The Discovery of Intelligent Beings on the Planets Will Refute the Enthusiasm.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The discovery of intelligent beings on the planets will disprove
and refute the enthusiasm about prophets and righteous men
The human beings on the other planets recognize and serve God, Who, of necessity, has sent them, out of themselves, many prophets and apostles [or messengers]; to teach these human beings about the monotheism: that God is One [as in the First Commandment], the Hereafter: or the life to come, and many other subjects; but they know nothing about Moses, Jesus and Mohammed; they have their own prophets and messengers or apostles.
Our prophets carried out their missions on this Earth, according to the instruction of their Lord Who sent them for this purpose. They lived, did their duties for some years then died and their souls went to Paradise in the neighborhood of their Lord. The prophets and apostles (or messengers) were some parts of a series of prophets and apostles sent by God to teach people about serving God alone according to the First Commandment which is the first of all the commandments, and about the Day of Judgment.
God – be exalted – is called in Arabic: Allah, in Hebrew: Yehweh (or Jehovah), in Persian: Khodah, and in other languages may be called by other names which are synonyms of God Almighty: the Creator and Most Gracious; therefore, the people of the planets may call Him by other names; but He is the same Lord of all nations and worlds.
Logically, the people on the other planets do not know Hebrew, Arabic or English, and do not know our prophets and righteous men, but they have their own prophets and apostles; therefore, why is all this enthusiasm about these righteous men and prophets on our Earth, to the extent that some people consider them the associates with God, and that the earth and heavens were created for them only, and that they are the beginning and the end, when this exclusively is special for God alone?
Whereas if we study the instructions of these prophets, we shall find that they glorified God their Lord, but did never glorify themselves!
It is mentioned in the Gospel according to St. Matthew, chapter 19: 16-17
“16-And, behold, one came and said to him: Good master, what good shall I do that I may have life everlasting?
17- Who said to him: Why do you ask me concerning good? One is good, God." [King James Version.]
[In the Arabic translation of the Gospel: Why do you call me good? One is good, that is God.]
And in the Gospel according to St. John, chapter 13: 16
“16- Amen, amen, I say to you: The servant is not greater than his lord; neither is the apostle greater than He that sent him.” [King James Version]

The religion of God, in all the heavens and the earth, is according to this First Commandment:
A-- It is mentioned in the Book of Deuteronomy, chapter 5: 7-9
“7-You shall not have strange gods in my sight.
8-You shall not make to yourself a graven thing, nor the likeness of anythings, that are in heaven above, or that are in the earth beneath, or that abide in the waters under the earth."
B-- It is mentioned in the Gospel according to Mark, chapter 12: 29-30
“29-And Jesus answered him: The first commandment of all is: the Lord your God is one God.
30-And you shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength. This is the first commandment.”
And the following is in the Gospel according to Mark12:32
“There is One God and there is no other besides Him.”
C-- God-be exalted- said in the Glorious Quran, 2: 163
و إلهُكم إلهٌ واحدٌ لا إلهَ إلاّ هُوَ الرحْمانُ الرّحيم
The explanation: (Your God is One God; there is no god save Him, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.)



Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
eanassir, hi
I respect your beliefs in whatever you choose.

I have a friend who is a Baha'i, and talks similar to what you are saying.
We have our discussions and He can not see my view unless it is how he sees it.

I will allow him to have his views without any concern for his soul.
The reason being is that my God, Jesus is greater than all the prophets and has paid the price for all our souls yours included.
So, really, it doesn't matter what you believe, but one thing he does ask (Jesus) is that we love one another.
Can you do that without expecting me or anyone else to convert to your way of thinking?
I don't expect you to convert, but only to exercise love to wards me as an individual with different views.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The enthusiasm will lead to error.

I am not a Baha'i; I am a Muslim, and I believe in God as One without any associate, and in His revealed books: the Ten Commandments, the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran.

All the prophets including Moses, Jesus and Mohammed are the servants of God, and they are not too proud to admit this. They lived for a certain life span in this World, carried out their duties, and then they went to the neighborhood of their Lord in the kingdom of heaven.

These prophets are human beings like us; they ate food and drank water like us: the endresult of eating food is known: they passed bowel motion like other human beings; even Jesus ate of the food of the apostles: bread and other items of food. They are not gods, neither they were sons of God, but sons of man. The enthusiasm about them is refused by these apostles and prophets themselves: they did not glorify themselves, but the later generations did so.

It is not only Jesus that suffered; there were a large number of prophets and apostles and righteous men who suffered more than him, and they forbore patiently for the sake of God.

Adam was created on this Earth: in a garden on a mountain; he was not created in the Paradise of heaven. There is no need that Jesus or others may carry our sins; because every man will carry his own sins. The apostle will save the one who applies the First Commandment and other commandments; he cannot save the man who work contrary to it; see how Abraham cannot save the rich man instead of Alazar.

How do you know that I hate you? I don't hate you or anyone else, unless he is an enemy of God.

Lastly, this idea can be applied to our Earth, in addition to the planets. I mean, there is a large number of people living in remote parts of the world, who have not heard about Moses, Jesus, Mohammed and other honored prophets. Such people living in china and Japan, the Red Indians who were the original inhabitants of America and others who are even unaware of Jesus or Mohammed.

But, certainly, God did send them apostles to teach them; but the following generations have distorted the monotheism brought by those apostles; because all of them invite people to serve God alone.
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Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
eanassir, hi

“I believe in God as One without any associate”…is the same belief of mine.
But I have reason to believe based on the scriptures, the Old Testament that God created mankind of His own desire.
But He wanted mankind to be as like Him to know good and evil.
Are you with me on the Old Testament Genesis of the beginning of knowledge?

God gave knowledge to mankind and symbolized it as like a tree, hence the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

But to have received this knowledge meant death as in this verse: Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

Well that separation from life as symbolized by the tree “of life” is death of the spirit of Adam.

What then is the hope of Adam or of all mankind since the seeds of Adam are alike in that all are born flesh but death spiritually?

God then provides that Hope Himself in our behalf as He comes and occupies the body of Adam (flesh) and with His power and righteousness subdues the power of the flesh brought about the knowledge that was given to mankind, and rendered it harmless by offering Himself to blame for mankind condition.

To prove my point, let me ask you; are you a father of children?
If you are, did you ask any of them first if they wanted you to bring them into this world?

Of course not, for what choice did they have?

Does that not make you responsible for their welfare? To teach them to love you and their brothers and their sisters as you love them?

If one of them were to become a mass murderer, would you disown them, or would you stand by their side because he is your son?

God in turn is responsible for our being brought into this world and it is up to Him to take us out.
Enter: Jesus as prophesied of Him and decreed to be the only Begotten Son of God, and on the day of His crucifixion becomes God, thus having the power to save the world.

I know that this is hard for you to see, just as it is hard for me to see it your way.

I understand that God in Jesus is above all prophets in that He is God, the end of the law (end meaning fulfiller of the law) and rendering grace and His righteousness to all mankind, which included Muslims.
Understand that I have no interest in changing your mind, but to simply explain my view as to how I see it and how God includes you into His divine plan .



Force majeure
May 28, 2007
I believe in God as One without any associate

I asked a question before if anyone knew of something that was a single entity, a one off, if you will that occurs naturally. A God doesn't make sense to me.


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California

I asked a question before if anyone knew of something that was a single entity, a one off, if you will that occurs naturally. A God doesn't make sense to me.

An egg is one of. The shell portrays the whole, looking at it as one.(Father)
The white of the egg suspends, holds, supports the yoke. (Spirit)
The Yoke is where life is. (Son)

It is the same entity but in different applications.

The Father part (Shell) created all that you see (Physical)which dies.
The Son, recreated all that you don't see (spiritual) which brings life.
And the Holy Spirit comforts and supports the yoke (Son) of life that is in us.

This is the pattern set through the whole bible and can be seen if looked for.

Does that help explain it somewhat?



Council Member
May 24, 2006
Great Satan
So what happens when we find our "long lost human brethren" on some other planet and they all laugh at us for being such supersticious simpletons?

I would guess that most of our religious types will do the usual routine, evangelize, attempt to convert, and if fails, there's always the rack and thumbscrews...:smile:
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Force majeure
May 28, 2007
An egg is one of. The shell portrays the whole, looking at it as one.(Father)
The white of the egg suspends, holds, supports the yoke. (Spirit)
The Yoke is where life is. (Son)

It is the same entity but in different applications.

The Father part (Shell) created all that you see (Physical)which dies.
The Son, recreated all that you don't see (spiritual) which brings life.
And the Holy Spirit comforts and supports the yoke (Son) of life that is in us.

This is the pattern set through the whole bible and can be seen if looked for.

Does that help explain it somewhat?


Nope. An egg is one of many of the same.
Unless there a thousands of gods all basically the same as humans are basically the same, then it's not something that occurs in nature.
I haven't found any thing that appears in nature as a single entity exclusive to all in it's uniqueness.

Unless you want to change what God is supposed to be from some superior being to a happy feeling.


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
So what happens when we find our "long lost human brethren" on some other planet and they all laugh at us for being such supersticious simpletons?

I would guess that most of our religious types will do the usual routine, evangelize, attempt to convert, and if fails, there's always the rack and thumbscrews...:smile:

We have but one life to live. How are we going to live it?
I believe what is given to us to know is appropriate for the time, the question is, how will we use this knowledge?
Some folks give up their lives in rescues, in battles and fight civilly about things which might be harmful to humans.
Other folks just take in and use what good was given them and abuse it to their own lusts.
There are always remnants of folks who see into the future and try to make this world a better place and who usually pay a price for it.

Question is, what good are we doing with what good was given us?



Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Nope. An egg is one of many of the same.
Unless there a thousands of gods all basically the same as humans are basically the same, then it's not something that occurs in nature.
I haven't found any thing that appears in nature as a single entity exclusive to all in it's uniqueness.

Unless you want to change what God is supposed to be from some superior being to a happy feeling.

Yes, there are billions of gods, and you are one of them;
gods defined: One who knows good and evil.

Joh 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

God is in all of us in measure, some know it and others don't.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The enthusiasm will lead to polytheism.

We have but one life to live. How are we going to live it?
I believe what is given to us to know is appropriate for the time, the question is, how will we use this knowledge?
Some folks give up their lives in rescues, in battles and fight civilly about things which might be harmful to humans.
Other folks just take in and use what good was given them and abuse it to their own lusts.
There are always remnants of folks who see into the future and try to make this world a better place and who usually pay a price for it.

Question is, what good are we doing with what good was given us?


The enthusiasm will lead to polytheism: something like idolatry
It is not God that said to people to be enthusiastic, neither did any prophet nor Jesus nor others; but by time and by successive generations, they started to be enthusiastic concerning their prophets including Jesus Christ, the honorable apostle who worked according to the will of his Lord That sent him.
All the prophets, including Moses, Jesus and Mohammed, invited people to serve God alone. Then following the prophet death, some religious leaders started to innovate things in the religion that were not told to them by God neither by the prophet. Then, generation after another, the religion brought to them by the teacher or the prophet, was altered and became completely deviated from its first purpose: to serve God alone, and they started to serve the apostle that had been sent to them.
God – be exalted – said in the Quran 23: 117
وَمَن يَدْعُ مَعَ اللَّهِ إِلَهًا آخَرَ لَا بُرْهَانَ لَهُ بِهِ فَإِنَّمَا حِسَابُهُ عِندَ رَبِّهِ إِنَّهُ لَا يُفْلِحُ الْكَافِرُونَ
The explanation: (Anyone who prays to another god besides God, without evidence to [his claim, derived from the Heavenly Book], surely will have his punishment from his Lord [in the Hereafter]; for surely unbelievers will not succeed.)

However, the Quran foretells about a future meeting with the people of Mars.
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Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
The blame for the potential of knowing evil is not to mankind, but to God.
Mankind being born into this quagmire of a world is not mankind's fault.

Much like yourself, you didn't have a choice either.

God knew this from the get go, and would not let it become the burden of mankind to save itself.
The original sin or for better understanding, original death sentence upon all mankind, had to be overturned only by God Himself.

Only He alone could accomplish it, but how?

By becoming man himself.

Now of which of all the prophets is there a decree given as being "The" Son of God and of whom all prophecies pointed to?

God had to provide His own sacrifice for the salvation of His creation, for what power does mankind have in it?

Now as for life on other planets, well, I'm sure that over time way past my generation, time travel will be in.

But as for now, and with what God has showed me, this is all there is.

This world is in our hands to subdue it, dress it and be good stewards of it.

To wards our kind, to be kind, loving and forgiving.

Now those things we should be mindful of.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The Commandments of God Are Plain, not Complicated
People have free choice; they can choose to do good or evil; if they do good, they may be rewarded; and if they do evil, they may be punished.
On the other hand, prophets and apostles are obliged to do the will of God That send them.
God said clear commandments, but people made it complex; they complicated the subject until they forged a religion that even unknown to the apostle to whom they pertain.
See that Jesus Christ will deny them who speak in his name, and will say to them: as in the Gospel: "I tell you the truth; I don't know you even; away from me you evildoers."
These commandments, in particular the First Commandment, are guidance and light for the humanity: they were written on the tablets of stone by God Himself. The First Commandment is the central axis of all the heavenly religions; it points to God the Creator, the Most Gracious. It is the religion of all the heavens and earth. All the inhabitants of Earth and the rest of the planets admit it and hold fast with it. God is One, having no associate. No god but God alone.
This is applied to all deeds of man:
- He prays to God alone.
- Asks his need from God only.
- Helps others for the sake of God alone.
- Swears by God only.
- Gives alms to the poor for the sake of God.
- Mentions God always; if he mentions anyone else so frequently, he will worship this one.
- Seeks the help and assistance of God alone.
- Puts his trust in God alone.


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
God said clear commandments, but people made it complex; they complicated the subject until they forged a religion that even unknown to the apostle to whom they pertain.>>>eanassir
Ain't it just like being human?

These commandments, in particular the First Commandment, are guidance and light for the humanity: they were written on the tablets of stone by God >>>eanassir

Written in stone then, but now should be written in hearts of flesh?

Here's the break down on the ten commandments:
1st five are heavenly and the 2nd five are earthly.

Broken down to two, 1st heavenly: love God with all thy mind heart and soul and the 2nd earthly: love thy neighbor as thy self.

These two should be written in our hearts of which the flesh has nothing to do with it.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Life on the planets.

Have they found any intelligent life on this planet yet?

Life on Mars and some other planets
The recent images of Mars are not natural; they are not the fresh or raw pictures. These images have been taken by different light wavelength, picked by comuterized method, then transmitted by some program, then they have been modified by some processing procedures; therefore they cannot be relied upon in deciding the existence of life on Mars or not. For example, a dark area may be a lake, a forest or a city...etc. In other words, they are not so precize.
The planets of the solar system with their moons, their day and night, and their different axis inclinations according to their distances away from the Sun points out to the Designer, the Wise Almighty God - be glorified.
The Quran, being the last heavenly revealed book, include many Quranic revelations that indicate the existence of intelligent beings on some of the planets; and the possibility of meeting between the inhabitants of Earth and the inhabitants of some other planets.
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Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Have they found any intelligent life on this planet yet?

There seemed to be some pretty smart people speaking at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo.

They were way over my head though, so I can't say for sure. They may have been stupid, just sounded smart. ;-)


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm

I asked a question before if anyone knew of something that was a single entity, a one off, if you will that occurs naturally. A God doesn't make sense to me.

Unf, You will only get fantastical and metaphoric explainations from this crowd. People that beleive in God via religious doctrine aren't interested in what 'really' is, just a fiction twisted to satiate the weaknesses in their souls.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Sounds contradictory and ripe with paradox to me. I ate beef for dinner lastnight, but it's not accurate to say that I am bovine because I know I am made up partially of the nutrients I got from the beef.

Yes, there are billions of gods, and you are one of them;
gods defined: One who knows good and evil.

Joh 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

God is in all of us in measure, some know it and others don't.
