My vision [or night dream] about Jesus


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
My vision [or night dream] about Jesus

In the period of 1978-1979 I was resident at the hospital, in the pediatric department; it was my internship training. I slept in a room shared with one of my colleagues who was training in anesthesia. Most of the time either I or he slept in that room, according to our turn of duty.

One night of this period, I don't remember exactly but I think it was at the late of the year 1978 or the beginning of the year 1979; I was alone in that room; I slept and saw after midnight two dreams [true dreams] or I think it was a vision, immediately following each other.

In the first vision: I saw someone approaching me, smiling a mild smile; who was this? This is Abu-AbdAllah [Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly]; I saw only the upper half of his body very clearly in the darkness [the lower half I could not differentiate from the darkness]; he did not speak to me [to be honest, I lost that spiritual experience which was immediately cut off by speaking loudly; because the soul cannot tolerate the loud sound]; I recognized him in the vision by his remarkable mole on his right cheek. But I saw him different than what I knew him as an old man; I saw a mature man about 30-40 years [: his soul]. When I later told one of his relatives about that his soul was not like him, he said: "In his youth, he was like his older son Hassan." I agree, yes typically; I saw him he was exactly like his son Hassan. This was a true vision rather than a dream; I saw his soul, and I was between sleep and wakefulness.

The second true dream, which was also very clear; these two dreams or visions has since inscribed in my memory even after the passing of about thirty years.

In that room there was no picture on the wall.
But in the second dream, I saw a picture hanged on the wall of the room; I approached the picture: who is this one: this is the Christ [the Messiah]; then as if I went inside that picture or that picture became the scene, or it like a window to transmit me to the scene; I looked carefully to see a man of the same age as Abu-AbdAllah ,30-40 years old, he was a tall man, not obese, ordinary or about thin, his face is more pale rather than red, his face was not like the now available drawings where they draw him with a small triangular red face, but his face was rather oblong with fine features [I remember a young Jew called Sassan or Ezechiel; he was like him in features, but his face is somewhat larger.] He was serious of expression: was not smiling, and was closing his eyes; he did not speak to me, nor did I speak to him. But now I remember that I asked some questions, and there were some answers and information; I don't remember the words or who spoke to me; but it may be that was added to my general understanding of related subjects. He wore the simple Arabian white garment ["dishdasha" as we call it.]

He reclined, on both his elbows, inbetween two angels; they were two men sitting like the way after the Muslim finishes his prayer. They were two men each with two brown feathery wings like those o f the eagle, which they folded to their side or on their arms: I do not remember that I saw their arms; I think they were under their wings. One of the angels were in front of me or facing me; the other with his back to me, and as I said the Christ was reclining on his elbows inbetween them. I remember very well the face of the angel who was in front of me: an ordinary man with mustaches and brown eyes. They all looked real and true; I had not seen such a clear dream before, as I remember.

Then came an ambiguous woman and said to me: "Go and tell Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly about this vision." This woman was not clear; she was not part of the personalities in the dream; [I think she was only a symbol.]

All of: Abu-AbdAllah, Jesus and the two angels were of the same age: about 30-40 years old, or about 35 years [: souls.]

Then, one or two or more days later, I went to Abu-AbdAllah at Hilla city, and asked him: where were you at such night ? He said: I was at Baghdad visiting my daughter and tarried that night with her family. Then I told him about the vision, he said was there any talking between us? I said: you did not speak to me; so what is this vision [of you, Jesus and the two angels] and what's its interpretation? [He was skilled at interpreting dreams]
He said to me: "Write or compile a book [in which you speak to Christians in particular.]"

So I tried to make such a book, but I couldn't achieve it at that time; therefore, he – himself – wrote a book: "The Torah and the Quran & the Gospel and the Quran'; then he modified it and called it: The Disagreement (or the Conflict) between the Torah and the Quran, which I later translated, and published in two editions in English, and now I have put it at the website:

He also said to me: I have compiled this book to support the Palestinian people; because they throw stones while their enemies kill them by bullets; I want to let Christians be to our side, so that they will not aid our enemy with weapon and money; while we do believe in Jesus and in the Gospel [whereas our enemy does not believe in either of that].

I have told -in details - this story of my visions [that I saw about 30 years ago] which is inscribed in my memory as if I see it now; although there will be some who may not believe it.

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Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
sounds like you were helping yourself to the free pharmaceutical products..

This is in the Quran 51: 52-53
كَذَلِكَ مَا أَتَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِم مِّن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا قَالُوا سَاحِرٌ أَوْ مَجْنُونٌ . أَتَوَاصَوْا بِهِ بَلْ هُمْ قَوْمٌ طَاغُونَ
The explanation: (Even so: not a messenger came to those before [your people, O Mohammed], but they said: "A sorcerer, or mad."
Did they recommend that to each other? [No, they didn't] but they were a froward people.)

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
This is in the Quran 51: 52-53
كَذَلِكَ مَا أَتَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِم مِّن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا قَالُوا سَاحِرٌ أَوْ مَجْنُونٌ . أَتَوَاصَوْا بِهِ بَلْ هُمْ قَوْمٌ طَاغُونَ
The explanation: (Even so: not a messenger came to those before [your people, O Mohammed], but they said: "A sorcerer, or mad."
Did they recommend that to each other? [No, they didn't] but they were a froward people.)

Oh how I love being a kafer! The freedom is most delightful my friend.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Oh how I love being a kafer! The freedom is most delightful my friend.

This is in the Quran 39: 60
وَيَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ تَرَى الَّذِينَ كَذَبُواْ عَلَى اللَّهِ وُجُوهُهُم مُّسْوَدَّةٌ أَلَيْسَ فِي جَهَنَّمَ مَثْوًى لِّلْمُتَكَبِّرِينَ
The explanation: (And on the Day of Judgment, you [Mohammed] will see those – who lied against God [claiming to Him a son or an associate]: their faces blackened [because of the disgrace].

Is not the home of those arrogantly haughty [towards the messenger] in Hell?)

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
This is in the Quran 39: 60
وَيَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ تَرَى الَّذِينَ كَذَبُواْ عَلَى اللَّهِ وُجُوهُهُم مُّسْوَدَّةٌ أَلَيْسَ فِي جَهَنَّمَ مَثْوًى لِّلْمُتَكَبِّرِينَ
The explanation: (And on the Day of Judgment, you [Mohammed] will see those – who lied against God [claiming to Him a son or an associate]: their faces blackened [because of the disgrace].

Is not the home of those arrogantly haughty [towards the messenger] in Hell?)

I don't think so. Having to pray 5 times a day, not eating pork, no drinking alcohol, wearing head scarfs etc pretty much looks like hell to me. So your already there and from the looks of things your "hell" doesn't exist anyway. Truth be told though, on the off chance there really is a heaven run by a megalomaniac I don't think I could tell heaven or hell apart anyway.

See, it really is wonderful being a kafer.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Those were pretty cool visions, interesting how they get burned into the memory, unlike dreams with turn to vapor not long after light enters the eyes.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
I don't think so. Having to pray 5 times a day, not eating pork, no drinking alcohol, wearing head scarfs etc pretty much looks like hell to me.

The danger of the pork:
God is the Creator of man, and is Most Gracious and Most Kind; He does not intend to forbid the good food, but to forbid the bad items; like the raven: which is a bird that eats the carcasses of animals. Also He forbade the meat of the dead animal that has not been slaughtered.
If the pork was good, then God would not forbid its eating in the Torah or the Law and in the Quran.
Therefore every wise and intelligent man should be alert to this point, and do not eat the pork.
The reason is that the swine differs from most of the animals (like the cock, the sheep and the ox) in a dangerous way: the swine does not show jealousy concerning its female. So eating its meat will lead to some defect in this important aspect of the life of man with his family. Have you received the idea?

The danger of alcohol consumption:
It is known that alcohol is used an antiseptic; because of its lethal effect on the living cell. This of course is in concentrated alcohol, but even in diluted solution of alcohol, the effect is less and unapparent but there is some effect that will accumulate by time to cause serious destruction of the cells of the liver and the brain and all other tissues.

The alcohol has a serious characteristic of solving fatty substances; so it will permeate all the tissues of the body, including the nervous system which is mainly composed of fatty substances: and this will cause destruction of the nervous tissues of the brain: like the cerebral cortex leading to serious destructive diseases like the Korsakov psychosis: dementia and other consequences.
Other hazards, like liver cirrhosis … etc, are well known.

While the rest of social and psychological harms are so evident that cannot be denied.
Therefore, God – be glorified – forbade it in both the Torah or the Law and the Quran.
The Drinking of Wine

Moreover, Jesus Christ commanded in the Gospel that the Law of Moses has to be followed; the Gospel in fact includes many parables with deep meaning.
The Christ foretold about Prophet Ahmed or Mohammed that would appear after him.
Prophet Ahmed as Mentioned in the Gospel



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Those were pretty cool visions, interesting how they get burned into the memory, unlike dreams with turn to vapor not long after light enters the eyes.

The vision or dream
The vision that man sees in his sleep is of two types:
1. the Confused Dreams. These are the result of thoughts, wishes, fear, etc; so that anything that man sees during awaking, and goes on thinking about, he may see it in his dream.
2. the Spiritual Vision; it results from spiritual creatures; because the spirituals [like the souls of human beings, genies and angels] come to man while he is sleeping, and show him what they want; because the easiest way of communication between spiritual creatures and man is the vision; because when man sleeps, and when his sleep is conjunctional, he will be near to the spirituals; but when his sleep is separative, he will be a spiritual being like them, so that he can see the spiritual creatures, talk with them and hear their answers.

The spiritual vision or dream divides into two types:
1. The False Vision orDream, which is from evil souls, genies and devils.
2. The True Vision orDream: it is from righteous souls and angels.
The vision (or the dream)


Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
... the swine does not show jealousy concerning its female. So eating its meat will lead to some defect in this important aspect of the life of man with his family.
We can absorb the characteristics of the animals we eat? You're a medical doctor, and you believe that? :roll:


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
We can absorb the characteristics of the animals we eat? You're a medical doctor, and you believe that? :roll:

Nothing may be against such influence. We don't know what substances, hormones or enzymes are there in such animal that lead to this peculiar way of behavior.

There is no limit to medical and scientific progress and discoveries. See the daily issues of researches, observations, new drugs and drugs that prove useless or harmful in spite of being used for years. Many drugs had been proved dangerous and were abandoned. Many vaccinations were abandoned in the same way.

No one can claim that doctors and scientists know every thing.

I give you an example: the liver (of sheep or cow) is rich in many nutritional items, and can be generally used in treatment of diseases with nutritional deficiencies; because the substances included in the liver will be utilized by the body of the patient.
Cod liver oil is another example and many natural substances.

The egg is almost a complete food because it leads to the formation of a complete chicken with all its tissues: blood, bones, eyes, feathers, muscles, etc. We cannot say that we know all the constituents even the enzymes, the trace elements and compounds that are present in the egg; therefore we may use it in ambiguous nutritional deficiencies: like in case of the Pica or eating of mud; when the deficient element cannot be identified for certain; I use eggs, liver and many other similar nutritional substances.

But don't understand that I do not use the medical pharmaceuticals in treating the patient or do not use the vaccination to give the immunity against the diseases; but only I have given examples.

This is in the Quran 12: 76
وَفَوْقَ كُلِّ ذِي عِلْمٍ عَلِيمٌ
The explanation: (And above everyone with knowledge there is the All-Knowing [Lord.] )

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Nothing may be against such influence.
Except for the fact that it's never been observed to happen. Lots of people eat pork and it doesn't seem to make them less protective or jealous of their partners. Do people who eat beef adopt bovine behaviours? That'd be interesting, natural bovine breeding arrangements involve harems and pretty tough physical competition among the males for them. How about mutton, lamb, chicken, fish, turkey, venison, bison, rabbit, goat...?

I'm appalled that somebody trained in the knowledge and methods of modern scientific medicine would believe in such sympathetic magic or magical thinking generally.


Jan 6, 2007
Except for the fact that it's never been observed to happen. Lots of people eat pork and it doesn't seem to make them less protective or jealous of their partners. Do people who eat beef adopt bovine behaviours? That'd be interesting, natural bovine breeding arrangements involve harems and pretty tough physical competition among the males for them. How about mutton, lamb, chicken, fish, turkey, venison, bison, rabbit, goat...?

I'm appalled that somebody trained in the knowledge and methods of modern scientific medicine would believe in such sympathetic magic or magical thinking generally.

Cattle also engage in quite rampant lesbianism from what I saw growing up. You'd think that would mean that Muslims shouldn't eat them either, no?


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California

I don't personally place any credit on dreams but do respect others who do.

Now, if I had that same dream the face would of have been Jesus because that's who I've learned to believe in, just to show you the difference between you and I.

My journey through this spiritual quest has taken me through some very interesting twists and turns.

When one is brought up to believe that unless you as a Muslim, believe as I do, you would surely go to hell.

But because I questioned that view, I have since gotten enlightenment.

I believe that God is to all mankind one, and mankind is to God many.

We are all born and we will all die regardless of color, race or belief.

The trick to all of it is not the differences, but the love that can unite us all as one.

You practice what you have learned, and where you have learned it and I do the same, yet we are both of different beliefs.

Mine is not any better than yours, but we both know what love is, and that is a word is one to both of us.

If then we are both one, then there are no differences, though there be difference's.

The laws given to mankind are for its benefit, but not for its salvation.

For salvation came not by the law but by grace.

If grace then, then there must be a grace law, and in which there is.

Theres two, love God with all your mind, heart and soul and love your neighbor as thy self.

If you live by those two, you will have met all the requirements of the law, be it the ten commandments or any dietary laws, how many times you pray a day, whether you are a Christian or not, Muslim or not.

Let those dreams give answer to your freedom, freedom from anything that binds you to this or that, freedom to love thy neighbor regardless whether he eats pork or not, whether he is Muslim or not.

Be free to love first and let the laws deal with each one individually as their spirit gives them guide.

Love can not be topped, but everything else below it can.

If then you are going to teach, teach how to love, rather than to teach the law.

Notice how I don't require you to abide by any laws but do advice to practice some, for they are there for our benefit.

But then again, it is up to the individual.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Except for the fact that it's never been observed to happen. Lots of people eat pork and it doesn't seem to make them less protective or jealous of their partners. Do people who eat beef adopt bovine behaviours? That'd be interesting, natural bovine breeding arrangements involve harems and pretty tough physical competition among the males for them. How about mutton, lamb, chicken, fish, turkey, venison, bison, rabbit, goat...?

I'm appalled that somebody trained in the knowledge and methods of modern scientific medicine would believe in such sympathetic magic or magical thinking generally.

God – be glorified – did not say in the Quran that He forbade the pork for this reason, nor had He said so in the Torah. He only said: do not eat the pork.

It is only an observation concerning this animal in particular which is not seen in others like the cock, the ram, and the ox.

Moreover, we use the sea animal to some cases of thyroid gland diseases; because the sea animal has more iodine than the river fish.

God told Adam not to approach the raspberry tree; He did not say to him why that was. This to see the obedience of Adam: will he obey or not. But when Adam approached the forbidden raspberry tree ( it was not the apple tree); its spikes (which are like the hook) tore his clothes and his shame appeared before Eve, then Adam deceived Eve (and it is not Eve that deceived Adam) to eat of the fruit of the raspberry tree, its spikes tore her dress and its shame appeared before Adam.
The Second mistake:The Story Of Adam And Eve
(The Difference Between the Hebrew Bible And the Quran About It)

I mean God commanded His orders to see: will man obey or not. If he obeys it will be better for him, and if not he will hurt himself.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Cattle also engage in quite rampant lesbianism from what I saw growing up. You'd think that would mean that Muslims shouldn't eat them either, no?

I saw such male homosexuality in some cats; and some told me it is in some pigeons. But I think it is only in some circumstances. These animals show man some lessons, to avoid some bad things and to teach him many things, and to make him alert about many things. Example: to show him the bad consequences in the concerned animals which behave in this abnormal way.

You say: in cattle. What cattle? The word cattle includes the sheep, the goat, the cow and the camel.
The cattle and their analogous wild animals (like the wild goat and the gazelle) are lawful according to God's religion, not according to my opinion or the opinion of others; although my opinion is along with God's instruction.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Do people who eat beef adopt bovine behaviours?

Although it is away from our subject, but I tell you my observation which is also confirmed by many other people. But don't take it as related to the Glorious Quran. It is only an observation.
If you go to butchers: the butchers who slaughter the bovine animal: the ox and the cow; I noticed some of them have faces like those of the cow or the ox! It may be that their long exposure or contact with the scene of the ox that has some influence.

Moreover, I know a person who has been in cotact with cage birds (small birds of the kind of the parrot); he has the hobby of caring about these beautiful birds for a long time: say 20 years may be; I saw his head: has some similarity to the shape of the parrot bird with a thin neck, and general shape of the face and the nose! It is only my observation; may be wrong.

Once I saw a man who is occupied by the horse race, and the care about the horses and the gambling in this respect. I was surprised: Glory be to God.
This man had long jaws, big teeth that he cannot hide in his mouth; then he laughed: he he he he ... like the
neighying or the whinnying of the horse; and a bad smell came out of his mouth like the filth of the horse or the stable smell.

These are only my observations; don't take it as related to the Glorious Quran.
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Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
Some beef steers are rampant homosexuals. I have worked on beef farms and seen many many steers try to have intercourse with another steer. From what I have read homosexuality seems to occur in the animal kingdom about as frequent as it does in humans. There are limits to the saying "You are what you eat'.

eanassir I do admire your strength of faith. Your tolerance for the sometimes disrespecting replies is commendable. I wish I had your tolerance.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
eanassir I do admire your strength of faith. Your tolerance for the sometimes disrespecting replies is commendable. I wish I had your tolerance.

What shall I do when some atheist replies?
Shall I retreat and leave the field to him to say his lies concerning the Glorious God and His noble Quran?
Or shall I reply to him with his same way?

But I answer him with the Glorious Quran which is superior to any created being.

Like His saying – be exalted – in the Quran 7: 117-122 concerning Moses, Pharaoh and the magicians or wizards who competed with his staff:
وَأَوْحَيْنَا إِلَى مُوسَى أَنْ أَلْقِ عَصَاكَ فَإِذَا هِيَ تَلْقَفُ مَا يَأْفِكُونَ . فَوَقَعَ الْحَقُّ وَبَطَلَ مَا كَانُواْ يَعْمَلُونَ . فَغُلِبُواْ هُنَالِكَ وَانقَلَبُواْ صَاغِرِينَ . وَأُلْقِيَ السَّحَرَةُ سَاجِدِينَ . قَالُواْ آمَنَّا بِرِبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ . رَبِّ مُوسَى وَهَارُونَ .
The explanation: (And We revealed to Moses: "Cast your staff." [So he cast it on the ground], and lo, it started to bite [, with its mouth, the ropes] that they falsely devised [ to be snakes before the eyes of the people.]

Thus the truth was vindicated, and all [the sorcery] that they did was made of no effect.

So, at that time and place, they [: the wizards] were defeated, and turned to be humbled.

And the wizards submitted themselves [to Moses.]
Said they: "We believe in the Lord of the worlds."
"Lord of Moses and Asron.")



Jan 6, 2007
But I think it is only in some circumstances. These animals show man some lessons, to avoid some bad things and to teach him many things, and to make him alert about many things. Example: to show him the bad consequences in the concerned animals which behave in this abnormal way.

I wouldn't say that it's in some circumstances at all eanassir. Beef cattle herds I've seen (and I've seen many) engage in homosexual acts on a regular, constant basis.