A dark view of religion and belief from the show True Detectives

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
True Detective

Views of detective Rustin on religion and beliefs.
Episode 3 the locked room
1995 detective Rustin Cohle and detective Martin Hart waiting outside of the tent listening to the sermon of a travelling preacher

Rust: “What do you think the average IQ of this group is huh?”

Hart : “Can you see Texas up there on your high horse? What do you know about these people?”

Rust: “Just observation and deduction. See a propensity for obesity , poverty and again for fairytales. Folks putting what few bucks they do have in a little wicker basket being passed around. I think it is safe to say that nobody here is going to be splitting the atom here Marty”

Hart: “ You see that?, your ****en attitude. Not everybody wants to sit alone in an empty room beating off to a murder manual. Some folks enjoy, community, common good.”

Rust: “Yeah well the common good has to make up fairytales and it is not good for anybody”

Hart: “I mean, can you imagine, if people didn’t believe, what things they would get up to?”

Rust: “The exact same thing they do now , just out in the open.”

Hart: “Bull……****, It would be a ****ing freak show of murder and debauchery and you know it.”

Rust: “It is the only thing that is keeping a person decent is the expectation of a divine reward and brother that person is a piece of ****. And I would like to get as many out in the open, as possible.”

Hart: “Well I guess your judgment is infallible piece of **** wise.”
“do you think that notebook is a stolen tablet?” referring to what the priest is holding during the sermon.

Rust: “What it say about life, huh? You have to get together , tell yourself stories that violate every law in the universe just to get through the god damn day.”
“What does that say about your reality Marty?”

Hart:” When you get to talking like this, you sound panicked. “

2112 interview , Rustin being interviewed of that past case
Main detective “You figure it is all a scam huh? All them folks? It is just wrong?”

Rustin: “Oh yeah, been that way since one monkey looked at the sun, and told the other monkey he said, for you to give me your ****in share. People, so god damn frail they rather put a coin in a wishing well then to by diner.”

Back to 1995 same sermon
Rust: “Transferring fear and self loathing to an authoritarian vessel. It’s catharsis. He absorbs their dread with his narrative , because of this, he is effective in the proportion to the amount of certainty he can project. (referring to the preacher) Certain linguistic anthropologist think that religion is a language virus, that rewrites pathways in the brain, dulls critical thinking.”

Hart: “Well, I like to use ten dollar words as much as you, but , for a guy who sees no point in existence you sure fret about it an awful lot. And you still sound panicked.”

Rust: “At least I am not racing to a red light”

2112 interview
Rust: “See, we all got what I call a, life trap. A gene deep certainty that things would be different. That you will move to another city and meet the people that will be the friends for the rest of your life, that you will fall in love and be fulfilled ,and come fulfillment. And closure…….. like nothing is ever fulfilled? Until the very end…and closure, no no , nothing is ever over.”

Rust: “The ontological fallacies of expecting a light at the end of the tunnel, well that is what the preacher sells, same as the shrink. See , the preacher he, encourages your capacity for illusion then he tells you, to a ****en virtue, one is about to be had doing that. It is such a , desperate sense of entitlement isn’t it? Surely this is all for me? (sarcastically miming) me, ? me , me , I , I , I am so ****ing important….. “

Certain linguistic anthropologist think that religion is a language virus, that rewrites pathways in the brain, dulls critical thinking.
This can be said about political thinking also