Problematic problems are problematic


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
No, this isn't satire gentle readers. Just par for the ever-loving triggered course these problematic days.

The University of New Hampshire has a "Bias-Free Language Guide" on its website, which "is meant to invite inclusive excellence in [the] campus community."

The guide defines words such as “homosexual” as “problematic,” offering “Same Gender Loving” as a more inclusive substitute.

The guide clarifies that saying “illegal alien” is also problematic. While “undocumented immigrant” is acceptable, the guide recommends saying “person seeking asylum,” or “refugee,” instead. Even saying “foreigners” is problematic; the preferred term is “international people.”

Using the word “Caucasian” is considered problematic as well, and should be discontinued in favor of “European-American individuals.” The guide also states that the notion of race is “a social construct...that was designed to maintain slavery.”

The guide also discourages the use of “mothering” or “fathering,” so as to “avoid gendering a non-gendered activity.”

Even saying the word “healthy” is problematic, the university says. The “preferred term for people without disabilities,” the university says, is "non-disabled." Similarly, saying “handicapped” or “physically-challenged” is also problematic. Instead, the university wants people to use the more inclusive “wheelchair user,” or “person who is wheelchair mobile.”

Using the words “rich” or “poor” is also frowned upon. Instead of saying “rich,” the university encourages people to say “person of material wealth.” Rather than saying a person is “poor,” the university encourages its members to substitute “person who lacks advantages that others have” or “low economic status related to a person’s education, occupation and income.”

feel comfortable and welcomed here:

Bias-Free Language Guide claims the word 'American' is 'problematic'