
Jan 28, 2010
I agree with this position. The FED is nothing more than some mini kingdoms set up supposedly in a private enterprise way but are run by federal appointees. So far politics have dictated what the FED will do and what stands it will take. I see the FED as a big costly fraud.