Fellow religionists. The non-affiliated and secular people mean our religions no harm

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Fellow religionists. The non-affiliated and secular people mean our religions no harm. Why do you choose to kill them?

Sometimes we religious people bring needless oppression to the non-affiliated and secular people. We religionists often think we should use force to impose our ideology unto others who think differently. Some call these Inquisitions and Jihad. In my case, I use the force of argument and nothing else.

The non-affiliated and secular people do not hate us religious people. They just see us as idol worshipers with good minds that we have allowed to be compromised by faith and delusional supernatural thinking.

Knowing that non-affiliated people only feel pity for us religious people, --- and more importantly, --- mean us no harm, --- why do you choose to kill non-affiliated and secular people?

You and I have no just cause. If you think you do, please articulate it.

I do not expect many replies from my fellow religionists to this question so let me end without a question but a plea instead.

Fellow religionists please stop killing the non-affiliated and secular people who only feel pity for the way we religious people think.

Killing those who wish us no harm is rude.
