$29,000 Salary Goes Really Long Way For Chicago Democrat


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
This is an update from the Chicago Mugs, Thugs and Slugs file about the dirty politicians of The Windy City, home of community organizer Barack Obama, convicted felon governor Bloggo and numerous other Democratic hustlers and phonies living off the avails of crooked politics while their poor constituents suffer in poverty if they are lucky and get shot to death if they are unlucky.



Jesse Jackson, Jr was indicted this week for allegedly (yeah, right) using $750,000 of campaign funds to buy boatloads of bling for him and his wife. AWD must say he is shocked! This is unbelievable! The son of Reverend (of what church) Jesse Jackson only managed to steal $750,000? What a piker! He’s going to get cut out of the Chicago Corruptocrat Club!
So what did Junior buy with all that cash? He bought him several fly hoopties including BMW’s including top of the line 8-series for him and wife. Junior’s vanity plate said “REPZENTIN.” Of course it did. His actions do a fine job “REPZENTIN” the Congressional Black Caucus, Democrat Party, and his corrupt district in Barackistan.
But Junior didn’t stop with the hoopties. He also had to have him a gold Rolex when he was stylin’ and profilin’ on the House floor voting to take more money from the evil rich. He also bought several items of Michael Jordan memorabilia. No word if any of the items were worn Hanes underwear. Jackson even bought a fedora worn by Michael Jackson. It is rumored Jackson also used campaign funds to purchase Michael Jackson’s nose.
It is racism to accuse Jesse Jackson, Jr of misuse of campaign funds. He was only acting as curator for the Barackistan African American Museum of Stupid Sh*t.
Jackson also owned three homes and had mutual funds valuing $700,000. Also, he and his wife had credit card expenses over $500,000 for personal purchases. I guess those were outside of the African American Museum of Stupid Sh*t. Jackson, Jr lives pretty well for someone who listed his annual salary at $29,000.
Junior also made gobs of cash in his PAC whose major donors were labor teacher and labor unions, trial lawyers, and a whole bunch of big-name companies that have been shaken down by his old man for generations. The motto of the PAC was “Give me money or I will call you a racist!”
Jesse Jackson, Sr defended his son when asked by reporters about Junior’s misuse of campaign funds. Jackson said:
“He is, uhhhhh, a good boy. He couldn’t have, uhhhhhh, done all that. This, uhhhhh, is nothing but the white man holding back, uhhhhh, a young, poor black man.”
Not to worry. Junior is sure to be pardoned by Barack Hussein Obama. If not, he’s a shoo-in to be reelected to office by his constituents. Since most of them will be his fellow cellmates, he will have time to campaign. It is scientific fact that the only way Jackson, Jr cannot be reelected in his ChicagoBarackistan district is if he changes his political affiliation to Republican.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Original at: Angry White Dude

Nice comments in that internet sewer:
mrchuck: he’s a nigga,,,,monkey see,,,,monkey do,,,,,WHAT ELSE DID YOU EXPECT!!!!!!!


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
Original at: Angry White Dude

Nice comments in that internet sewer:
mrchuck: he’s a nigga,,,,monkey see,,,,monkey do,,,,,WHAT ELSE DID YOU EXPECT!!!!!!!

- Predictably, you can't argue with the facts of this case so because it involves a Democrat you try to explain it away by playing the race card and shooting the messenger.

- I am not a fan of that website which is why I, unlike you, chose to not publicize it.

- However, the blogger - and the police - have the correct information concerning the corrupt, crooked, exploitative, race baiting, reptillian son of the corrupt, crooked, explotative, race baiting, reptillian father.

- You will note that I referred to convicted felon governor Bloggo in my introduction and you may even be bright enough to remember that Bloggo is white.

- Chicago politics has long been a Democratic cesspool and there are plenty of examples of crooked politicians both black and white in the most politically corrupt, crooked, violent and disfunctional city in America with the possible exceptions of New Orleans and Detroit.

- You can try to turn it into a race thing all you like but it is actually a political culture thing and instead of trying to shoot the messenger as you are wont to do, you as a lefty stooge should be deeply ashamed and should at least have the wisdom to remain silent if you cannot make sensible suggestions to ameliorate the situation.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
No offense Ton, but that rebuttal was lame.

Right on par with the Jew haters even.

It's not a rebuttal Bear...what is there to even rebut? I don't really care about Jesse Jackson Jr. If he broke the law he should go to jail. I don't really find it all that interesting.

I do sometimes find it interesting to see what sort of sites people are sharing their surfing from. Teddy often doesn't post links directly to where he finds it. I often wonder what kind of aggregator sites he visits to end up at sites like the one I just linked to.

How exactly is this on par with Jew Haters? I shared one comment from the blog. I've seen plenty of non-Jew Haters do exactly that on this site.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It's not a rebuttal Bear...
I was being generous, I like you.

I do sometimes find it interesting to see what sort of sites people are sharing their surfing from. Teddy often doesn't post links directly to where he finds it. I often wonder what kind of aggregator sites he visits to end up at sites like the one I just linked to.
Fair enough.

How exactly is this on par with Jew Haters?
They employ the exact same tactic to dismiss the content of the information provided.

They really don't like the stuff that pokes them and the silly hate in the eye.

Just saying dude, it shocked me is all. But I get where you were coming from.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Oh like I said, I'm not trying to dismiss the content. There's the usual liberal smattering of editorializing the story, but in the end it's just another story about whether or not a politician is using campaign funds for purposes other than that they are raised for.

Teddy has a habit of not posting links, so I'm always curious how much belongs to him and how much belongs to someone else. You get a glimpse of people's persona when you examine the blogs they visit, the news they read, the topics they post, etc. Some people might call it profiling. Teddy doesn't post much except political crap. Some of the cookie crumbs lead back to some obscure blogs. Like this one. A blog called Angry White Dude...not shocked actually to find a comment like the one I pasted.


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
Oh like I said, I'm not trying to dismiss the content. There's the usual liberal smattering of editorializing the story, but in the end it's just another story about whether or not a politician is using campaign funds for purposes other than that they are raised for.

Teddy has a habit of not posting links, so I'm always curious how much belongs to him and how much belongs to someone else. You get a glimpse of people's persona when you examine the blogs they visit, the news they read, the topics they post, etc. Some people might call it profiling. Teddy doesn't post much except political crap. Some of the cookie crumbs lead back to some obscure blogs. Like this one. A blog called Angry White Dude...not shocked actually to find a comment like the one I pasted.

- Ton ... I realize that life moves slowly in Charlottetown so you have a lot deal of time on your hands. And it is your right to choose to follow me around the board and to spend much of your time trying to find examples of my posts that are copied from others and not attributed to these other bloggers/posters/journalists and to also spend much of your time nitpicking my every post and doing your best to discredit and discourage me from posting so that the lefty circle jerk you promote can continue uninterrupted and eveyone can go back to sleep.

- But the reality is - no matter how much you wish it were otherwise - that most of my posts here are orignal writing of my own and that almost all the time when I copy the writing of someone else I give proper attribution. I did not do so on two occasions and you in your zealous stalking mission caught me on both. What a splendid achievement on your part, especially in your promoting of the angry white dude website!

- Now here's a thought ... instead of wasting so much time following me around and trying to nail me for plagiarism (sic), why don't you take that time and actually try to write an original and thoughtful column of your own? Surely, this would be a better use of your time and would put paid to anyone's suspicions that you are being such a nuisance because you are envious of others' writing talents and because you want this board to continue to tilt so far to the left that it will fall into the Atlantic Ocean.

- Hey, here is another directly related piece from the Chicago Mugs, Thugs and Slugs file. It is submitted in the preferred form, gives proper attribution (it is an excerpt from a book on Chicago political corruption recently written by Michelle Malkin), and it is relevant because it concerns "Who Failed Chicago?".

- Surprising as it may be to the lefties here. the answer is that it is not Bush who failed Chicago but rather it is Obama and a gang of Democratic politicians both black and white during the past few decades.

- Just for Ton's edification, Michelle Malkin is not an angry white dude, she is an angry and attractive Asian American woman and she is an excellent political commentator who has extensively reserached the issue of political corruption in Chicago.

Who failed Chicago? | Columnists | Opinion | Toronto Sun


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
- Ton ... I realize that life moves slowly in Charlottetown so you have a lot deal of time on your hands. And it is your right to choose to follow me around the board and to spend much of your time trying to find examples of my posts that are copied from others and not attributed to these other bloggers/posters/journalists and to also spend much of your time nitpicking my every post and doing your best to discredit and discourage me from posting so that the lefty circle jerk you promote can continue uninterrupted and eveyone can go back to sleep.
Teddy, posting other peoples work, without accreditation, is plagiarism, period.


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
Teddy, posting other peoples work, without accreditation, is plagiarism, period.

- CB ... Yes it is and out of all the threads I have iniatiated here I have done it twice, once because I was pressed for time and the one in this thread because I did not want to draw attention to a blog that I rarely visit and do not endorse

- So I do apologize and hasten to add that whatever you paid to read this thread of mine will be speedily refunded by the management.

- Its a good thing that nobody else here plagiarizes and thereby lowers the invariably high standards of this joint.

- Mea Culpa, Mea Maximum Culpa!.

- I'll voluntarily give myself a 30 day suspension of posting priveleges as punishment (and maybe longer) starting right now.

- Is eveybody happy now?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
- CB ... Yes it is and out of all the threads I have iniatiated here I have done it twice, once because I was pressed for time and the one in this thread because I did not want to draw attention to a blog that I rarely visit and do not endorse

- So I do apologize and hasten to add that whatever you paid to read this thread of mine will be speedily refunded by the management.

- Its a good thing that nobody else here plagiarizes and thereby lowers the invariably high standards of this joint.

- Mea Culpa, Mea Maximum Culpa!.

- I'll voluntarily give myself a 30 day suspension of posting priveleges as punishment (and maybe longer) starting right now.

- Is eveybody happy now?

The problem teddy is that plagiarism is much like lying. There are two that you have admitted to after being caught out. How many didn't get caught? Half of your posts? All of them? Since you have been caught lying twice why should we start to believe you now?

Some of us are probably fortunate in the fact that we do not have the necessary computer skills do get into this kind of trouble.


Council Member
Jan 28, 2010
Three questions. 1. Why is a Felony being "Plea Bargained?" 2. He better keep quiet. His dad (the King on myths) is coming to help quietly. Who's paying dads bills? 3. I'll bet this crime and the conviction will result in no true jail time Why? Oh, this is Chicago! Right!


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Actually think if it proves out then yes, the guy deserves jail.

That said, Teddy, if you could stop with the BS attacks and childish name calling of the subjects of your topics you put up, it might go a long way to people actually considering what you're saying might be worthwhile to read.

We get it, we know; you're a conservative and hate liberals and a whole bunch of other stuff. Seriously dude, stop with the extra crap you tack on your posts. Point the story out, give your opinion without the Teddy Glamor on it, and we'll discuss.

Why is that so hard to do?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
- CB ... Yes it is and out of all the threads I have iniatiated here I have done it twice, once because I was pressed for time and the one in this thread because I did not want to draw attention to a blog that I rarely visit and do not endorse

Oh for crying out loud, you post text from another site, you right click the URL and copy and paste that along with it. How hard or time consuming can it possibly be? Would save all this B.S. inane back and forth. As far as posting material from a questionable source, either be up front about it or don't do it. Again, pretty simple.

So I do apologize and hasten to add that whatever you paid to read this thread of mine will be speedily refunded by the management.

- Its a good thing that nobody else here plagiarizes and thereby lowers the invariably high standards of this joint.
So in one breath you're speaking on behalf of 'the management' and in the next you are impugning the standards of every single solitary person who participates here as a member. Take a giant step back and have a good long look at why so many people have an issue with you.

Mea Culpa, Mea Maximum Culpa!.

- I'll voluntarily give myself a 30 day suspension of posting priveleges as punishment (and maybe longer) starting right now.

- Is eveybody happy now?
Yes being a self described martyr is so much better than just being honest and forthcoming in the first place. Clearly that's what everybody wants.

Stop being such a flipping drama queen!

Time after time people have tried to tell you just what it is that bothers them about your behaviour. Not your politics but your behaviour. They do so humourously, they do so by throwing the childish retorts that you post back at you. But nothing seems to work. And this would be why people get so frustrated with you.

Why is it so difficult to comprehend that?

Oh and by the way, Jesse Jackson Jr should pay dearly for his crimes, in my opinion. As should all politicians that use and abuse the trust and money of the public in any way, on both sides of the border. Politicians are but varying shades of crooked as far as I'm concerned.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
- Now here's a thought ... instead of wasting so much time following me around and trying to nail me for plagiarism (sic), why don't you take that time and actually try to write an original and thoughtful column of your own?

It takes less than five seconds to highlight a portion of text and throw it into a search bar. Likewise for properly attributing someone else's work with a hyperlink. If you think a few seconds is too much time, then I have a time saving tip for you. Don't waste your precious time with useless hyphenation at the beginning of each paragraph. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Oh for crying out loud, you post text from another site, you right click the URL and copy and paste that along with it. How hard or time consuming can it possibly be? Would save all this B.S. inane back and forth. As far as posting material from a questionable source, either be up front about it or don't do it. Again, pretty simple.

I did not know that .Thanks. That would be my computer class for today.