BC NDP minority government would be best, say most British Columbians


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
BC NDP minority government would be best, say most British Columbians

As we await the final BC election results, a new poll suggests most British Columbians would prefer a BC NDP minority government.

Mainstreet Research asked 1,650 eligible BC voters between May 11 and May 13 via landlines and cell phones for their thoughts on the provincial election.

It found 51% of respondents thought the BC NDP should form government, as opposed to 28% who believed the BC Liberals should be in charge, and 21% who weren’t sure.

Support for a BC NDP government was highest in Greater Vancouver, at 56%, followed by Vancouver Island, at 46% and the rest of BC, at 44%.

However, in all areas, a BC NDP government had more support than a BC Liberal government.

Vote-by-vote better than coalition

As well, the poll found most respondents (58%) preferred a minority government, with the BC Greens supporting or opposing the government on a vote-by-vote basis.

And in terms of a possible coalition, a BC Green-BC NDP union received 57% approval from respondents, while only 27% approved of a BC Green-BC Liberals coalition.

However, overall, the poll found less than half of those British Columbians surveyed were satisfied with the outcome so far.

According to the results, only 48% of respondents were satisfied with the outcome, as opposed to 43% who were definitely dissatisfied and 7% who were not sure.

Unsurprising, as we have a hung parliament, no clear winner, five ridings in question, two recounts on the way, and we have to wait until at least May 24 for any final results.

To read the full poll results, check here: Mainstreet Research.


The Liberals got the popular vote, doesn't that account for something.