Defining Cuckservatism


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
The corrupting politicians business is non-existent tonight, and the salt mines related grapevine isn’t in any mood to start buzzing, so I figured I’d retreat to some shade and think over a thing or three.

This new NRx term “cuckservatism” has really taken off in the last day. I started using it here last Sunday and used it again the next day. I like the word, that’s why I’m using it. But I’m amazed that it’s becoming such a phenomenon. It just might be the NRx’s killer app.

So before it gets out of hand, and gets overused and worn out, I think NRx needs to come up with a solid definition for it.
Let me give it a try.

Cuckservatism, a portmanteau of cuckold and conservatism, is the propensity of the American and other white countries’ center-right political spaces to engage in pathological altruism, racial pandering and racial denial, and also its frequent habit of failing to deliver on its own apparent promises on non-racial matters, due to the center-right political universe being dominated by universalism-individualism-libertarianism instead of tribalism-nationalism, and due to its adherents seeking either favor with liberal-dominated institutions and/or corporatist business interests.

Now for a few observations.

The term is going to help our movement in the long run, because it is a convenient handy pejorative that otherizes the center-right in our minds, which will create enough mental space in our minds and everyone else’s minds between nationalists and the center-right. It will give us a one-word mental focus to separate nationalist political causes and ambitions from the American center-right universe, which many reading these words will agree needed to be done a long time ago.

In the short term, cuckservatives are going to be thrilled that we’re insulting them by calling them cuckservatives. “Finally, the white supremacists are insulting us. Maybe now this will mean that liberals will quit calling us racist! Hip hip hooray! Let’s masturbate!”

les examples:

more words less memes:

What is a Cuckservative? | American Renaissance