Court Orders Marine Dad To Pay .....


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Phelps' Legal Fees

The father of a fallen Marine who had a $5 million victory against Westboro Baptist Church overturned on appeal is now ordered by pay their legal fees.
Posted: 3:56 PM Mar 29, 2010
Reporter: AP

BALTIMORE (AP) — Lawyers for the father of a Marine who died in Iraq say a court has ordered him to pay legal costs for the Fred Phelps-led Westboro Baptist Church anti-gay protesters from Topeka who picketed his son's funeral.

Albert Snyder of York, Pa., had won a $5 million verdict against Phelps, but it was thrown out on appeal.

On Friday, the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Maryland ordered Snyder to pay the costs of Phelps' appeal.

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed earlier this month to consider whether the protesters' provocative messages, which include phrases like "Thank God for dead soldiers," are protected by the First Amendment.

Lawyers say Snyder already is struggling to come up with the fees associated with filing the brief with the high court.



Time Out
Feb 1, 2010
San Diego, California
Unless the Westboro Baptist Church hired him as one of their missionaries there should not even be a contest with the Church. Perhaps, hew should try sueing the State instead who hired him hmm..??

Also, of course if he took direct orders from God himself, it would be his nearest Church who is responsible, then he would be entitled to the money.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Phelps - that piece of human excrement and a few of his followers visited Ottawa a few years ago to protest Canada's laws allowing gay marriage. They gathered on Parliament Hill and decided a dramatic protest would be the burning of the Canadian flag, little realizing that Canadians are not quite as fanatically attached to their flag as Americans are. To their chagrin they couldn't get the flag to burn until an RCMP officer in full ceremonial red serge appeared and showed them how to set fire the flag safely. They departed soon after somewhat dismayed that their efforts had produced so slight a reaction.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Phelps - that piece of human excrement and a few of his followers visited Ottawa a few years ago to protest Canada's laws allowing gay marriage. They gathered on Parliament Hill and decided a dramatic protest would be the burning of the Canadian flag, little realizing that Canadians are not quite as fanatically attached to their flag as Americans are. To their chagrin they couldn't get the flag to burn until an RCMP officer in full ceremonial red serge appeared and showed them how to set fire the flag safely. They departed soon after somewhat dismayed that their efforts had produced so slight a reaction.

Now this I agree with completely............Phelps is garbage.............and yes I'm gonna say it...............these guys seriously need to get hurt the next time they disturb the grieving of decent people at a funeral.......and every time thereafter.

Some things should not be tolerated.....and sometimes people should take jail time as the price to be paid for NOT tolerating it.....


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Phelps - that piece of human excrement and a few of his followers visited Ottawa a few years ago to protest Canada's laws allowing gay marriage. They gathered on Parliament Hill and decided a dramatic protest would be the burning of the Canadian flag, little realizing that Canadians are not quite as fanatically attached to their flag as Americans are. To their chagrin they couldn't get the flag to burn until an RCMP officer in full ceremonial red serge appeared and showed them how to set fire the flag safely. They departed soon after somewhat dismayed that their efforts had produced so slight a reaction.

I heard Phelps supports Ben Dover


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Phelps - that piece of human excrement and a few of his followers visited Ottawa a few years ago to protest Canada's laws allowing gay marriage. They gathered on Parliament Hill and decided a dramatic protest would be the burning of the Canadian flag, little realizing that Canadians are not quite as fanatically attached to their flag as Americans are. To their chagrin they couldn't get the flag to burn until an RCMP officer in full ceremonial red serge appeared and showed them how to set fire the flag safely. They departed soon after somewhat dismayed that their efforts had produced so slight a reaction.

So are you saying the Phelps crowd went to Canada and nobody payed them any mind? But then Ann Coulter sent the Canadian nation in a tizzy?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
So are you saying the Phelps crowd went to Canada and nobody payed them any mind? But then Ann Coulter sent the Canadian nation in a tizzy?
Makes you wonder, eh! Just goes to show you that we are one big happy family here in the North American Asylum.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
So are you saying the Phelps crowd went to Canada and nobody payed them any mind? But then Ann Coulter sent the Canadian nation in a tizzy?

Exactly. The story wasn't even carried on page one and was included as the humorous section of the TV news. Phelps and his crew trailed back to the US with their tails between their legs. If you Google the incident it is almost impossible to find.


Jan 6, 2007
So are you saying the Phelps crowd went to Canada and nobody payed them any mind? But then Ann Coulter sent the Canadian nation in a tizzy?

No... not the nation... liberal university students do not equal 'the nation'. lol.