"Smart" Hydro meters


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
That tinfoil hat get's cold on a bald head in the winter don't you know......

I did not know that, not being bald and also having never worn one. They also don't seem very fashionable.

Although, around here at least, they do seem to be popular, lol.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
What little personal security you have left is being traded to corporate interests.
Just like in the corporate world anything that makes their life easier there should
be a charge for that. Between government and business they have a charge for
everything and telling me I will benefit from some kind of discount is meaningless.
They would just raise the price of doing business and pay nothing.
I will not give them the time of day as they do nothing for people only for their
eternal bottom line. I am not concerned about health or losing privacy its all about
putting these people in their place.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What little personal security you have left is being traded to corporate interests.
Just like in the corporate world anything that makes their life easier there should
be a charge for that. Between government and business they have a charge for
everything and telling me I will benefit from some kind of discount is meaningless.
They would just raise the price of doing business and pay nothing.
I will not give them the time of day as they do nothing for people only for their
eternal bottom line. I am not concerned about health or losing privacy its all about
putting these people in their place.

You're 99% correct but I've always found B.C. Hydro rates to be reasonable (I pay 3 times as much for phone, T.V. and cable, the three of which combined I use less than hydro).

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Are you sure the smart meters are in operation yet? Mine was installed well over a year ago but I got a notice the other week that it would be "starting soon".

They changed mine out quite a while back too. That's when the Hydro guy got to stay in his truck and read it the easy way.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Looking at it in a positive light, it does eliminate the problem of obnoxious dogs, and some people's yards are like a minefield to walk through. :lol:


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
They changed mine out quite a while back too. That's when the Hydro guy got to stay in his truck and read it the easy way.

Maybe it's just the billing part that isn't online for mine then. I have no idea how they read mine because I'm in a condo and they're all in a locked closet in the main hallway.

I know I got something in the mail about it the other week. Can't find it right now. Doesn't really matter anyway, I pay what I pay. Can't really do much about it.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Ummmmmmmmmmmh- I was told 5% but then that was back in the day!

I checked it out, looks like you're right and I'm wrong, f**kin' school teacher didn't know what he was talkin' about! :lol:

Maybe your Teacher did....working with the information available at the time.

I remember back in grade school, following the Voyager missions on the news.
It happened to parallel things we where learning about at that time. The news
contradicted the information in our textbooks as the news from NASA was
the most current.

For example...that Voyager fly-by showed us that Saturn had thousands of rings.
I watched the pictures on the news. It was awesome!!!

I got that answer wrong as I'd watched this on the news. The correct answer on
our test ("How many rings does Saturn have?") was "Three" like our textbooks
stated. If we'd written that test a week earlier, I'd have answered "Three" instead
of "Thousands"....like stated in the textbook...as before the Voyager fly-by, it was
common knowlegde that Saturn had three rings.

Maybe you're hitting on a kernel of knowledge that parallels my example above?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Hydro still comes out here and points something in the direction of the meter. He backed into my ditch a couple of months ago....

On mine...nobody needs to come to read it...

They first put it when I was out of town last summer...I got back about a month after and I called their office 75 miles away in Cochrane and asked about the two sets of numbers on it...which was the one for the actual energy used...
The lady at the other end asked me if I had a cordless phone...that it would be easier to explain if I had the meter in front of me to explain...so I went outside to the meter while she found my meter on her computer.. She ran off a set of numbers (the exact ones I could see on my meter) and told me "That's what your meter reads right now"
The other set of numbers which she also knew were for the kilowatt hours I was presently using.

Since the meter is only connected to the hydro lines....it's probably using the house wiring as an antena to broadcast the results to the office..


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I'm guessing high metals content in the hills around here is slowing the works. I can't even get decent FM reception from Sudbury - and it's only 25k away

Did I hear recently that mining is on the decline around Sudbury? :smile:

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Did I hear recently that mining is on the decline around Sudbury? :smile:

Could be.... Inco, Falconbridge and QuadraFNX are now Vale (from Brazil) Xstrada (soon to be Glencore from Switzerland) and KGHM Polska Miedz (from Poland) None of then are solely nickel concerns and Sudbury ores are expensive to refine due to high sulphur content. Right now, the mines are making their money from other metals.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
FM is line of sight, so if there is anything between you and the transmitter, your reception suffers.

In the old C.B. days 35 years ago a tech wizard around here had fixed me up an antena that plugged into an outlet that without using any electricity directly used the house and outside wires as an antena.....I had to use an "Antena Matcher" with it and I had a better range than if I'd had a 100 ft. tower with just a 4 watt transmitter.
The strange thing was, a lady on a C B a long ways away would pick me up better with her Quad, using the horizontal...probably because of the wires on the poles.
Everybody thought I had a booth, especialy if I used a power mic...:smile:


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
never use preauthorized billing; you're giving someone permission to take whatever money from you that they claim you owe.

If you do, do it to a credit card. Credit cards have some protection and a limit. They won't take $1000 if your limit is $500.

There is no consumer benefit to the smart meter. It allows the utility to make more money by charging more for peak usage times. Also makes it impossible to dispute charge since the meter is now smarter than the consumer. You can't just go outside and check the meter to verify any more.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I noticed too that his frantic littany were all adjectives.....no nouns.... which might have been what the teacher meant.....but what do you expect from someone who knows everything:roll:

Nah, "maniac" and "lunatic" are nouns, as is "mechanic".