Why does the U.S. try to turn the Kingdom of Prussia into America?


Nominee Member
Sep 15, 2006
When the Prussians conquered every continental state
in Prussia in the 16th century and then was renamed America by the
United States, Prussia was one land, now divided as North America and
South America, we see an increase in American influence by the United
States, but the reality of Prussia is still alive, and remains with
our people and culture.

Now, as Prussia's culture is on the rise again as with our continent,
we find more of our heritage all around us, with our Picklehaubes in
the south and our Hussars in the north, the Kingdom of Prussia truly
is here to stay.

Now, as the new sovereign of Prussia, I King Fernidad encourage you
all to take pride in our land which has evolved for centuries and will
continue to evolve as a nation as a people and as our Kingdom.

The problem is the American influence on Prussia, which I feel is a
problem which all of us can fix if we would speak up for our continent
and let the word go around that as we do not attempt to rename Prussia
into America as we will not loose our nation to the U.S.

I have allready made note that it is a crime against Prussia to
attempt to override our civilization.

My question is that why does the U.S. try to change the Kingdom of Prussia into America? (the Americas)

Kind regards,
His Majesty the King of Prussia, Kaiser Fernidad III of Germany and
Great Pasha of the Ottoman Empire and Egypt


Nominee Member
Sep 15, 2006
So why do you spell it 'Fernidad'?

'Fernidad' was the name given to me from God when I was anoited at birth. 'Ken; was given to me by my family. I named my son Ferdinand on his birth, who is the Prince of Prussia.

My point is, they can't keep calling Prussia "America", as we has it first, and I mean in it's whole form, country by country in the 16th Century, now the U.S. is calling the continent North America and South America, when Prussia came before it.

We just want Prussia back and as King of Prussia, I am obligated to ask.

Kind regards,

King of Prussia, Kaiser Fernidad III of Germany and Great Pasha of the Ottoman Empire and Egypt

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Gawd, you're *serious* about this? You're the rightful King of Prussia and your domain is all of the western hemisphere? The original Kingdom of Prussia was created at the beginning of the 18th century, hard to see how it could have conquered anything in the 16th, and ceased to exist early in the 20th, initially as a casualty of the First World War. I'm prepared to accept that you might be a Hohenzollern descendant, but that monarchy was effectively extinguished by abdication and conquest in 1918. Not much to be gained by being the Great Pasha of the Ottoman Empire either, it too was destroyed by the First World War. Might as well claim to be King of Assyria for all the difference it makes now. History and reality have passed you by.


Nominee Member
Sep 15, 2006
Gawd, you're *serious* about this? You're the rightful King of Prussia and your domain is all of the western hemisphere? The original Kingdom of Prussia was created at the beginning of the 18th century, hard to see how it could have conquered anything in the 16th, and ceased to exist early in the 20th, initially as a casualty of the First World War. I'm prepared to accept that you might be a Hohenzollern descendant, but that monarchy was effectively extinguished by abdication and conquest in 1918. Not much to be gained by being the Great Pasha of the Ottoman Empire either, it too was destroyed by the First World War. Might as well claim to be King of Assyria for all the difference it makes now. History and reality have passed you by.

Yes. I understand your grief. But myself and the Prussian Royal Family have allready expressed the point of over 65 Million important deaths to persuade our seriousness concerning Prussia in the western hemisphere.

King of Prussia, Kaiser Fernidad III of Germany and Great Pasha of the Ottoman Empire and Egypt


Nominee Member
Sep 15, 2006
So, we ask politely to the U.S. to refrain from using the term America when acknowledging Prussia as a nation in these lands.

ps. this is my job, I do this as an occupation. Your cooperation is greatly appreaciated. :)

King of Prussia, Kaiser Fernidad III of Germany and Great Pasha of the Ottoman Empire and Egypt.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Yes. I understand your grief.
I'm not grieving, they were oppressive and belligerent despotisms that deserved to be taken down.

Your claims are so absurd it's hard to credit them as serious, yet your footprints, or the prints of somebody making the same claims you do under different user names, can be found in many places around the Web going back several years. If it's a hoax it's a very detailed, elaborate, and persistent one, and if it's not, it's a very detailed, elaborate, and persistent delusion.


Nominee Member
Sep 15, 2006
Truth hurts I guess. I dunno, can't help you then.

King of Prussia, Kaiser Fernidad III of Germany and Great Pasha of the Ottoman Empire and Egypt


Nominee Member
Sep 15, 2006
I'm not grieving, they were oppressive and belligerent despotisms that deserved to be taken down.

Your claims are so absurd it's hard to credit them as serious, yet your footprints, or the prints of somebody making the same claims you do under different user names, can be found in many places around the Web going back several years. If it's a hoax it's a very detailed, elaborate, and persistent one, and if it's not, it's a very detailed, elaborate, and persistent delusion.

If you think i'm going to start arguing the sovereignty of Prussia to a forum, your crazy. It's worth more then your families lineage in it's entirety to adam and eve.

King of Prussia, Kaiser Fernidad III of Germany and Great Pasha of the Ottoman Empire and Egypt

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Your Majesty Ken Winnipeg10 Fernidad of many places, do you have a
beef with every country in the Western Hemisphere, or just the U.S. of A
when it calls itself America? :-?

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Truth hurts I guess. I dunno, can't help you then.
Delusions hurt too, usually more than the truth. The truth doesn't hurt unless it ought to, because it does so only when it's relieving you of erroneous thinking. I thought you were asking *us* to help *you*. Speaking for myself, the answer's no.


Nominee Member
Sep 15, 2006
Your Majesty Ken Winnipeg10 Fernidad of many places, do you have a
beef with every country in the Western Hemisphere, or just the U.S. of A
when it calls itself America? :-?

Nope just the U.S. for starting North America and South America as I will show you the pictures of the Prussian Pickelhaubes located in every country in South America, and of course we are aware of the Prussian Hussars in Canada. (King's Own Hussars of the British Commonwealth)


King of Prussia, Kaiser Fernidad III of Germany and Great Pasha of the Ottoman Empire and Egypt