Killing Khashoggi .. American work

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
USA (and the Jewish Zionist Trump) milked out Saudi Arabia .. taking from them about 1/2 trillion dollars .. supposed to be for advanced military weapons.

USA has prepared some offense against Iran.. because Iran is relatively a powerful Muslim country .. and the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv don't like it.

The crown prince (a servant of US intelligence and servant of Tel Aviv Zionists) has been prepared by the intelligence of USA and Tel Aviv to act like Saddam to make war .. etc. He is cruel and all people start to dread him and to act the hypocrite so as to praise and admire him (like what people did towards Saddam), and the Crown Prince should have a strong control so that he can wage war without anyone objecting to him .. etc.)

Khashoggi defended Al-Quds and the Aqsa Mosque .. he wrote some columns about this in the Washington Post Newspaper and he had many youtubes about Palestine and the Aqsa mosque .. the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv don't like it.

Now, there has been some affair (certainly an evil affair) between Saudi and US, their king or crown prince asked the cooperation of Trump ..
Trump demanded of him 4 billion dollars ..
the Saudi refused; he said: I cannot give you any additional money, you have already milked us out! I have other requirement of expenditure and other projects.
Trump said: We protect you and you have money, so you should give us.
Then Trump said to them [as also published in his tweets]: Without our protection, you Saudi government cannot stay in power even for two weeks!

Afterwards, this strange story of Khashoggi happened.

So the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv + the USA intelligence got rid of Khashoggi who worked actively against Tel Aviv and who defended Al-Aqsa mosque .. and at the same time they exerted much pressure against the guilty Saudi government.

What goes along with this explanation, is the weird going of Khashoggi to the Saudi Consulate on his feet in cautious way, where a trap had been made readily prepared for him.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Of course, my words here are not a revelation; it may be correct or wrong. But this is what I think.

So now, let us see the stance of some countries:
USA -- CNN said in their news subtitles: "Trump plays the coy in Khashoggi case."

Trump said (while he crossed his arms about his chest [a position he takes when he wants to lie or cheat .. could be] ) it is a serious case, but we cannot corrupt our ties with the Saudis merely for that a man is killed; we need their money, and our weapon deal with them may not be changed; although some penalties should be done.

UK, France, Germany -- they strongly condemned the crime ( they have no much benefit from the Saudis, seeing almost it goes entirely to the USA; they want also to blackmail: also milking out the Saudi cow)

Russia -- silent, as it watches the situation: it does not want a bad relation with the rich Saudis, and it wants to come little by little to the Arab region. The case seems weird to them .. they want things more clear.

Tel Aviv -- silent; the Saudi governors are their allies; they may know and they may be part of the play.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Should be easy to argue against it then Walter.

Got anything at all?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
USA (and the Jewish Zionist Trump) milked out Saudi Arabia .. taking from them about 1/2 trillion dollars .. supposed to be for advanced military weapons.
USA has prepared some offense against Iran.. because Iran is relatively a powerful Muslim country .. and the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv don't like it.
The crown prince (a servant of US intelligence and servant of Tel Aviv Zionists) has been prepared by the intelligence of USA and Tel Aviv to act like Saddam to make war .. etc. He is cruel and all people start to dread him and to act the hypocrite so as to praise and admire him (like what people did towards Saddam), and the Crown Prince should have a strong control so that he can wage war without anyone objecting to him .. etc.)
Khashoggi defended Al-Quds and the Aqsa Mosque .. he wrote some columns about this in the Washington Post Newspaper and he had many youtubes about Palestine and the Aqsa mosque .. the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv don't like it.
Now, there has been some affair (certainly an evil affair) between Saudi and US, their king or crown prince asked the cooperation of Trump ..
Trump demanded of him 4 billion dollars ..
the Saudi refused; he said: I cannot give you any additional money, you have already milked us out! I have other requirement of expenditure and other projects.
Trump said: We protect you and you have money, so you should give us.
Then Trump said to them [as also published in his tweets]: Without our protection, you Saudi government cannot stay in power even for two weeks!
Afterwards, this strange story of Khashoggi happened.
So the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv + the USA intelligence got rid of Khashoggi who worked actively against Tel Aviv and who defended Al-Aqsa mosque .. and at the same time they exerted much pressure against the guilty Saudi government.
What goes along with this explanation, is the weird going of Khashoggi to the Saudi Consulate on his feet in cautious way, where a trap had been made readily prepared for him.
How's the camel humping?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Wicked Zionists hate the Arab .. and everything related to the Arab .. they hate the camel .. so what's the fault of the camel that God created it for the desert particularly in the Arab land. And you are ignorant about your grandfathers and their way of living.
Therefore, keep hating the camel; the camel does not bother about the Wicked Zionists :lol:
In fact, God forbade eating the camel meat for Jews as a penalty for their transgression and evil manners,
but God did not forbid for Muslims the eating of its delicious meat and the drinking of its milk (which has a salt taste)
It is pure and good and wholesome.
They are prevented from its delicious meat, forbidden for Jews, but lawful for Muslims.
See how the camel scorns the Zionists :lol:

Quran 88: 17, which means:
(Do they not consider how the camel is [wisely] created!? a)
17 a They move in the desert, grazing on the thorn instead of the grass, and can forbear being without water for ten days in summer and for forty days in winter. And they carry loads and walk on the sand.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Wicked Zionists hate the Arab .. and everything related to the Arab .. they hate the camel .. so what's the fault of the camel that God created it for the desert particularly in the Arab land. And you are ignorant about your grandfathers and their way of living.
When they slam a certain point it means their crime in that same area are so much greater they cannot contain the shame so rather than confess and be healed they lash out and lay blame on other for the lie being their fault rather than look inside for the flaw that needs lies in the first place, let alone a wide stream of them.

Dicks like him from the West all think of camel humping while an Arab would ride the camel to town so he could meet one of the many girls that look like this.


Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Wicked Zionists hate the Arab .. and everything related to the Arab .. they hate the camel .. so what's the fault of the camel that God created it for the desert particularly in the Arab land. And you are ignorant about your grandfathers and their way of living.
Therefore, keep hating the camel; the camel does not bother about the Wicked Zionists :lol:
In fact, God forbade eating the camel meat for Jews as a penalty for their transgression and evil manners,
but God did not forbid for Muslims the eating of its delicious meat and the drinking of its milk (which has a salt taste)
It is pure and good and wholesome.
They are prevented from its delicious meat, forbidden for Jews, but lawful for Muslims.
See how the camel scorns the Zionists :lol:

Quran 88: 17, which means:
(Do they not consider how the camel is [wisely] created!? a)
17 a They move in the desert, grazing on the thorn instead of the grass, and can forbear being without water for ten days in summer and for forty days in winter. And they carry loads and walk on the sand.

Pretty phucking clever camel since that Koranic BS was written before Zionism existed.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I'd never heard of the guy before this. Is he someone special?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
It does not mean that some Americans came and killed this man in the Saudi Consulate at Istanbul; but there may be some cunning work; a work the Zionists and their allies are skilled to do such crimes from behind the curtain: like sending the man to his end, and like commanding some of their agents in the Saudi Arabia to deal in that way .. etc.

Similar to sending an unaware driver and telling him to phone with some number which ignites an explosion of the car, while the driver is not aware and does not know .. etc.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
So the jews killed that arab.

Is that the what happened?
If that was the headline it was probably not the truth. They would be in trouble if they did that, look around at how many parades there are for whistle blowers.
The KSA is being sold a bad bill of goods if they weren't directing things from a conference room and 1080 network feed. 'No, no the same finger but on the other hand as he fingered me one in my dreams, he cannot treat me like that, I am the king dammit, the king I say. Fuk it off with his heads and do the little one first.' rather than my version would be more like, 'This is gonna hurt Pilgrim, you might even need stitches.

Ya? No? Too much or too little blood?? This is for NATO so adjust what you need to.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It does not mean that some Americans came and killed this man in the Saudi Consulate at Istanbul; but there may be some cunning work; a work the Zionists and their allies are skilled to do such crimes from behind the curtain: like sending the man to his end, and like commanding some of their agents in the Saudi Arabia to deal in that way .. etc.

Similar to sending an unaware driver and telling him to phone with some number which ignites an explosion of the car, while the driver is not aware and does not know .. etc.
9 special forces to kill 1 guy?? Hate to say it but the instructor needs to be fired or whatever they do to retire people over there, id the young and vibrant are shit on I don't see his fate as being one to be envied.