Democrat Claire McCaskill Caught Lying About Meeting With Russian Ambassador


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Democrat Claire McCaskill Caught Lying About Meeting With Russian Ambassador

Democrats have two major problems; compulsive lying, and they suck at technology. The DNC and Hillary Clinton's campaign having been hacked by 5 to 7 foreign intelligence agencies vs. the RNC and Trump's data security is a great example of the latter - though perhaps the best combination of questionable ethics and technological ineptitude was the episode in which Hillary Clinton's incompetent IT guy crept onto Reddit during the Benghazi investigation to ask how he could strip Hillary's email address from (legally) archived records.

The latest example of lying while sucking at technology comes to us from Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO), who tried her best to pile on the Russophobic Jeff Sessions witch hunt by emphatically tweeting about how she's never had a call or meeting with the Russians. Ever. Unfortunately for Claire, she forgot about the two times she not only did that, but tweeted about it!

Democrat Claire McCaskill Caught Lying About Meeting With Russian Ambassador | Zero Hedge


How the Corporate Media Continues to Use the Russia Scapegoat as a Distraction from Status Quo Failure

Countless observers have noted the obvious fact that the corporate media’s all-encompassing obsession with anti-Russia hysteria is partly just a shameless campaign to prevent change within the Democratic Party by blaming its loss on an outside enemy as opposed to the oligarch-coddling, corrupt disaster it nominated. While true, the strategy is far bigger than that. So called Western elites have failed miserably across the globe, and the only way to retain their undeserved positions of power (many should be in jail), is to create and promote a mindless, highly emotional, non-domenstic distraction. Enter Russia.

Flashback: Chuck Schumer Meets with Putin in New York City

Where’s the outrage?

Democrat Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer continues to push the Russia conspiracy.
But it was Schumer who met with Putin in New York City – not Trump.

The picture above was taken in 2003 as Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, enjoys a Krispy Kreme doughnut and coffee with Senator Charles Schumer from New York as Putin visits the first New York gas station of the Russian company Lukoil.

The hysteria over Trump administration officials talking — or not talking — with Russia needs to end.

It’s getting in the way of putting America back on track.
Flashback: Chuck Schumer Meets with Putin in New York City

of course it is
soros funded lefties appear to hate the US of A, and want it to fail
wait till they see what it gets replaced with


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Claire and the ambassador is one thing Roosevelt and Stalin is another
the Russians and Americans were allies in war. McCaskill is not the
Attorney General either that is the difference, Once you take the oath as
a cabinet member it is entirely different. One lie is the same as another
yes, but one is in an official capacity and the Chief Law Enforcement
Officer in the land he will eventually have to resign for his efforts not from
a Senate Probe the FBI now has a free hand, but we shall see


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Claire and the ambassador is one thing Roosevelt and Stalin is another
the Russians and Americans were allies in war. McCaskill is not the
Attorney General either that is the difference, Once you take the oath as
a cabinet member it is entirely different. One lie is the same as another
yes, but one is in an official capacity and the Chief Law Enforcement
Officer in the land he will eventually have to resign for his efforts not from
a Senate Probe the FBI now has a free hand, but we shall see

People like Danbones seem to be forgetting Sessions position and power and that the issue is he lied twice (under oath) about meeting him. Of course the inference is, why would he lie about that.......?

He did not simply lie in his testimony (shown above). He also lied about it in his written statements, and now he is trying to cover his lie.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that his spokesman is downplaying his contacts with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak as mere social interaction, but this runs counter to his own sworn statements that he had no contact with the Russians.

Sessions Lied About Contact With Russians. When Will He Resign? | Crooks and Liars


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
perhaps some of you nay sayers might note:
the russians are not the enemy


People like Danbones seem to be forgetting Sessions position and power and that the issue is he lied twice (under oath) about meeting him. Of course the inference is, why would he lie about that.......?

He did not simply lie in his testimony (shown above). He also lied about it in his written statements, and now he is trying to cover his lie.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that his spokesman is downplaying his contacts with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak as mere social interaction, but this runs counter to his own sworn statements that he had no contact with the Russians.

Sessions Lied About Contact With Russians. When Will He Resign? | Crooks and Liars

all i have to say to you is this:

greenie made you look eh?
russians are not the problem
NAZIs are

Claire and the ambassador is one thing Roosevelt and Stalin is another
the Russians and Americans were allies in war. McCaskill is not the
Attorney General either that is the difference, Once you take the oath as
a cabinet member it is entirely different. One lie is the same as another
yes, but one is in an official capacity and the Chief Law Enforcement
Officer in the land he will eventually have to resign for his efforts not from
a Senate Probe the FBI now has a free hand, but we shall see

as to Sessions
he met with the ambassador as a senator
at the time he was part of the senate arms commitee

that is the point

7 Reasons the Jeff Sessions Witch Hunt Is Ridiculous
7 Reasons the Jeff Sessions Witch Hunt Is Ridiculous - Breitbart

most of you get refuted here...^
Democrats thought misleading Congress was no big deal until today
Sessions did not commit perjury
Meeting with ambassadors was Part of Sessions’ job
Other senators met with ambassadors, including Kislyak
Democrats were happy to let Obama transition team wear different hats for foreign meetings:
Sessions did not “conceal” meetings with Kislyak
. Democrats want more than just Sessions’ scalp: Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) has this exactly right:

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS ✔ @RepGosar
There is zero evidence to suggest Sessions acted inappropriately for doing his job as a senior member of the Armed Services Committee. 1/2

guess you people don't know the subject on which you speak very well


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Eric Holder and fast and furious if you want hypocrites, and Americans died from his giving of full auto weapons to the cartels

...but the dems/globalists do not want to see any enforcement looking at them
so they produce moments like this for all of us to share

as a senator on the armed services committee he spoke to ambassadorks from england, canada, poland, and a-hole piles of other similar america threatening entities


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015