FIFA Allegations of Corruption


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
No one mentioning how corrupt the sport of Soccer(football Is) This sport appears
to be a big phony game including who gets to host it. 14 likely going to end up in the
I know wrestling is fake and I don't care for it but it is still better than the most boring
game in the world soccer. Little Ref's running around with little yellow and red cards
admonishing players for playing tough. Never could stand the game that appears to
be disgracing itself.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Apparently when the arrests were made the accused FIFA officials threw themselves to the floor and faked injuries.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
No one mentioning how corrupt the sport of Soccer(football Is) This sport appears
to be a big phony game including who gets to host it. 14 likely going to end up in the
I know wrestling is fake and I don't care for it but it is still better than the most boring
game in the world soccer. Little Ref's running around with little yellow and red cards
admonishing players for playing tough. Never could stand the game that appears to
be disgracing itself.
I liked playing soccer as a kid but never liked watching the game.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
No one mentioning how corrupt the sport of Soccer(football Is) This sport appears
to be a big phony game including who gets to host it. 14 likely going to end up in the
I know wrestling is fake and I don't care for it but it is still better than the most boring
game in the world soccer. Little Ref's running around with little yellow and red cards
admonishing players for playing tough. Never could stand the game that appears to
be disgracing itself.

Sure it was mentioned, they wanted to have to work in the Russian Prison System..:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Lots of scandals in European soccer - one of the biggest money making schemes anywhere. Too bad as it corrupts and misrepresents all the great athletes who play it.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Lots of scandals in European soccer - one of the biggest money making schemes anywhere. Too bad as it corrupts and misrepresents all the great athletes who play it.

It's not European "soccer." FIFA is the WORLD'S football governing body.

No one mentioning how corrupt the sport of Soccer(football Is) This sport appears
to be a big phony game including who gets to host it. 14 likely going to end up in the
I know wrestling is fake and I don't care for it but it is still better than the most boring
game in the world soccer. Little Ref's running around with little yellow and red cards
admonishing players for playing tough. Never could stand the game that appears to
be disgracing itself.

Best sport in the world. No other sport can ever hope to achieve it popularity and global reach. It's much better than those silly things they play in North America. Most of the rest of the world just laughs and pokes fun at North American sports.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
It's not European "soccer." FIFA is the WORLD'S football governing body.

Best sport in the world. No other sport can ever hope to achieve it popularity and global reach. It's much better than those silly things they play in North America. Most of the rest of the world just laughs and pokes fun at North American sports.
Boring. Just like golf or professional bowling unless it's the bowling that I watched in the movie "Kingpin"


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Best sport in the world. No other sport can ever hope to achieve it popularity and global reach. It's much better than those silly things they play in North America. Most of the rest of the world just laughs and pokes fun at North American sports.

FIFA Soccer (otherwise known as European Football) is so corrupt and Europe has been rolling over for the governing body for years.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
It's not European "soccer." FIFA is the WORLD'S football governing body.

Best sport in the world. No other sport can ever hope to achieve it popularity and global reach. It's much better than those silly things they play in North America. Most of the rest of the world just laughs and pokes fun at North American sports.
Most corrupt sport in the world, with the possible exception of boxing.

Sons of Liberty

Walks on Water
Aug 24, 2010
Evil Empire
Best sport in the world. No other sport can ever hope to achieve it popularity and global reach. It's much better than those silly things they play in North America. Most of the rest of the world just laughs and pokes fun at North American sports.

That's quite alright, I understand the nature of poking fun at North America, we're the envy of the planet. it goes with the territory.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
That's quite alright, I understand the nature of poking fun at North America, we're the envy of the planet. it goes with the territory.
It can't be easy to be the child of a nation that ruled the world, reduced to being a client state of its former colony. No wonder he retreats into comfortable delusions.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Sepp Blatter is a disgrace.

FIFA has been a cauldron of corruption for his entire 17 year watch as FIFA President.

The 2022 World Cup was awarded to Qatar (the first time two WCs have been given in the same bidding process).. a country with virtually no infrastructure or tradition of soccer, one which would be incapable of holding the games in the summer months.

This means it will have to held in the winter, causing chaos to league schedules around the world. This was an obvious result of bribery and malfeasance. Many of the world's regional soccer authorities have been virtually at war with FIFA for years.

Blatter is up for re-election tomorrow and he will likely win. These heads of sports organizations base their position on interconnected and muturally dependant alliances with the heads of national sport organizations.. who are coddled or bullied.. and in many cases owe their owe position to Blatter's influence

When Max Mosely, former head the FIA, world motorracing association and son of notorious Nazi sympathiser Oswald Mosely in WW2.. was caught on tape engaging in sado masochistic orgy with 5 prostitutes in full SS regalia.. he managed to get re-elected in the following election anyway, based on his connections and largesse. He agreed to resign at the end of that tenure.. which is probably the best outcome we can expect with respect to Blatter (he's almost 80).

These people has a pathological need for the fawning and celebrity these positions offer them... and have no sense at all of ethics.. just an overarching vanity and need to be surrounded by sycophants and flattery.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State

It's not European "soccer." FIFA is the WORLD'S football governing body.

Soccer Saturday | Watch TV Show | Sky Sports

My favorite show which often features discussion on the sport's bad points is called Soccer Saturday. That's good enough for me.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
FIFA Soccer (otherwise known as European Football) is so corrupt and Europe has been rolling over for the governing body for years.

FIFA - Fédération Internationale de Football Association (International Federation of Association Football) - is the world governing body of football, with more members than the UN. The last time I checked Qatar, which is involved in scandal surrounding the 2022 World Cup, is not in Europe.

European football's governing body is UEFA - Union of European Football Associations.

Soccer Saturday | Watch TV Show | Sky Sports

My favorite show which often features discussion on the sport's bad points is called Soccer Saturday. That's good enough for me.

Only because of the alliteration. I'd bet you that none of those pundits in that pic call the game "soccer". "Soccer" - or "sacker" as it sounds like to British ears - is a North American term that nobody else uses for the world's greatest sport.

The shameless squad: Hours after being freed from prison for 'exhaustion', suspect Jack Warner parties night away... as Blatter bleats scandal is revenge for UK and US losing World Cup bids

Disgraced former FIFA vice president Jack Warner claimed he was too ill to face reporters outside prison in Trinidad where he was being held on eight charges in the FBI corruption case. But just hours later, the Trinidadian donned a celebratory garland of flowers and whipped a crowd of political allies into a frenzy with an energetic and defiant speech professing his innocence. He later insisted that if he has been accused by U.S. prosecutors, then FIFA President Sepp Blatter must also face charges. Pictures of the rally emerged as a smug Blatter (inset) suggested the U.S.-led investigation was a Western conspiracy. In a rambling speech, he claimed things would be different if two other countries had emerged from the envelopes. He meant England for 2018 and USA for 2022 - a dig at the British media who have led the anti-Blatter agenda and the FBI, whose investigations led to seven arrests and 14 officials indicted on bribery and kick-back charges by the US Attorney. FIFA officials will vote for their new president this afternoon, with a result expected around 5pm UK time.

FIFA corruption suspect Jack Warner parties after release from jail in Trinidad and Tobago* | Daily Mail Online

The FIFA bigwigs facing charges:

Meanwhile, UEFA president Michel Platini has said that, should Blatter win re-election as FIFA president today, then many European nations may boycott the next World Cup in 2018.

There are also rumours that the four UK teams - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - may quit FIFA in protest (although many would say that Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland boycott FIFA every four years!)

The last time that England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland (then Ireland) quit FIFA - which was founded in 1904 - was in 1919 when they refused to be part of an organisation of which their WWI enemies were part of. Thus they were not part of FIFA for nearly the next 30 years and did not take part in the first three World Cup of 1930, 1934 and 1938. They would not rejoin FIFA until 1946.

UEFA president Michel Platini

Michel Platini has said that Uefa will reconsider its relationship with Fifa if Sepp Blatter retains the presidency - in a move which could see England being pulled from the next World Cup.

Mr Platini was speaking at a news conference to confirm that football’s European governing body has given its support to Blatter’s presidency rival, Prince Ali bin al-Hussein, ahead of the disgraced organisation's leadership vote on Friday.

The Uefa chief also revealed that he had asked Mr Blatter to resign “as a friend”, but that the under-fire Fifa head had refused to quit.

“So many scandals have shaken Fifa,” Mr Platini told the press conference. “Fifa does not deserve to be treated like this.

"I have had enough - enough is enough, too much is too much. I am the first to be disgusted.

"I told Mr Blatter 'we started together and now I am asking you to step down as we cannot continue this way'.

"He told me 'it's too late, I can't today all of sudden leave when Congress starts this afternoon'."

It means that Mr Platini could consider pulling out the 54 Uefa members – which includes England – from the World Cup should Mr Blatter win tomorrow’s vote.

When pushed further on the prospect of England and the other 53 members that fall under Uefa's confederation, Mr Platini said: "There may be proposals. I honestly don't wish that."

The 59-year-old Frenchman also said that Mr Blatter "was affected when I spoke to him, because I spoke to him like a friend".

Mr Platini added: "If Mr Blatter wins, Uefa will meet in Berlin to discuss the future of our relations with Fifa. A very, very big majority of Uefa associations will vote for Prince Ali - a minimum of 45 or 46 [out of 53], and I try to convince more.

Michel Platini to consider pulling England and other Uefa members out of the World Cup if Sepp Blatter wins Fifa election - Live - Football - The Independent
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
George Cohen, who won the World Cup with England in 1966 (and whose nephew Ben Cohen won the Rugby World Cup with England in 2003), says that England should boycott the next tournament in 2018:

Fifa corruption: World Cup 1966 winner George Cohen says England should boycott tournament

The 75-year-old says it would be a huge shame but the team could not carry on regardless in light of corruption scandal

George Cohen (left) and captain Bobby Moore after England won the World Cup in 1966 Photo: GETTY

By George Cohen
29 May 2015
The Telegraph

I agree with the boycott but it would be the most terrible shame. The European Cup is good, Uefa is good but at the same time, you have to embrace everyone in this or it’s not a World Cup.

Now and then: George Cohen

A lot of countries will say we can’t play under these circumstances and I agree with them. I would be very, very surprised if England say yes, we’ll carry on irrespective of what’s happened in the past. That’s not us.

I sincerely hope it doesn’t come to that. It’s terrific competition and a lot of good comes from it. Everybody makes a lot of money, a lot of charities make a great deal of money but you just cannot make bad money and this is bad money, it’s not good.

I think that England will say no, we can’t play under these circumstances.

England manager Alf Ramsey prevents George Cohen swapping his shirt with an Argentinian player after a bad tempered 1966 World Cup quarter final, which England won 1-0 (GETTY)

If Sepp Blatter does get another term, I think the sponsors will say, we can’t have this. It’s so very big, they cannot afford to have a bad image or be seen to be supporting one.

Blatter should step down. He’s in a position now where he’s trying to save everybody’s skin. He’s a past master at doing that himself - he’s been doing it for 17 years.

He’s trying to save his own skin but he’s going to have to face an inquisition sooner or later. How can he not know, after all this time in office, that there is corruption? That is absurd.

He has his finger on the pulse of everything that has gone on in the last 17 years. If he didn’t know, he should have done.

Whoever advised Prince William (who had a private audience with Jack Warner) should be a little bit ashamed.

There are a lot of them (at Fifa) diving for cover. I’m sure they feel that they have to keep Blatter in order to save themselves because otherwise they are out on their own and I don’t believe they are good enough to save their own skins on their own.

It looks like they are all going to vote for him. They are his men, they have been for a long time. While he’s there, they probably feel somewhat protective but it only takes one or two to break ranks for it all to dissolve.

Blatter has been passing over these allegations within Fifa but I don’t believe the Americans are going to let him go on this.

As for the players, it robs them of some sort of status. In as much as we won the Cup in ’66 it gave all those players a different status, it changed our lives a great deal, the kudos is fantastic. We really felt we had achieved something.

To be robbed of that, to say we are only going to play against half the world, seems unfair but you cannot go on with the situation as it is and just ignore the fact that bribery and corruption is going on.

What happens in the middle of a competition if someone gets arrested? It’s unlikely in Russia no doubt and also in Qatar, but it’s very, very serious.

If they elect (Blatter) again I think Michel Platini will pull Uefa out. It would be a shame and it will be the last thing he wants to do. He may not see any other way out.

Let’s hope they can do something before the next World Cup.

It would be the biggest disappointment. It’s a fantastic event and gives the nation that wins it a real fillip. Lots of people are going to lose out here.

George Cohen was talking to Victoria Ward

Fifa corruption: World Cup 1966 winner George Cohen says England should boycott tournament - Telegraph


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Why do they think it is soccer only,. The Olympics spend many times that and the biggest attraction are the women track eventers. Put them in burkas and the sport would be void of fans.