Creating a sociopathic nation


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
Is it any wonder that America is so ****ed up.

Daily Kos: The Rise of the Sociopathic Right

No one realized that we were slowly creating a nation of near sociopaths. Or that those with the strongest sociopathic tendencies would be the most likely to rise up in the new corporate system. But that is exactly what we are becoming. A sociopathic nation.

To be sure, much of the financial support of the libertarian astroturf movement comes from men who are only concerned with their profit. Are the Koch brothers ideological sociopaths or are they just plain old sociopaths motivated by greed. Who knows? But within that movement are true believers - people who have convinced themselves, or allowed themselves to be convinced, that caring about, feeling sympathy for, or concerning oneself in any way with their fellow man is not only unnecessary, but actually a bad thing. An almost religion based on live and let die.

The result of this new religion, the worship of greed and selfishness, is the imminent breakdown of American society. We are watching unravel every day. As it must. A society based on the social code of every-man-for-himself cannot survive. Nor would we want it to.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
Daily Kos: Hero or Monster: Ayn Rand and William Hickman

When you look at the background of some of the most influencial people behind modern conservatism it makes you wonder how such scummy losers could have such an impact on the world.

Daily Kos: Hero or Monster: Ayn Rand and William Hickman

So I was listening to the Thom Hartmann Show this morning in which he did a horrific segment on William Hickman, a cold blooded child murderer, whom Ayn Rand idolized. In her journal circa 1928, Ayn Rand quoted the statement, "What is good for me is right," a credo attributed to a prominent murderer, William Edward Hickman. "The best and strongest expression of a real man's psychology I have heard," she wrote.

So the modern ideology of neo-conservatism is based on the mentality of serial killers, is it any wonder that things are so messed up in America and the world in general.

If you watch the video clip with Mike Wallace you can see the heart of the woman and the movement she has influenced so heavily.

according to Rand only a very few of us are worthy of "love" apparently those who are as selfish and self-focused as she is...and sociopathic like the serial killer she idolized.

Kind of puts obscene BS like this in perspective.

So while Paul Ryan's bold economic plan is to literally take food from the mouths of babes (cutting food stamps) and put it into the hands of our aristocratic royalists, you now may have some understanding of the how starving America's children and euthanizing our elderly fits right into a philosophy that considers most of us worthless, unworthy of love--we are all (except the chosen elite) mere "lice."

You've got to think that if the neo-cons take their "philosophy", it's really a lack of morality than anything, to it's logical conclusion, then the the vast majority of us will effectively be their slaves...if we're not already.

Mark Ames: Paul Ryan

One reason why most countries don’t find the time to embrace her thinking is that Ayn Rand is a textbook sociopath. Literally a sociopath: Ayn Rand, in her notebooks, worshiped a notorious serial murderer-dismemberer, and used this killer as an early model for the type of “ideal man” that Rand promoted in her more famous books — ideas which were later picked up on and put into play by major right-wing figures of the past half decade, including the key architects of America’s most recent economic catastrophe — former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan and SEC Commissioner Chris Cox — along with other notable right-wing Republicans such as Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Rush Limbaugh, Rep. Paul Ryan, and South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford.
Read more at Mark Ames: Paul Ryan

Wow,would you look at that, some of America's biggest losers of the last half decade have had their lips with a vacuum lock on this sociopaths asshole, explains so much about what's been happening in the nation.

The Tea Party is in there too.

The loudest of all the Republicans, right-wing attack-dog pundits and the Teabagger mobs fighting to kill health care reform and eviscerate “entitlement programs” increasingly hold up Ayn Rand as their guru. Sales of her books have soared in the past couple of years; one poll ranked “Atlas Shrugged” as the second most influential book of the 20th century, after The Bible.
Read more at Mark Ames: Paul Ryan

How truly diseased a mind do have to have to think of a serial killer as a superman:

William Edward Hickman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1928, the writer Ayn Rand began planning a novel called The Little Street, whose hero, Danny Renahan, was to be based on "what Hickman suggested to [her]." The novel was never finished, but Rand wrote notes for it which were published after her death in the book Journals of Ayn Rand. Rand wanted the hero of her novel to be "A Hickman with a purpose. And without the degeneracy. It is more exact to say that the model is not Hickman, but what Hickman suggested to me."[3] Rand scholars Chris Matthew Sciabarra and Jennifer Burns both interpret Rand's interest in Hickman as a sign of her early admiration of the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche, especially since she several times referred to Hickman as a "Superman" (in the Nietzschean sense).[4][5]

Is it really necessary to point out that the thing that allowed Hickman to brutally murder a young girl, the lack of a conscience isn't a good thing. That's the problem with modern conservatism, it confuses the lack of morality with strength and sees compassion and empathy as weakness. You can't be a superman and not feel anything for the people around you.

This is the definition of sociopath:

She so admired - admired - the man's "pure reason and enlightened self-interest" that in her novel the Little Street, she deliberately modeled the hero 'Danny Renahan' after him. According to Rand scholar Chris Matthew Sciabarra, Renahan was intended to be her first sketch of her ideal man. Renahan, she enthuses in another journal entry, "is born with a wonderful, free, light consciousness -- [resulting from] the absolute lack of social instinct or herd feeling. He does not understand, because he has no organ for understanding, the necessity, meaning, or importance of other people ... Other people do not exist for him and he does not understand why they should." (Journals, pp. 27, 21-22; emphasis hers.)

Ayn Rand, Intellectual Powerhouse: An American Story: - Blogcritics Politics

So if you have people who've been brought up think this way;

Much has been made of the influence of Nietzsche on Rand's writing, but while much of the attitude of her writing could be attributed to Nietzsche, one must wonder how much influence actually came from the man referred to above who so influenced her novel "The Little Street". Of The Fountainhead's hero, Howard Roark: He "has learned long ago, with his first consciousness, two things which dominate his entire attitude toward life: his own superiority and the utter worthlessness of the world."

This clearly explains why the very few are getting wealthy in America today and the rest are going to hell.

Rand truly had a diseased mind, any nation based on her "principles" will be equally as diseased.

"The first thing that impresses me about the case is the ferocious rage of a whole society against one man. No matter what the man did, there is always something loathsome in the 'virtuous' indignation and mass-hatred of the 'majority.'... It is repulsive to see all these beings with worse sins and crimes in their own lives, virtuously condemning a criminal...

"This is not just the case of a terrible crime. It is not the crime alone that has raised the fury of public hatred. It is the case of a daring challenge to society. It is the fact that a crime has been committed by one man, alone; that this man knew it was against all laws of humanity and intended that way; that he does not want to recognize it as a crime and that he feels superior to all. It is the amazing picture of a man with no regard whatever for all that society holds sacred, and with a consciousness all his own. A man who really stands alone, in action and in soul."


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Wow I am surprised that so many people in America that usually watch Entertainment Tonight
even noticed. Perhaps a sociopathic person stole their TV Set.
This has been coming for a long time. Business leaders, and many organized politicians have
been preaching the message for more than a decade. They call it progress and advancement
in a new world economy. In addition there is the environmental movement, these people are
into fundraising what happens to ozone is merely a bi product. In addition we have the new
Evangelical Church leaders preaching and writing books about how God wants you to be wealthy
and prosperous all you have to do is follow their lead without questions.
When we have a society of people who no longer ask questions we have a society that no longer
thinks for themselves and the serious manipulation can begin. All this time people have been in
fear of the left while the right has been slowly chipping away at their wealth and their rights as
citizens. No the left is not perfect, we all know that unbridled socialism is a disaster of monumental
proportions. Wait a second in 2007 and 2008 we were introduced to unbridled capitalism and it
proved to be just as bad.
Me and I has replace We in too many areas and We are ALL going to pay dearly for it. Our whole
society is gradually rotting in its own decay and no one cares enough to say enough. In 1966
there was a song that had a lyric line Don't attack America, wear it down gradually.
I think it was called Day of Decision by I think it was Johnny Sea but I could be wrong its somewhere
in my collection. Anyway that is what's happening


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Evil is real, old, established, alien, secretive, selective, compassion free, efficient and impossible to eradicate if you expect to conduct gradings and certifications on a very big scale. Like a universe. By a dog. So I wonder if it,s not really a permanent method of selection in evolution?
If everybody is good that ain't good. Yeah our leaders claw their way to the top and it's how they stay there until they don't. Seems like they've had a long run this time, but they will lose this time as well. But they will always be here. We should love them, aparently it drives them mad and they run to the caves with their gold, and wait for us to get stupid again, and we do. IMSO


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
"An Extreme Choice": Embracing Ayn Rand, GOP VP Pick Paul Ryan Backs Dismantling New Deal

What a total sociopath Paul Ryan is, he wants to gut public spending by $5 trillion in the next ten years.

The same party that gave billions of dollars to billionaires a few years ago is now going to starve many Americans if he has his way.

He's also buddies with this moron who thinks there's such thing as legitimate rape that somehow can't get the victim pregnant.

The GOP attracts diseased losers like a slimeball magnet.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Already the Americans starve even when their stomachs are full cuz the food isn't real for decades it makes cancer an industry and it makes us stupid enough to elect sociopaths.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
Todd Akin, what exactly is ‘legitimate’ rape? – The Express Tribune Blog

What men in power don’t realise is that if it is a woman’s body, it is not the state’s property but hers and hers alone to decide for.

Not according to conservative nutjobs like Pat Robertson:

To him if you've got a problem with your wife you can't sort out by beating her here, then just move to Saudi Arabia where you can.
For example, today on the 700 Club’s “Bring It On” segment where viewers ask Robertson questions, one man wondered how he should go about repairing his marriage with a wife who “insults” him and once tried to attack him.

“Well, you could become a Muslim and you could beat her,” Robertson responded. “This man’s got to stand up to her and he can’t let her get away with this stuff,” Robertson continued, “I don’t think we condone wife-beating these days but something has got to be done.”
He later said the woman is a “rebellious child” and pondered if she has psychological problems. Robertson told the viewer that since he “can’t divorce her according to the Scripture, so I say: move to Saudi Arabia.”

Like I said, is it any wonder that there's so many problems in America when you have total sociopaths with so much power. They could care less about anybody else, they only time they think of other people is how to rip them off.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
See above sociopath.

What Hitler did was evil, but what you and slime like you are doing could take us all out.

Like I said, you're a sociopath.

This is the OP, Red Rebel attacking one of our Mods in another thread. I think he gets a little too worked up about things.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I wanted to add that but I figured I'd let others come to their own conclusions.

Like I said, is it any wonder that there's so many problems in America when you have total sociopaths with so much power. .

Not too mention the Mods here and anyone who disagrees with you.


Something must be done!