Here's the story of France with Pharaoh Ramesses


Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
حكاية فرعون مع فرنسا ....

Here's the story of France with Pharaoh Ramesses

عندما تسلم الرئيس الفرنسي الراحل فرانسوا ميتران زمام الحكم في فرنسا

When Francisco Mitra became the president of France in 1981

عام 1981 طلبت فرنسا من مصر في نهاية الثمانينات استضافة مومياء فرعون

France requested from the Egyptian

government to host the mummy of Pharaoh

لإجراء اختبارات وفحوصات أثرية ... فتم نقل جثمان أشهر طاغوت عرفته الأرض

For the purpose of running laboratory and archaeological examinations on the mummy of the most notorious dictator ever lived on earth

... وهناك عند سلم الطائرة اصطف الرئيس الفرنسي منحنياً هو

upon arrival, a very royal attendants were there including the French president himself and all ministers who bowed in honor for the mummy

ووزراؤه وكبار المسؤولين الفرنسيين ليستقبلوا فرعون
وعندما انتهت مراسم الإستقبال الملكي لفرعون على أرض فرنسا .. حُملت

When the ceremony ended, the mummy was carried to a specially-designed section at the archaeology Centre of France

مومياء الطاغوت بموكب لا يقل حفاوة عن استقباله وتم نقله إلى جناح خاص في مركز الآثار الفرنسي ليبدأ بعدها أكبر علماء الآثار في فرنسا وأطباء الجراحة والتشريح دراسة تلك المومياء واكتشاف أسرارها

Were it started to be tested by the greatest
French archaeological and anatomical
scientists in order
to discover more about such a great mummy

وكان رئيس الجراحين والمسؤول الأول عن دراسة هذه المومياء هو البروفيسور

The scientists were headed by Professor

Maurice Bucaille

موريس بوكاي
كان المعالجون مهتمين بترميم المومياء ، بينما كان اهتمام موريس هو محاولة أن يكتشف كيف مات هذا الملك الفرعوني ،

scientists were trying to restore the mummy while Professor Maurice was mainly concerned with how did this mummy die!

وفي ساعة متأخرة من الليل ظهرت النتائج النهائية .. لقد كانت بقايا الملح العالق في جسده أكبر دليل على أنه مات غريقا ، وأن جثته استخرجت من البحر بعد غرقه فورا ، ثم اسرعوا بتحنيط جثته لينجو بدنه

the final report of the scientists was released late at night which states that the remaining salt in the mummy is an overt evidence that it was drawn in the sea, and the body was rescued very shortly where it was immediately embalmed to be saved

لكن أمراً غريباً مازال يحيره وهو كيف بقيت هذه الجثة أكثر سلامة من
غيرها رغم أنها استُخرجت من البحر !

An amazing thing was still confusing Professor Maurice is that how could this body possibly be safer than any other mummy despite being taken out of the sea up until this time

كان موريس بوكاي يعد تقريراً
نهائيا عما كان يعتقده اكتشافاً جديداً في انتشال جثة فرعون من البحر

Professor Maurice was writing his final report on what he thought would be a new discovery about saving Pharaoh's body immediately after his death and embalming it

وتحنيطها بعد غرقه مباشرة ، حتى همس أحدهم في أذنه قائلا : لا تتعجل .... فإن المسلمين يتحدثون عن غرق هذه المومياء

And there, someone whispered to him that Muslims claim to know something about the drowning of this mummy

ولكنه استنكر بشدة هذا الخبر واستغربه ، فمثل هذا الإكتشاف لا يمكن معرفته إلا بتطور العلم الحديث وعبر أجهزة حاسوبية حديثة بالغة الدقة

yet the Professor firmly denied such thing saying that it's impossible to discover this without the development of science and without using his high-tech and complicated laboratories and computers

، فقال له أحدهم إن قرآنهم الذي يؤمنون به يروي قصة عن غرقه وعن سلامة
جثته بعد الغرق ، فازداد ذهولا وأخذ يتساءل .. كيف هذا وهذه المومياء
لم تُكتشف إلا في عام 1898 ، أي قبل مائتي عام تقريبا ، بينما قرآنهم
موجود قبل أكثر من ألف وأربعمائة عام؟ وكيف يستقيم في العقل هذا ،
والبشرية جمعاء وليس العرب فقط لم يكونوا يعلمون شيئا عن قيام قدماء
المصريين بتحنيط جثث الفراعنة إلا قبل عقود قليلة من الزمان فقط؟

to his surprise, he was told that Muslims believe in a book called 'Quran' and this Quran narrates the story of Pharaoh's drowning and ensures the safety of his body after his death as to be a Sign to mankind. The Professor couldn't believe his own ears and started to wonder:

How can a book existed 1400 years ago speak about the mummy that was only found 200 years ago, in 1898 ??!!

How can that be possible while the ancient Egyptian heritage was discovered only a few decades ago and no one knew about it before??!!

جلس موريس بوكاي ليلته محدقا بجثمان فرعون يفكر بإمعان عما همس به
صاحبه له من أن قرآن المسلمين يتحدث عن نجاة هذه الجثة بعد الغرق ..
بينما كتابهم المقدس يتحدث عن غرق فرعون أثناء مطاردته لسيدنا موسى
عليه السلام دون أن يتعرض لمصير جثمانه .. وأخذ يقول في نفسه : هل

The Professor sat down pondering on what he was told

about the book of Muslims while his Holy Book narrates only the drowning of Pharaoh without saying anything about his body

يُعقل أن يكون هذا المحنط أمامي هو فرعون الذي كان يطارد موسى؟ وهل
يعقل أن يعرف محمدهم هذا قبل أكثر من ألف عام؟

'Is it possible that this mummy in front of me is the one who was chasing Moses ??!!'

'Is it possible that Muhammad knew this 1400 years ago ??!!'

لم يستطع موريس أن ينام ، وطلب أن يأتوا له بالتوراة ، فأخذ يقرأ في
التوراة قوله : فرجع الماء وغطى مركبات وفرسان جميع جيش فرعون الذي
دخل وراءهم في البحر لم يبق منهم ولا واحد .. وبقي موريس بوكاي حائراً فحتى الإنجيل لم يتحدث عن نجاة هذه الجثة وبقائها سليمة

The Professor couldn't sleep that night till they brought him the Old Testament where he read: 'the sea drowned Pharaoh and his army, no one else was left alive' He was surprised that the Holy Book didn't mention about the destiny of the body and that it will be saved

بعد أن تمت معالجة جثمان فرعون وترميمه أعادت فرنسا لمصر المومياء ،
ولكن موريس لم يهنأ له قرار ولم يهدأ له بال منذ أن هزه الخبر الذي
يتناقله المسلمون عن سلامة هذه الجثة ، فحزم أمتعته وقرر السفر لبلاد
المسلمين لمقابلة عدد من علماء التشريح المسلمين
وهناك كان أول حديث تحدثه معهم عما اكشتفه من نجاة جثة فرعون بعد

When the scientists were done with the mummy, France retuned it to Egypt, but Professor Maurice couldn't rest for a moment since he was told that Muslims know about the safety of the body. So, he decided to travel and meet anatomy Muslim scientists and there he spoke about his discovery of the safety of the mummy after its death in the sea and so on.

الغرق ... فقام أحدهم وفتح له المصحف وأخذ يقرأ له
قوله تعالى : (فاليوم ننجيك ببدنك لتكون لمن خلفك آية .. وإن كثيرا من الناس عن آياتنا لغافلون).

سورة يونس: آية 92.

لقد كان وقع الآية عليه شديدا .. ورجت له نفسه رجة جعلته يقف أمام
الحضور ويصرخ بأعلى صوته : لقد دخلت الإسلام وآمنت بهذا القرآن
رجع موريس بوكاي إلى فرنسا بغير الوجه الذى ذهب به .. وهناك مكث عشر

One of the Muslim scientist stood up and simply opened the Quran and pointed to the Professor at one verse:

'This day shall We save you in your body, that you may be a Sign to those who come after you! But verily, many among mankind are neglectful of Our Signs'

(Quran 10:92)

The Professor was struck when he read that and immediately stood in front of the crowd and said loudly: 'I believe in Islam, I believe in Quran'

Then he went back to France with a different face he traveled with.

سنوات ليس لديه شغل يشغله سوى دراسة مدى تطابق الحقائق العلمية
والمكتشفة حديثا مع القرآن الكريم ، والبحث عن تناقض علمي واحد مما
يتحدث به القرآن ليخرج بعدها بنتيجة قوله تعالى : لا يأتيه الباطل من
بين يديه ولا من خلفه تنزيل من حكيم حميد

In France, he dedicated 10 years investigating the scientific discoveries and comparing them with the Quran and trying to come up with one scientific contradiction with the Quran. Finally he quoted one verse from the Quran to be his conclusion:

'No falsehood can approach it (this book) from before or behind it: it is sent down by One Full of Wisdom, Worthy of all praise'

(Quran 41:42)

كان من ثمرة هذه السنوات التي قضاها الفرنسي موريس أن خرج بتأليف كتاب
عن القرآن الكريم هز الدول الغربية قاطبة ورج علماءها رجا ، لقد كان
عنوان الكتاب : القرآن والتوراة والإنجيل والعلم .. دراسة الكتب
المقدسة في ضوء المعارف الحديثة

As a result of all years of his research, Professor Maurice wrote a book that shook all Europe, especially the scientists there

'Quran, Torah, Bible and Science:

A Study of the Holy Books in the Light of Modern Science'

من أول طبعة له نفد
All copies were sold out at a very short time

And Allah knows best.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
You know, it is true that the Islamic world was the light of the Dark Ages, the keeper of the flame of knowledge and the philosophy of western civilization......while the Christian nations suffered through a few hundred years of relative ignorance and barbarism.

The Muslim world used to delight in inquiry, revel in new ideas, delight in knowledge......

so, I ask, why has the world of Islam been left behind? Why did their lofty position in the world of thought stagnate? why have they not only failed to advance philosophically, but in fact devolved, taken giant steps backwards.......

IMHO? Because submission and inquiry are mutually can not be totally submissive to any philosophy, and still capable of free thought.........the essence of Islam is submission......and backwardness.......the essence of Christianity is informed choice......and advance.

And the Islamic world is o so bitter.........Mohammed has hobbled you.


Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
When muslims were true muslims they ruled the world with peace and harmony, brought knowledge and prosperity, they were leaders in science when Europe was in the dark ages, now that weve let out faith slip waya and chase the wealth's of this world we became the followers, check out the muslim scientists who contributed more than you think, search for this on wiki: "List of Muslim scientists
Yes we accept that we are backward u know why becuase we are running away from QURAN (U know why all Big scientist in all fields who founded FUNDAMENTALS of Science were Muslims ) because they were unite Under the Rope of Quran .Becuase Quran Forces every one to GO and Look outside and See how ALLAH has created this universe and man ..Today Muslims are away from science becuase they are away from quran ..And Europeans are More closer to Science because they are Running away from Religion .

The Qur'an Leads The Way To Science


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
You know, it is true that the Islamic world was the light of the Dark Ages, the keeper of the flame of knowledge and the philosophy of western civilization......while the Christian nations suffered through a few hundred years of relative ignorance and barbarism.

The Muslim world used to delight in inquiry, revel in new ideas, delight in knowledge......

so, I ask, why has the world of Islam been left behind? Why did their lofty position in the world of thought stagnate? why have they not only failed to advance philosophically, but in fact devolved, taken giant steps backwards.......

IMHO? Because submission and inquiry are mutually can not be totally submissive to any philosophy, and still capable of free thought.........the essence of Islam is submission......and backwardness.......the essence of Christianity is informed choice......and advance.

And the Islamic world is o so bitter.........Mohammed has hobbled you.

Mr. Colpy, hi :smile:
Have you ever passed the experience of influenza with high fever; of course if you have any, I wish you will be cured soon.:smile:

In influenza all the body will ache, all its parts suffer, all muscles and bones have ache, there is of course headache and the mood is depressed, and man cannot think clearly. But once the patient is cured, he will restore his health and he is active once again.
Now this poor patient was inflicted by this disease, because he did not obey the rules, and he went to the cold outside without wearing his clothes.

This patient is the Islamic world now; it is suffering about all aspects: the religion is retarded into some inherited traditions that are not the Quran: the word of God; and they contradicted the First of all the Commandments: to worship God alone.
There is the ignorance, crimes, retarded industry, agriculture and everything is retarded.

All this because they neglected the rules: and associated with God their imams and shaikhs and did like the past nations: Jews and Christians before them (as was predicted by Prophet Mohammed - peace be on him.)

When you see them break up their idols and serve God (Yahweh or Allah) alone, then know they will be in good situation; but if not then even the earthquakes will occur in their Mazar regions (means: the shrines of their imams and shaikhs)



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Interesting conversion for tangeble reasons.

Or see its contents and you can click on any item in the list of contents, here:
The Bible, The Qur'an and Science

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Ummm...I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Ramses II could not have been the Pharaoh of Exodus...

By the time of his death, Ramesses was suffering from severe dental problems and was plagued by arthritis and hardening of the arteries. When he finally died, he was about 90 years old. He had outlived many of his wives and children and left great memorials all over Egypt, especially to his beloved first queen Nefertari. Nine more pharaohs would take the name Ramesses in his honour, but few ever equalled his greatness. Nearly all of his subjects had been born during his reign and thought the world would end without him. Ramesses II did become the legendary figure he so desperately wanted to be, but this was not enough to protect Egypt. New enemies were attacking the empire which also suffered internal problems and it could not last. Less than 150 years after Ramesses died, the Egyptian empire fell, his descendants lost their power and the New Kingdom came to an end.

Ramesses II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not only that, but the whole Red Sea parting trick is a myth, unsupported by geological and archaelogical evidence...

Not only that, but there is no archaelogical evidence to support the Exodus...

Not only that, but there is no documentary evidence to support the existence of Moses...

Your Quran, and the Pentateuch it was based upon is a work of fiction...and so too is your religion, and so too is your god...

Find something factual to believe in, you'll get less disappointments in life...


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Ummm...I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Ramses II could not have been the Pharaoh of Exodus...

Ramesses IIwas the Pharaoh of the persecution; his son Merneptah was the Pharaoh of the Exodus, who was drowned in the Red Sea.

Ramesses II died while Moses was fleeing from Egypt to Sinai (where he stayed for 8 years), then he heard that Ramesses II died so he returned to Egypt. Then God assigned him an apostle to Pharaoh Merneptah and his folk; this Merneptah refused and antagonized Moses and was drowned in the Red Sea together with his hosts while Moses and his people crossed safe to the other side.

Not only that, but the whole Red Sea parting trick is a myth, unsupported by geological and archaelogical evidence...

What geological evidence do you want to the parting of the water and it returned as normal as a miracle?

Not only that, but there is no archaelogical evidence to support the Exodus...

Not only that, but there is no documentary evidence to support the existence of Moses...

Then how did the Children of Israel went from Egypt to Palestine in their multitude: by boats or in aeroplanes? And who was their leader? And who brought for them the Torah or the Law?

God – be glorified – said in the Quran 32: 23

وَلَقَدْ آتَيْنَا مُوسَى الْكِتَابَ فَلَا تَكُن فِي مِرْيَةٍ مِّن لِّقَائِهِ وَجَعَلْنَاهُ هُدًى لِّبَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ

The explanation:
(We did give to Moses the Scripture,
so [Mohammed] be not in doubt of [your] meeting with him [: meeting with Moses in the Hereafter],
and We made it [: the Torah] a guidance for the Children of Israel.)

Your Quran, and the Pentateuch it was based upon is a work of fiction...and so too is your religion, and so too is your god...
Find something factual to believe in, you'll get less disappointments in life...

All this is not true, and your advice is a very bad one and is not accepted; if you don't repent, then you will certainly be disappointed in the afterlife.

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Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Ramesses IIwas the Pharaoh of the persecution; his son Merneptah was the Pharaoh of the Exodus, who was drowned in the Red Sea.

Ramesses II died while Moses was fleeing from Egypt to Sinai (where he stayed for 8 years), then he heard that Ramesses II died so he returned to Egypt. Then God assigned him an apostle to Pharaoh Merneptah and his folk; this Merneptah refused and antagonized Moses and was drowned in the Red Sea together with his hosts while Moses and his people crossed safe to the other side. you have read a little bit about Egyptian history...

But that's not what the orignal post said:

the final report of the scientists was released late at night which states that the remaining salt in the mummy is an overt evidence that it was drawn in the sea, and the body was rescued very shortly where it was immediately embalmed to be saved

to his surprise, he was told that Muslims believe in a book called 'Quran' and this Quran narrates the story of Pharaoh's drowning and ensures the safety of his body after his death as to be a Sign to mankind. The Professor couldn't believe his own ears and started to wonder:

Am I not to infer that it was Ramses II and the Red Sea to which they are referring?

What geological evidence do you want to the parting of the water and it returned as normal as a miracle?

Striations in the rock that would indicate the water was thrust out forcefully in an opposing direction to its normal tidal cycles, and a record of the inevitable flooding of the coastal towns along both of the gulfs.

Which brings me to another point. Biblical 'scholars' generally agree that the crossing was done from Succoth, on the northern coast of the Gulf of Suez, heading southeast to the mid to northern coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, and that the crossing was from west to east, at or nor near present day Nuweiba.

This is what Britannica online has to say about that particular region of the Red Sea:

At its northern end the Red Sea splits into two parts, the Gulf of Suez to the northwest and the Gulf of Aqaba to the northeast. The Gulf of Suez is shallow—approximately 180 to 210 feet deep—and it is bordered by a broad coastal plain. The Gulf of Aqaba, on the other hand, is bordered by a narrow plain, and it reaches a depth of 5,500 feet. From approximately 28° N, where the Gulfs of Suez and Aqaba converge, south to a latitude near 25° N, the Red Sea’s coasts parallel each other at a distance of roughly 100 miles apart. There the seafloor consists of a main trough, with a maximum depth of some 4,000 feet, running parallel to the shorelines.
So what you're trying to tell us is that Moses led 4 to 6 MILLION people down a mile deep sheer cliff, across about 10 to 15 miles of rough terrain, and then climb up another mile high cliff.

And that the Egyptian army brought horses and chariots down this cliff...

Then how did the Children of Israel went from Egypt to Palestine in their multitude: by boats or in aeroplanes? And who was their leader? And who brought for them the Torah or the Law?

Firstly, it's never been adequately proven that the Israelites were ever in Egypt.

Secondly there is evidence that supports the writing of the Torah took place in the 7th century BCE during the time of Josiah...

All this is not true

That's what I've been trying to tell you...

and your advice is a very bad one and is not accepted; if you don't repent, then you will certainly be disappointed in the afterlife.

Hey just trying to be helpful...

...afterlives are for those that suck at living...
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Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
38 you have read a little bit about Egyptian history...

I have read some of the Quran interpretation; the story of Abraham, his sons Ismael and Isaac, then Jacob (surnamed the servant of God: Israel) and his twelve sons: Joseph and his eleven brothers; then the 12 tribes that descended from them; then some of those descendents was Moses, and his brother Aaron; then God sent a large number of prophets and apostles to the Israelites. All this occupied a large part of the Glorious Quran.

In particular, the story of Moses is so frequently mentioned in the Glorious Quran; and the experience of that people of God is so beneficial and important: how they were victorious when obey God and serve Him alone, and how they were abased when they associated others with God: they associated the idols like Baal, Astaroth and the gold statues of gold made for them by the Samaritan and by Jeroboam son of Nebat.

But that's not what the orignal post said:

I tell you only what is in the interpretation of the Quran, by the late Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly.

Striations in the rock that would indicate the water was thrust out forcefully in an opposing direction to its normal tidal cycles, and a record of the inevitable flooding of the coastal towns along both of the gulfs.

There might not be anything of that: it is a localized thing made by the unlimited might of God that held the water off until the servants of God completed their crossing, then the water was levelled on the disbelievers.

This is in the Quran 26: 63

فَأَوْحَيْنَا إِلَى مُوسَى أَنِ اضْرِب بِّعَصَاكَ الْبَحْرَ فَانفَلَقَ فَكَانَ كُلُّ فِرْقٍ كَالطَّوْدِ الْعَظِيمِ

The explanation:
(So We revealed to Moses [saying]:
"Strike the sea with your staff"; [so he struck it];
and the water clave, so that each separate part was as a huge mountain.")

Which brings me to another point. Biblical 'scholars' generally agree that the crossing was done from Succoth, on the northern coast of the Gulf of Suez, heading southeast to the mid to northern coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, and that the crossing was from west to east, at or nor near present day Nuweiba.

So what you're trying to tell us is that Moses led 4 to 6 MILLION people down a mile deep sheer cliff, across about 10 to 15 miles of rough terrain, and then climb up another mile high cliff.

They were about 600 000 men other than the women and children. There appeared before them 12 dry roads; and all of them crossed to the other side safe.

This is in the Quran 2: 243

أَلَمْ تَرَ إِلَى الَّذِينَ خَرَجُواْ مِن دِيَارِهِمْ وَهُمْ أُلُوفٌ حَذَرَ الْمَوْتِ فَقَالَ لَهُمُ اللّهُ مُوتُواْ ثُمَّ أَحْيَاهُمْ

The explanation:
(Have you [man] considered [the Children of Israel] who [in their Exodus] went forth from their habitations [in Egypt] in their thousands [more than six hundred thousands], fearing death [because of the oppression of Pharaoh and because they were afflicted by the plague]; God said to them: "Die [in this wilderness of Sinai and be abased]", then revived them [giving them dignity and power, through their sons.] )

And that the Egyptian army brought horses and chariots down this cliff...

This is in the Quran 20: 77-78

وَلَقَدْ أَوْحَيْنَا إِلَى مُوسَى أَنْ أَسْرِ بِعِبَادِي فَاضْرِبْ لَهُمْ طَرِيقًا فِي الْبَحْرِ يَبَسًا لَّا تَخَافُ دَرَكًا وَلَا تَخْشَى .

فَأَتْبَعَهُمْ فِرْعَوْنُ بِجُنُودِهِ فَغَشِيَهُم مِّنَ الْيَمِّ مَا غَشِيَهُمْ

The explanation:
(We did inspires to Moses: "Lead My servants [to a night journey], and strike [,with your staff, the water that] a dry path [may be opened] for them in the sea, without fear of being drowned, nor of being overtaken [by Pharaoh.]"

Then Pharaoh followed them with his hosts and there covered them that [water and waves] which [you have known] did cover them of the sea.)

Firstly, it's never been adequately proven that the Israelites were ever in Egypt.

Where were they then: in Europe or America?

Secondly there is evidence that supports the writing of the Torah took place in the 7th century BCE during the time of Josiah...

The Ten Commandments were written by God Himself; He inscribed the Ten Words on the stone tablets. Then these tablets were broken, so God ordered Moses to write the copy of these Commandments.

As in the Quran 7: 154

وَلَمَّا سَكَتَ عَن مُّوسَى الْغَضَبُ أَخَذَ الأَلْوَاحَ وَفِي نُسْخَتِهَا هُدًى وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلَّذِينَ هُمْ لِرَبِّهِمْ يَرْهَبُونَ

The explanation:
(When the anger of Moses was appeased, he took up the [broken] Tablets:
in the copy of [the writing thereon] was guidance and mercy for such as fear their Lord [so much.])

Then the successive revelations were revealed to Moses and he gave it to Josue who wrote it down on the parchment until the Torah was completed.

This is in the Quran 6: 154

ثُمَّ آتَيْنَا مُوسَى الْكِتَابَ تَمَامًا عَلَى الَّذِيَ أَحْسَنَ وَتَفْصِيلاً لِّكُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةً لَّعَلَّهُم بِلِقَاء رَبِّهِمْ يُؤْمِنُونَ

The explanation:
(Then We gave the Scripture to Moses, [and Josue wrote it down on the parchment till it was] completed to [Josue] who would do good [to his people, after the death of Moses and Aaron], and an explanation of all things [: the lawful and the unlawful], a guidance and a mercy [to the Children of Israel]; haply they might believe in the encounter with their Lord [in the Hereafter.] )

At any time interval, the Torah may have been written by many of the kings of the Children of Israel and the prophets and their disciples.

...afterlives are for those that suck at living...

All people will go to the afterlife; if some of people do not believe in the afterlife now, they will believe [but then their belief will not profit them] when they die and discover they will live as spiritual or ethereal souls, but not with their material bodies.
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Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
I have read some of the Quran interpretation; the story of Abraham, his sons Ismael and Isaac, then Jacob (surnamed the servant of God: Israel) and his twelve sons: Joseph and his eleven brothers; then the 12 tribes that descended from them; then some of those descendents was Moses, and his brother Aaron; then God sent a large number of prophets and apostles to the Israelites. All this occupied a large part of the Glorious Quran.

You should try reading some actual world may find it enlightening...

They were about 600 000 men other than the women and children. There appeared before them 12 dry roads; and all of them crossed to the other side safe.

That's a far more conservative estimate than most biblical 'scholars' give...I guess Muslims are more minimalistic than I'd suspected...

Where were they then: in Europe or America?

No, they were most likely in Canaan, after their leader Akhenaten, the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, was expelled from Egypt for demanding his people abandon the worship of Amun in favour of the Aten. It is very likely that his dispossessed followers became the tribes of Israel...

The Ten Commandments were written by God Himself;

The Egyptian Maat has 42 affirmations by which the devout would live their lives...the Jewish ten commandments are just a condensed version of them...

He inscribed the Ten Words on the stone tablets. Then these tablets were broken, so God ordered Moses to write the copy of these Commandments.

Why? Did his god suddenly develop writers cramp?

At any time interval, the Torah may have been written by many of the kings of the Children of Israel and the prophets and their disciples.

The torah was 'discovered' during Josiah's written document even mentions the torah before this time...

It was the torah that fueled Josiah's reforms and the reassertion of Judean control over the Israelites...

Very convenient that this document was 'discovered' by a backwater petty king who was then able to take with authority the reigns of power over the tribes...

All people will go to the afterlife; if some of people do not believe in the afterlife now, they will believe [but then their belief will not profit them] when they die and discover they will live as spiritual or ethereal souls, but not with their material bodies.

Don't you worry about me, brother...I'll be mouldering, soulless in my grave just as you will be...

Now doesn't that sound more peaceful than spending eternity listening to the maniacal rantings of churchy folk?


Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
Don't you worry about me, brother...I'll be mouldering, soulless in my grave just as you will be...​

Now doesn't that sound more peaceful than spending eternity listening to the maniacal rantings of churchy folk?​


Sahih International: So let not their speech grieve you. Indeed, We know what they conceal and what they declare.​


Sahih International: Does man not consider that We created him from a [mere] sperm-drop - then at once he is a clear adversary?​


Sahih International: And he presents for Us an example and forgets his [own] creation. He says, "Who will give life to bones while they are disintegrated?"​


Sahih International: Say, "He will give them life who produced them the first time; and He is, of all creation, Knowing."​


Sahih International: [It is] He who made for you from the green tree, fire, and then from it you ignite.​


Sahih International: Is not He who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the likes of them? Yes, [it is so]; and He is the Knowing Creator.​


Sahih International: His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to it, "Be," and it is.​


Sahih International: So exalted is He in whose hand is the realm of all things, and to Him you will be returned.​

the quran

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Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Don't you worry about me, brother...I'll be mouldering, soulless in my grave just as you will be...

Now doesn't that sound more peaceful than spending eternity listening to the maniacal rantings of churchy folk?

Just thought I should reiterate this point, as it pissed someone off so bad they gave me negative reputation...

...and while red does nicely compliment my eyes, I call upon all the soulless ones...fill up me greenies!!!
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Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
Don't you worry about me, brother...I'll be mouldering, soulless in my grave just as you will be...

Now doesn't that sound more peaceful than spending eternity listening to the maniacal rantings of churchy folk?

how can you know that ?

and you can't see the soul

you not die yet and you do not have book from the god

you just think that



Jun 23, 2006
interesting story. This fellow is a scientist. he sees a mummy with salt in it, can't understand why it's so well preserved, then someone reads him a book which says that God said a body would be preserved as a sign and suddenly the scientist decides not only that this is why the body is preserved BUT that he also believes everything else in the book without reading it? He must have been an awful scientist. Jumping to conclusions like that can make you look a total pillock.