The discovery of intelligent beings on the planets will disprove
and refute the enthusiasm about prophets and righteous men
The human beings on the other planets recognize and serve God, Who, of necessity, has sent them, out of themselves, many prophets and apostles [or messengers]; to teach these human beings about the monotheism: that God is One [as in the First Commandment], the Hereafter: or the life to come, and many other subjects; but they know nothing about Moses, Jesus and Mohammed; they have their own prophets and messengers or apostles.
Our prophets carried out their missions on this Earth, according to the instruction of their Lord Who sent them for this purpose. They lived, did their duties for some years then died and their souls went to Paradise in the neighborhood of their Lord. The prophets and apostles (or messengers) were some parts of a series of prophets and apostles sent by God to teach people about serving God alone according to the First Commandment which is the first of all the commandments, and about the Day of Judgment.
God – be exalted – is called in Arabic: Allah, in Hebrew: Yehweh (or Jehovah), in Persian: Khodah, and in other languages may be called by other names which are synonyms of God Almighty: the Creator and Most Gracious; therefore, the people of the planets may call Him by other names; but He is the same Lord of all nations and worlds.
Logically, the people on the other planets do not know Hebrew, Arabic or English, and do not know our prophets and righteous men, but they have their own prophets and apostles; therefore, why is all this enthusiasm about these righteous men and prophets on our Earth, to the extent that some people consider them the associates with God, and that the earth and heavens were created for them only, and that they are the beginning and the end, when this exclusively is special for God alone?
Whereas if we study the instructions of these prophets, we shall find that they glorified God their Lord, but did never glorify themselves!
It is mentioned in the Gospel according to St. Matthew, chapter 19: 16-17
“16-And, behold, one came and said to him: Good master, what good shall I do that I may have life everlasting?
17- Who said to him: Why do you ask me concerning good? One is good, God." [King James Version.]
[In the Arabic translation of the Gospel: Why do you call me good? One is good, that is God.]
And in the Gospel according to St. John, chapter 13: 16
“16- Amen, amen, I say to you: The servant is not greater than his lord; neither is the apostle greater than He that sent him.” [King James Version]
The religion of God, in all the heavens and the earth, is according to this First Commandment:
A-- It is mentioned in the Book of Deuteronomy, chapter 5: 7-9
“7-You shall not have strange gods in my sight.
8-You shall not make to yourself a graven thing, nor the likeness of anythings, that are in heaven above, or that are in the earth beneath, or that abide in the waters under the earth."
B-- It is mentioned in the Gospel according to Mark, chapter 12: 29-30
“29-And Jesus answered him: The first commandment of all is: the Lord your God is one God.
30-And you shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength. This is the first commandment.”
And the following is in the Gospel according to Mark12:32
“There is One God and there is no other besides Him.”
C-- God-be exalted- said in the Glorious Quran, 2: 163
Our prophets carried out their missions on this Earth, according to the instruction of their Lord Who sent them for this purpose. They lived, did their duties for some years then died and their souls went to Paradise in the neighborhood of their Lord. The prophets and apostles (or messengers) were some parts of a series of prophets and apostles sent by God to teach people about serving God alone according to the First Commandment which is the first of all the commandments, and about the Day of Judgment.
God – be exalted – is called in Arabic: Allah, in Hebrew: Yehweh (or Jehovah), in Persian: Khodah, and in other languages may be called by other names which are synonyms of God Almighty: the Creator and Most Gracious; therefore, the people of the planets may call Him by other names; but He is the same Lord of all nations and worlds.
Logically, the people on the other planets do not know Hebrew, Arabic or English, and do not know our prophets and righteous men, but they have their own prophets and apostles; therefore, why is all this enthusiasm about these righteous men and prophets on our Earth, to the extent that some people consider them the associates with God, and that the earth and heavens were created for them only, and that they are the beginning and the end, when this exclusively is special for God alone?
Whereas if we study the instructions of these prophets, we shall find that they glorified God their Lord, but did never glorify themselves!
It is mentioned in the Gospel according to St. Matthew, chapter 19: 16-17
“16-And, behold, one came and said to him: Good master, what good shall I do that I may have life everlasting?
17- Who said to him: Why do you ask me concerning good? One is good, God." [King James Version.]
[In the Arabic translation of the Gospel: Why do you call me good? One is good, that is God.]
And in the Gospel according to St. John, chapter 13: 16
“16- Amen, amen, I say to you: The servant is not greater than his lord; neither is the apostle greater than He that sent him.” [King James Version]
The religion of God, in all the heavens and the earth, is according to this First Commandment:
A-- It is mentioned in the Book of Deuteronomy, chapter 5: 7-9
“7-You shall not have strange gods in my sight.
8-You shall not make to yourself a graven thing, nor the likeness of anythings, that are in heaven above, or that are in the earth beneath, or that abide in the waters under the earth."
B-- It is mentioned in the Gospel according to Mark, chapter 12: 29-30
“29-And Jesus answered him: The first commandment of all is: the Lord your God is one God.
30-And you shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength. This is the first commandment.”
And the following is in the Gospel according to Mark12:32
“There is One God and there is no other besides Him.”
C-- God-be exalted- said in the Glorious Quran, 2: 163
و إلهُكم إلهٌ واحدٌ لا إلهَ إلاّ هُوَ الرحْمانُ الرّحيم
The explanation: (Your God is One God; there is no god save Him, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.)