The Ten Things You Should Know About Romney's Taxes


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012

The Ten Things You Should Know About Romney's Taxes

Today GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney released his 2011 tax return--The Gov. And Mrs. Romney have released enough financial data to keep accountants busy till after the election--a complete 2011 tax return as well as their already completed 2010 tax return. On top of all that, Gov. Romney has released nine financial disclosures since 2002, which are also posted on his site. There are 3 federal Public Financial Disclosures (from 2007, 2011, and 2012), and 6 Massachusetts Statements of Financial Interests (from 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007). He also posted is a letter from the Romneys' tax preparer, PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, which gives an overview of the Romneys' tax returns covering an additional 20 years, from 1990-2009.

Oh and he also released a statement from his doctor saying he's healthy enough to be president.

Lets face it folks, the guy has now released everything except a HS diploma, kindergarten report card, and the results of the driver's test he took when he was 17, and a Bar Mitzvah certificate. The campaign tells me there is no way he is going to release a Bar Mitzvah certificate-turns out Romney is not Jewish (who knew?)

My wife the CPA is too busy to give me an executive report of what the Governor has released, but I have been able to Tweak out some very key points from the release.

1/ Romney gave tons of money to Uncle Sam in taxes and gave even more to charity: In 2011 The Romneys paid $1,935,708 in taxes on $13,696,951 in mostly investment income. They donated $4,020,722 charity; but only took a charitable deduction of $2,250,772. Liberals will say "big deal" his Church requires charity. True, the Mormon Church requires a 10% charitable tithe. Romney gave 29.4% of his income to charity. Or to look at another way he gave more than double the amount to charity than taxes. ................................................................................

2/ Harry Reid is a liar! Remember that interview with the Huffington Post interview where Reid cited an anonymous Bain investor to report that Mitt Romney hadn't paid any taxes for the past ten years? According to the notarized letter provided by PriceWaterhouseCoopers, LLP. Not once in the past 20 years did the Romney not pay both state and federal taxes. ! Reid owes Romney an apology. It will never happen though. .......................................................................................

3/ Romney's Tax Rate for the past 20 years is about the same as what Obama paid last year. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP--over the 20 year period Mitt Romney averaged annual effective federal tax rate was 20.20%, about the same as Obama's was last year (20.5%). ................................................................................

4/ When you compare Romney's tax rate to Harry Reid's, the man whose made the ridiculous tax charges against Romney---oh wait we cant make that comparison Reid hasn't released HIS returns for the past three years. ...................................................................

5/ Joe Biden is a CHEAP Bastard! While Romney gave almost 30% of his income to charity and Obama gave a respectable 22%, the SCHMOTUS, Joe Biden gave only 1.45% of his income to charity (a total of $5,500). And that's an improvement! In the ten years before he was elected VP, Biden averaged only $369/year of charitable giving. I thought "regular Joe" cared about the poor and the sick. If he cared so much he would give a lot more. Note to Paul Ryan your 4% should be higher. ................... .......................................................

6/ The Romneys have no say on how their money is invested. Their assets are in a blind trust. All assets are under the control and management of an independent trustee. I also have no say on how my money is invested. There is no blind trust but my wife tells me that information is available on a "need to know basis" and I don't need to know (she is probably right!) .....................................................................................

7/ When when you compare Romney's tax rate to that of Nancy Pelosi. Oh wait we can't do that either. . Pelosi hasn't released her returns. ....................................................................... ..................

8/ Romney filed his tax returns about a month before me. People with a lot of investment income tend to file later. Investors have to wait for every tax return from each of the investments so they can figure out their totals. If you invest in funds, it takes doubly long as the funds have wait for the returns from their investments to figure out their returns. Oh keep in mind, the extension is only for the piece of paper, Romney as well as everyone who gets extensions had to send the IRS its money by 4/15, and if the amount paid was too little there is the matter of interest and penalties. The latest one can file a return is October 15th which is when my return is usually filed--not because I have a lot of investment income but because my Wife's a CPA and my return is the last one she does. ...................................................................

9/ Did Romney evade taxes through "offshore accounts?" The "blind trust" that manages all of Romney's investments did put money in funds established in the Cayman Islands and other jurisdictions--but there were no "offshore accounts." . Those investments in funds organized outside of the US were taxed in the very same way they would be if the shares were held in the US. Each of the funds were registered with the IRS and report all income to investors and the IRS, just like domestic funds. ..........................................

10/ When you compare the Romneys' tax returns to that of Democratic Party Chairman, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Oh wait we cant do that. Not only has Ms. Schultz forgotten to release her tax return, but she couldn't spell tax even if someone spotted her the "t" and the "a."

Now that Romney and Ryan have made extensive financial disclosures we will have a few days of the Democrats trying to poke holes in their returns...all because they are afraid of running on the Obama record

From: "The Lid": The Ten Things You Should Know About Romney's Taxes
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Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
A couple of protips man.

Try not to copy and paste entire web pages, blog entries or media articles. A couple of lines or a few paragraphs, will do. I try and keep my own anti-barry spam down to a dull roar where possible.

But always include the source of your post unless you want to become known a plagiarist. Like ewww man. I know the date of that blog article was included at the top but still...better safe than a hoser.

I'm sure it's not your intent, but, as they say...

Thou shalt not paste copy and perhaps have it slyly interpreted as one's own.

Because in this place, the EYES seem to always be watching what us wankers write eh.



Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
The Lid?

I see problems of credibility.......

1st paragraph; where's the link to ; There are 3 federal Public Financial Disclosures (from 2007, 2011, and 2012), and 6 Massachusetts Statements of Financial Interests (from 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007).

Relevance to the tax debate? - Oh and he also released a statement from his doctor saying he's healthy enough to be president.

1/ Charity to the Mormon Church are for self gain, not charity to help a particularly venerable aspect of society

2/ Prove Reid Lies? Show us your tax files. Reid being a senior in the Mormon Church like Mittens may have seen some tithing records that show how much Mittens made and paid in taxes.

3/ Link for proof

4/ Reid is not running for President

5/ No one asked Mitt or anyone else to donate to any Charity

6/ Since when is it in a blind trust?

7/ Pelosi isn't running for Prez either

8/ No one's questioning the timing of his return from a legal perspective but from a moral one

9/ Ummmm......the Cayman Islands don't count as 'offshore accounts'?

10/ . Debbie Wasserman Schultz is not running for Prez either........

Speaking of Blind Trusts.............

Romney: "The Blind Trust is an Age Old Ruse" - YouTube


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
- Locutus ... Point taken. I was hungover and in a hurry when I posted that blog entry from The Lid by Jeff Dunetz and should have identified it as such. As to any suggestion that I might be plaigerizing and passing material off as my own, my writing style is fairly unique and nobody including you should have any difficulty detecting when a piece is one of my efforts.

- Now do you perchance have anything relevant and useful to say about the bloody content of the Dunetz blog or do you get off merely being an annoying pedant and nitpicker?

- Tay ... For YOU of all people to question someone else's credibility is beyond hilarious. You're so far in the tank or the trough (and presumably on the take) for Obama and the loony left that nothing you say can be taken seriously by anyone to the right of Karl Marx and Che Guevera.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
- Locutus ... Point taken. I was hungover and in a hurry when I posted that blog entry from The Lid by Jeff Dunetz and should have identified it as such.

Blunders, typos and mistakes happen. No harm or foul.

As to any suggestion that I might be plaigerizing and passing material off as my own, my writing style is fairly unique and nobody including you should have any difficulty detecting when a piece is one of my efforts.

If I were to actually 'suggest' anything to you, it would along the lines of "Hey Ted, what's with the plagiarism chum"? "What the hell bro, you too weak to come up with a thought of your own"? You know, something like that. Maybe a bad word in the mix for a dash of fun. Then I'd delete the post.



But always include the source of your post
I'm sure it's not your intent...
Thou shalt not paste copy and perhaps...

[...] for your ummm, unique 'je ne c'est quoi' is concerned:

I don't think I've paid very much attention to your 'writing style'. Whatever that may be. I wasn't aware or informed that you had a style
, flourish or flavor let alone the possibility that you are or were a writer of any renown. The best I can glean during my swift-as-lightning Moderific swings through threads is that most of your posts are long-winded, uncolorful and smell a little like bologna.

- Now do you perchance have anything relevant and useful to say about the bloody content of the Dunetz blog or do you get off merely being an annoying pedant and nitpicker?

Your fly is open.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Before we get too concerned about Romney's taxes I think we should figure out if he's fit to run a country!

And if he is maybe he should start out with a small one like Litchestein!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Before we get too concerned about Romney's taxes I think we should figure out if he's fit to run a country!

And if he is maybe he should start out with a small one like Litchestein!

If your priority is to destroy businesses and ship manufacturing jobs overseas Romney is your man.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Before we get too concerned about Romney's taxes I think we should figure out if he's fit to run a country!

And if he is maybe he should start out with a small one like Litchestein!

I would expect he's just as fit as any other candidate in the last few decades. He makes as much sense as most of them have since Kennedy.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I would expect he's just as fit as any other candidate in the last few decades. He makes as much sense as most of them have since Kennedy.

People with the same opinion will probably vote for him. :smile: Walter will like you!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
You can't tell me that Obama makes more sense and is more consistent than Romney.

Read the posts about the piss-Christ, and tell me how Obama makes sense and is consistent. 'Don't do anythign to upset muslims in some other country, that's wrong, but it's your right to offend Chrisitians here at home, and we'll support you'.

Coherent? Fit for President? President of somewhere else, yes, obviously.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You can't tell me that Obama makes more sense and is more consistent than Romney.

Read the posts about the piss-Christ, and tell me how Obama makes sense and is consistent. 'Don't do anythign to upset muslims in some other country, that's wrong, but it's your right to offend Chrisitians here at home, and we'll support you'.

Coherent? Fit for President? President of somewhere else, yes, obviously.

It's hard to tell performance when idling in neutral. What's he like when you put him in gear?


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
He's likely doing better since Obama got in. Too politically damaging to show his pre-Obama income.


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
Before we get too concerned about Romney's taxes I think we should figure out if he's fit to run a country!

And if he is maybe he should start out with a small one like Litchestein!

- JLM ... It was the lying weasels like Reid and Wasserman-Schultz who made Romney's taxes an issue and lied through their teeth about his taxes all the while concealing their own tax returns. Neither I nor anyone else with an IQ above room temperature was ever concerned about Romney's taxes nor believed Reid's irresponsible slander that he hadn't paid any taxes for ten years.

- Is he fit to run a country? Well, lets see ... he brilliantly ran an exceptionally successful venture capital firm for several years; he rescued and ran a winter olympics that had been mired in corruption, scandal and insolvency and was on the verge of cancellation before Mitt came to the rescue and, he successfully ran the 13th biggest state of the union as a popular Republic governor in the most liberal state in the nation. Now tell me - and take all the time you need here - what did management-trainee-in-chief Barry Obama ever run except his mouth? Gee, what a hard decision it is to choose between a brilliant execuive and a glib BS artiste to run the executive branch of the US government and it is especially difficult given Obama's total failure in his first term which rather confirms that, as Joe Biden put it in 2008, there is no management trainee program in The Oval Office.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
- JLM ... It was the lying weasels like Reid and Wasserman-Schultz who made Romney's taxes an issue and lied through their teeth about his taxes all the while concealing their own tax returns. Neither I nor anyone else with an IQ above room temperature was ever concerned about Romney's taxes nor believed Reid's irresponsible slander that he hadn't paid any taxes for ten years.

- Is he fit to run a country? Well, lets see ... he brilliantly ran an exceptionally successful venture capital firm for several years; he rescued and ran a winter olympics that had been mired in corruption, scandal and insolvency and was on the verge of cancellation before Mitt came to the rescue and, he successfully ran the 13th biggest state of the union as a popular Republic governor in the most liberal state in the nation. Now tell me - and take all the time you need here - what did management-trainee-in-chief Barry Obama ever run except his mouth? Gee, what a hard decision it is to choose between a brilliant execuive and a glib BS artiste to run the executive branch of the US government and it is especially difficult given Obama's total failure in his first term which rather confirms that, as Joe Biden put it in 2008, there is no management trainee program in The Oval Office.

You make good points! We'll see in 6 weeks!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
- Gee, what a hard decision it is to choose between a brilliant execuive and a glib BS artiste to run the executive branch of the US government

It IS a hard choice, because anyone who was an executive in the financial sector is automatically part of the corrupt system that destroyed the US economy.


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012

I don't think I've paid very much attention to your 'writing style'. Whatever that may be. I wasn't aware or informed that you had a style, flourish or flavor let alone the possibility that you are or were a writer of any renown. The best I can glean during my swift-as-lightning Moderific swings through threads is that most of your posts are long-winded, uncolorful and smell a little like bologna.

- Locutus ... Thanks for your typically fair and balanced critique of my writing style. I promise to critique your writing style if you ever actually write anything that might be original and/or interesting and/or useful. Since I only read for profit or amusement, I have avoided your posts but will try to pay closer attention in the future.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney 2012: advantage slips to Obama | The Clarion-Ledger |

I'm not sure in which country Teddy resides, but I'm thinking he may be Republican.

- JLM ... I am proudly Canadian and tend to be a Red Tory who is conservative on economic and fiscal issues and moderate on social issues. My strong preference for Romney in the US election is not primarily an ideological thing but rather is based on my belief that he is a far more qualified and proven leader to run the executive branch of the US government, that Obama has been an unmitigated failure and disaster on everything he has tackled as POTUS, and that Romney would be a beneficial choice not only for the US but for Canada and the West.

BTW ... I notice this morning that the 7 day Gallup tracking poll of over 3000 registered voters has the race dead even and the 3 day Rassmussen tracking poll of 1500 likely voters also has the race dead even. So I wouldn't be breaking out the celebratory champagne just yet in either the Democratic or the Republic camp.

But this time the debates may prove to be critical as they were in the 1960, 1976 and 1980 elections and Romney will do very well indeed in those debates even if Obama doesn't say anything ridiculous such as he did on Letterman earlier this week when he actually said that he didn't know what the national debt was when he took office.

In any case, it is getting interesting south of the border.