January 2015 AutoGuide has a story, Is Carbon a Problem with Direct Injection Engines? in which the author writes, “We’ve heard rumblings that blackened buildup on the backsides of intake valves is a major problem and something that could be disastrous for motorists in the coming years.” - Gregg Cole
It sure could be.as direct injection is taking over, and this is the only downside. Direct injection is one of the foremost advances in internal combustion engine design and offers performance improvements but some of the first models are not aging so well today because of the carbon buildiup on injectors. As the article above indicates, mechanics are noticing long term adverse effects of dirty fuel and 'heat spotting', which is what happens when you turn off your car and the last drop of fuel evaporates on the injector nozzle.
Nobody tells you that you have to regularly clean the fuel injectors in your car when you buy a fuel injected vehicle.
In the owner's manual, the automaker's own brand cleaner is always what's recommended, but countless independent studies show these products are among the worst performing additives. Dealerships and oil change shops charge a hundred bucks for what you can easily do yourself by simply buying a $5 or $10 product and pouring it down your gas tank the next time you fill up.
Below are formulations featured in my Hubpage on hard-to-find Chemically advanced fuel system cleaners in North America
#2 in the picture is Bluechem Canada Fuel System Cleaner which is imported from Europe and still hard to find in Canada. In Germany this stuff is added to engines every 3000km and comes as part of a deluxe service package in local garages.
Below is the Oil System Cleaner demo video. I reported all Bluechem auto system cleaners tests on Arob12 Canada blog.
Last month, in a private garage in North York Ontario, Ryan Wilford demonstrated advanced European engine cleaning products against some North American products which is the subject of this article about European engine system cleaners on Digital Journal. The take away here is simply that
properly maintaining a new vehicle includes cleaning inside the engine.http://forums.canadiancontent.net//www.pinterest.com/pin/create/extension/
It sure could be.as direct injection is taking over, and this is the only downside. Direct injection is one of the foremost advances in internal combustion engine design and offers performance improvements but some of the first models are not aging so well today because of the carbon buildiup on injectors. As the article above indicates, mechanics are noticing long term adverse effects of dirty fuel and 'heat spotting', which is what happens when you turn off your car and the last drop of fuel evaporates on the injector nozzle.
Nobody tells you that you have to regularly clean the fuel injectors in your car when you buy a fuel injected vehicle.
In the owner's manual, the automaker's own brand cleaner is always what's recommended, but countless independent studies show these products are among the worst performing additives. Dealerships and oil change shops charge a hundred bucks for what you can easily do yourself by simply buying a $5 or $10 product and pouring it down your gas tank the next time you fill up.
Below are formulations featured in my Hubpage on hard-to-find Chemically advanced fuel system cleaners in North America
#2 in the picture is Bluechem Canada Fuel System Cleaner which is imported from Europe and still hard to find in Canada. In Germany this stuff is added to engines every 3000km and comes as part of a deluxe service package in local garages.
Below is the Oil System Cleaner demo video. I reported all Bluechem auto system cleaners tests on Arob12 Canada blog.
Last month, in a private garage in North York Ontario, Ryan Wilford demonstrated advanced European engine cleaning products against some North American products which is the subject of this article about European engine system cleaners on Digital Journal. The take away here is simply that
properly maintaining a new vehicle includes cleaning inside the engine.http://forums.canadiancontent.net//www.pinterest.com/pin/create/extension/