The REAL Human Cause of Climate Change


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
So there's been lots of cranked up rhetoric over climate change with leftists lately insisting it be called a climate "emergency". First off, there's no question that the climate changes over time. It runs in a cycle. These relatively "stable" periods are actually more the exception than the rule. They are "short" periods of time between the hot and cold swings. We have so far established that the climate does indeed change. But how much is caused by human activity? It would be silly to suggest none considering we negatively impact every other aspect of our environment. But here's the crux of the problem. It's not so much a consumerism issue as it is a population issue.
Modern medicine has fixed it so that global infant mortality rates are way down. Small cuts aren't a potential death sentence. We live longer, sometimes healthier lives. People live longer with disabilities and illnesses that would have killed them when they were quite young just 100 years ago. We can kill off viral and bacterial infections. All of that (and more) sound like wonderful advances and they are, on the surface. But you don't have to scratch much below the surface to see the problems it is causing. David Attenborough stated that "nature is out of balance". It's easy to see why. Human survival rates are out of balance.
What I mean by that is we have a death deficit, or a birth/survival surplus if you prefer. Now obviously in order for a species to survive and thrive you need more births that deaths. But there was a natural balance to them. We have completely upset that balance to the point that the birth/survival surplus is way too high to be sustainable. As a result it has caused a human population explosion. Every year the gap widens more and more between the number of deaths per year and the number of new lives per year. Nature keeps pitching 'em high and we keep ducking 'em.
Lives that cause the need for more electricity to be generated and more resources to power that demand, more forests lopped down to build housing and create farm land because we need to keep growing even more food. More animal species disappearing as we destroy their habitats to build ones for humans. More ocean life disappearing to feed the ever growing masses. More resource extraction for consumer goods, and to keep the farms working.
With traditional power plants all you needed to do was increase their output to meet the increasing demand for energy. And even if you needed a new power plant to add needed capacity, you didn't need much land to build it. But with wind and solar, you have to keep building new installations to meet ever growing demand and that takes up lots of land space. You simply can't make the wind blow harder or the sun shine brighter and/or longer.
All of these knee-jerk solutions to this so-called climate "emergency" are not being thought out. Sure, the ideal is nice and is hard to argue against. After all, who really doesn't want a cleaner, greener planet to live on? But none of these solutions are really workable in the long term simply because of our out of balance population. It'a a mugs game at best that is going to leave our kids and grand-kids with a horrible debt for nothing. And the stupid thing is, you still need oil and coal to make the whole wind and solar thing work.
Of course the problem with the birth/survival rate problem is there's no way to fix it without coming across as some sort of evil bastard. And I sure don't see any of the climate alarmists being willing to martyr themselves for the cause either.
So, until something happens that kills off a LOT of people, and as long as we keep living longer than nature intended, we will always be in this situation. We can do stuff to mitigate the damage and put off the inevitable, for a little while anyway. But the inevitable will happen. Whether it's climate change or something else.
We have been both smart enough and stupid enough to unwittingly engineer our demise. Who'd have thought that something as wonderful, and sometimes even miraculous as modern medicine would be the very catalyst that is causing the destruction of so much wildlife, natural habitat and potentially ourselves.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Still way off.

Back when CO2 was at 300 ppm weather was far more extreme.

It's far far mellower at 400ppm.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
When a 2nd liar jumps in to support the first lie you should be aware of how fake the shit is that gets the approval of only the psychopaths that run this place, or think they do, they get real quiet when confronted.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Weather modification in arid regions: The Israeli experience

One of the suggestions for modifying weather in semi-arid zones is to alter the albedo over large geographical areas. Work on exploration of this suggestion has been going on for a number of years

Israel Has Been Seeding Storms Since The 1970s​
Yeah them dippy zionists eh?
LOL, you really ought to check for wieners occasionally - they say the desert ones jump like ticks and may bite your a$$..just sayin.

Operation Popeye

Military engagements during the Vietnam War
Operation Popeye (Project Controlled Weather Popeye / Motorpool / Intermediary-Compatriot) was a highly classified weather modification program in Southeast Asia during 1967–1972.

The cloud seeding operation during the Vietnam War ran from March 20, 1967 until July 5, 1972 in an attempt to extend the monsoon season, specifically over areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

The operation was used to induce rain and extend the East Asian Monsoon season in support of U.S. government efforts related to the War in Southeast Asia.

If the US has the technology, the Israelis will have stolen it by now for sure. Just like all the illegal aid money they get because it is illegal for the U$ to give aid to nuclear countries ( where did they steal that? ) who haven't signed the NNPT.

CIA Uses Weather As A Weapon

It is perhaps no surprise to find the CIA mixed up with weather control and modification.[2] But when the admission finally comes, it still hits home a little harder—as it did when Alan Robock, a climatologist from Rutgers University who is familiar with many CIA weather experiments, commented publicly in December 2015.

Yes Petros, the ziotards have all the phones tapped so we know they stole this, just like all the trillions, too. Oh yes "antisemitism". Lol only total ziptards use that as an excuse to hide the truth. ...and if you can't tell the difference between Jews and zionsts at the point in the game, YOU are part of the problem.

Here’s Definitive Proof That Jews Don’t Control The Weather

Oh Boi the fakenews freaks are on a rampage!!!!
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
So there's been lots of cranked up rhetoric over climate change with leftists lately insisting it be called a climate "emergency". First off, there's no question that the climate changes over time. It runs in a cycle. These relatively "stable" periods are actually more the exception than the rule. They are "short" periods of time between the hot and cold swings. We have so far established that the climate does indeed change. But how much is caused by human activity? It would be silly to suggest none considering we negatively impact every other aspect of our environment. But here's the crux of the problem. It's not so much a consumerism issue as it is a population issue.
Modern medicine has fixed it so that global infant mortality rates are way down. Small cuts aren't a potential death sentence. We live longer, sometimes healthier lives. People live longer with disabilities and illnesses that would have killed them when they were quite young just 100 years ago. We can kill off viral and bacterial infections. All of that (and more) sound like wonderful advances and they are, on the surface. But you don't have to scratch much below the surface to see the problems it is causing. David Attenborough stated that "nature is out of balance". It's easy to see why. Human survival rates are out of balance.
What I mean by that is we have a death deficit, or a birth/survival surplus if you prefer. Now obviously in order for a species to survive and thrive you need more births that deaths. But there was a natural balance to them. We have completely upset that balance to the point that the birth/survival surplus is way too high to be sustainable. As a result it has caused a human population explosion. Every year the gap widens more and more between the number of deaths per year and the number of new lives per year. Nature keeps pitching 'em high and we keep ducking 'em.
Lives that cause the need for more electricity to be generated and more resources to power that demand, more forests lopped down to build housing and create farm land because we need to keep growing even more food. More animal species disappearing as we destroy their habitats to build ones for humans. More ocean life disappearing to feed the ever growing masses. More resource extraction for consumer goods, and to keep the farms working.
With traditional power plants all you needed to do was increase their output to meet the increasing demand for energy. And even if you needed a new power plant to add needed capacity, you didn't need much land to build it. But with wind and solar, you have to keep building new installations to meet ever growing demand and that takes up lots of land space. You simply can't make the wind blow harder or the sun shine brighter and/or longer.
All of these knee-jerk solutions to this so-called climate "emergency" are not being thought out. Sure, the ideal is nice and is hard to argue against. After all, who really doesn't want a cleaner, greener planet to live on? But none of these solutions are really workable in the long term simply because of our out of balance population. It'a a mugs game at best that is going to leave our kids and grand-kids with a horrible debt for nothing. And the stupid thing is, you still need oil and coal to make the whole wind and solar thing work.
Of course the problem with the birth/survival rate problem is there's no way to fix it without coming across as some sort of evil bastard. And I sure don't see any of the climate alarmists being willing to martyr themselves for the cause either.
So, until something happens that kills off a LOT of people, and as long as we keep living longer than nature intended, we will always be in this situation. We can do stuff to mitigate the damage and put off the inevitable, for a little while anyway. But the inevitable will happen. Whether it's climate change or something else.
We have been both smart enough and stupid enough to unwittingly engineer our demise. Who'd have thought that something as wonderful, and sometimes even miraculous as modern medicine would be the very catalyst that is causing the destruction of so much wildlife, natural habitat and potentially ourselves.
Malthus agrees with you.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Weather modification in arid regions: The Israeli experience
One of the suggestions for modifying weather in semi-arid zones is to alter the albedo over large geographical areas. Work on exploration of this suggestion has been going on for a number of years
Israel Has Been Seeding Storms Since The 1970s​
Yeah them dippy zionists eh?
LOL, you really ought to check for wieners occasionally - they say the desert ones jump like ticks and may bite your a$$..just sayin.
Operation Popeye
Military engagements during the Vietnam War
Operation Popeye (Project Controlled Weather Popeye / Motorpool / Intermediary-Compatriot) was a highly classified weather modification program in Southeast Asia during 1967–1972.
The cloud seeding operation during the Vietnam War ran from March 20, 1967 until July 5, 1972 in an attempt to extend the monsoon season, specifically over areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
The operation was used to induce rain and extend the East Asian Monsoon season in support of U.S. government efforts related to the War in Southeast Asia.
If the US has the technology, the Israelis will have stolen it by now for sure. Just like all the illegal aid money they get because it is illegal for the U$ to give aid to nuclear countries ( where did they steal that? ) who haven't signed the NNPT.
CIA Uses Weather As A Weapon
It is perhaps no surprise to find the CIA mixed up with weather control and modification.[2] But when the admission finally comes, it still hits home a little harder—as it did when Alan Robock, a climatologist from Rutgers University who is familiar with many CIA weather experiments, commented publicly in December 2015.
Yes Petros, the ziotards have all the phones tapped so we know they stole this, just like all the trillions, too. Oh yes "antisemitism". Lol only total ziptards use that as an excuse to hide the truth. ...and if you can't tell the difference between Jews and zionsts at the point in the game, YOU are part of the problem.
Here’s Definitive Proof That Jews Don’t Control The Weather
Oh Boi the fakenews freaks are on a rampage!!!!

There were rumors that Russia has been working on this as well decades ago


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It's because of Jews. They got their mojo going on the weather.
. . . as well as on you it appears.

You forgot to mention if their efforts are to speed things up or slow them down or both as that would bring in the most shekels.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
“Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.” ― Timothy Leary

In a world where male hierarchy leads biodiversity into extinction, ladies - you don't need to worry over being equal, you need to be as you are and outsource this madness with your own brilliance.
<3 Governance leads a folly; our survival requires the loving nurturing care of femininity.

Art: "Dawn of Mythos" by Seth McMahon and Zach Jackson


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Shock Survey: 12% Of U.S. Corn Farmers Didn’t Get Their Crops Planted, 48% Expect “Below-Average Yields This Harvest”

Crops all over America are failing, and the true extent of this crisis is starting to become clearer. Months of endless rain and nightmarish flooding prevented many farmers in the middle of the country from getting their crops planted on time, and millions of acres didn’t get planted at all. And if all that wasn’t enough, this month record high temperatures have been absolutely brutal for vulnerable young crops across the Midwest. We shall see how the rest of the summer goes, but at this point it appears that yields are going to be way, way below expectations, and that has very serious implications for all of us.
I told my readers that I would stay on top of this story, and things have deteriorated substantially since the last time I wrote about this.
Earlier, I stumbled upon a brand new AGPRO survey of U.S. corn farmers that seems to indicate that things are worse than almost all of us thought. According to that survey, 12 percent of U.S. corn farmers didn’t plant crops at all this year, and 48 percent expect “below-average yields this harvest”…
Forty-eight percent of U.S. farmers say they expect their corn crop will deliver below-average yields this harvest, according to a Farm Journal Pulse survey conducted on Tuesday.
Of the 1,082 farmers who responded to the survey, 12% say they didn’t get their crop planted. Only 10% of farmers surveyed say their crop is above average this year.
In other words, corn farmers are telling us that they aren’t going to grow very much corn this year.
And the latest USDA crop progress report confirms that. In particular, the numbers coming from the Upper Midwest are absolutely disastrous
Minnesota: 21% of corn had silked by July 21, compared with the five-year average of 56%; 57% was rated good or excellent, the rest fair to very poor.
North Dakota: 10% of corn had silked by July 21, compared with the five-year average of 32%; 77% was in good or excellent shape, the rest fair to very poor.
South Dakota: 9% of corn had silked by July 21, down from the five-year average of 50%; 58% was rated good or excellent, the rest fair to very poor.
You can look at the raw numbers for yourself right here. Nationally, 35 percent of corn had silked as of July 21, but on July 21 last year that number was sitting at 78 percent.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
The lush forests of … Antarctica?

Klages and other scientists are trying to figure out just what it would take for that ancient, exceedingly warm climate to reappear. By reconstructing the plants that lived near the South Pole 90 million years ago, they can also reconstruct the climate that allowed them to thrive. They are, in effect, bringing a ghost world back to life.
“There is a lot we can learn from the paleoclimate record about what the climate system is capable of,” says Shawn Marshall, a climate scientist and glaciologist at the University of Calgary.
The polar regions are especially important parts of the climate puzzle. For reasons climate modellers only partly understand, high carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere warm the poles far more than they warm the equator, says Marshall (who was not involved in the Nature study). That phenomenon is happening now in both the Antarctic and the Arctic, so the poles provide important clues about how quickly climates can lock into new patterns.
“Anything we can understand about this is going to help us understand our future; this is what warmer worlds look like,” he says. “And that’s the path we’re on.”
For example, the Arctic was once warm and forested, says professor Dame Jane Francis, director of the British Antarctic Survey. An expert in fossil forests, she is a co-author of the Nature paper and also helped find a 45-million-year-old mummified forest on Axel Heiberg Island in the Canadian Arctic in 1986. She recalls walking across thick leaf beds of the ancient forest floor, hearing the mummified plants crunch under her footsteps. The warm, wet forest had been home to flying lemurs and turtles.
“These fossil forests are amazing and they provide us with a window into the past,” she says.
Until about three million years ago, forests stretched to the north coast of Ellesmere Island. Then, abruptly, the climate changed, the forests died off and Arctic glaciation set in.

The chunk of crust Klages dug up sat less than 900 kilometres from the South Pole, near a rift connecting Antarctica and the ancient continent of Zealandia, the above-water remnants of which now form New Zealand.
It is the nearest to the South Pole of any bit of Cretaceous forest found so far. But when Klages and his team tried to reproduce in current climate models the growing conditions a rainforest requires at such high latitudes, the models struggled. They had to take into account the fact that plants would have to endure four months of total darkness. It meant carbon dioxide concentrations as well as temperatures would have to be high.
The models ended up demanding a carbon dioxide concentration of at least 1,000 parts per million (ppm) or even 1,680 ppm, compared to the 280 ppm humans evolved in and the 416 ppm today. But those levels would likely make it too hot for plants to live at the equator, noted James Basinger, a paleobotanist at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon who did not work on the Nature paper.
Basinger says the inability of the models to fully reproduce what actually happened in the mid-Cretaceous period shows how fundamentally different the climate was during such a hot greenhouse period of the planet’s past. And how urgently scientific work at the poles is needed to figure out ancient times as the world again sprints toward an extreme climate.

Greta should be all over this shortly, believe the scientists and all their hypothesis