Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Why is the sniper rifle the most asked for weapon then? Cowards weapon as is anything with long barrel.

Why do Muslims love the AK 47???????????????????????

It is a Russian weapon designed to function well.............................................

in the hands of ignorant peasants..............................................

who do not understand complicated machinery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
That's why merkin soldiers love em anyhow.

Why U.S. Commandos Loved the AK-47 Rifle

It’s often because the commandos hated their own U.S.-made guns.

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Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Why do Muslims love the AK 47???????????????????????

It is a Russian weapon designed to function well.............................................

in the hands of ignorant peasants..............................................

who do not understand complicated machinery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe, because they're everywhere and therefore cheap and they're built to last, unlike the disposible "Bic lighter of combat arms": the M-16.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
That's why merkin soldiers love em anyhow.

Why U.S. Commandos Loved the AK-47 Rifle

It’s often because the commandos hated their own U.S.-made guns. the 1960s, the original version of the M16 was simply not reliable.

That is why troopers preferred captured AKs.

The M16 A1 version cured most of the ills, the switch to the newer, heavier 62 gr bullet upped stopping power (it tumbles), and the M16 A2 version made the rifle one of the most dependable military weapons around.

It is much superior to the AK in accuracy and ergonomics. And it is lighter, as is the ammo.

Now only a fool would take an old AK 47 over a good M16 A2 or M4.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
lol talking about the accuracy of the AK without mentioning the durability.

I wonder if you even know anything about guns.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I really don't have the expertise to join this debate, because I've only fired both weapons, semi and full auto (and the M4, and the FAL), and cleaned them.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
113 the 1960s, the original version of the M16 was simply not reliable.
That is why troopers preferred captured AKs.
The M16 A1 version cured most of the ills, the switch to the newer, heavier 62 gr bullet upped stopping power (it tumbles), and the M16 A2 version made the rifle one of the most dependable military weapons around.
It is much superior to the AK in accuracy and ergonomics. And it is lighter, as is the ammo.
Now only a fool would take an old AK 47 over a good M16 A2 or M4.
Maybe you ought to try a new AK model.
Keep the playing field equal so it's a fair comparison.

Hey, Marines. Russian grunts get new assault rifles, too.

the United States accounted for 90 percent of the Kalashnikov Group’s civilian firearms exports, according to Bloomberg.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Noncompliance Kneecaps New Zealand's Gun Control Scheme

As of last week, only around 700 weapons had been turned over.

J.D. Tuccille | 7.8.2019 12:48 PM


Once again, responding to a horrendous crime by inflicting knee-jerk, authoritarian restrictions on innocent people proves to be an ineffective means of convincing people to obey. Specifically, New Zealand's government—which also stepped up censorship and domestic surveillance after bloody attacks on two Christchurch mosques earlier this year—is running into stiff resistance to new gun rules from firearms owners who are slow to surrender now-prohibited weapons and will probably never turn them in.
Officials should have seen it coming.

"Police are anticipating a number of people with banned firearms in their possession won't surrender them," Stuff reported at the end of May, based on internal government documents.

As of last week, only around 700 weapons had been turned over. There are an estimated 1.5 million guns—with an unknown number subject to the new prohibition on semiautomatic firearms—in the country overall.

Traditionally relaxed in its approach to firearms regulation, and enjoying a low crime rate, New Zealand has no firearms registration rule. That means authorities have no easy way of knowing what guns are in circulation or who owns them.

"These weapons are unlikely to be confiscated by police because they don't know of their existence," Philippa Yasbek of Gun Control NZ admitted. "These will become black-market weapons if their owners choose not to comply with the law and become criminals instead."

Yasbek's organization advocates registering all guns in private hands. But that won't help with gathering guns already in the possession of owners appalled by the government's attack on the rights of innocent people—government attacks, it's worth noting, that come in response to the crimes of one man who explicitly anticipated just such a response.

"I chose firearms for the affect it would have on social discourse," the killer wrote in a document he released to explain his crimes. "The gun owners of New Zealand are a beaten, miserable bunch of baby boomers, who have long since given up the fight. When was the last time they won increased rights? Their loss was inevitable. I just accelerated things a bit."

Politicians fulfilled the murderer's predictions with panic-driven legislation.

That gun owners would, in large numbers, defy restrictions should have been anticipated by anybody who knows the history of government attempts to disarm their subjects—or who just glanced across the Tasman Sea to Australia.

"In Australia it is estimated that only about 20% of all banned self-loading rifles have been given up to the authorities," wrote Franz Csaszar, professor of criminology at the University of Vienna, after Australia's 1996 compensated confiscation of firearms following a mass murder in Port Arthur, Tasmania. Csaszar put the number of illegally retained arms in Australia at between two and five million.

"Many members of the community still possess grey-market firearms because they did not surrender these during the 1996–97 gun buyback," the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission conceded in a 2016 report. "The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission continues to conservatively estimate that there are more than 260,000 firearms in the illicit firearms market."

Just as Australian police named "outlaw motorcycle gangs, Middle Eastern organised crime groups, and other groups engaged in trafficking illicit commodities such as drugs" as beneficiaries of the prohibition-fueled black market in firearms, underground organizations are similarly poised to prosper in New Zealand. Gangs in the island nation announced very loudly after the new legislation was introduced that they wouldn't be surrendering their own weapons.

"Will gangs get rid of their weapons? No," one prominent gang leader told Stuff. "Because of who we are, we can't guarantee our own safety."

So Kiwis who actually do comply with the confiscation scheme will put themselves at a disadvantage relative to violent gangs that don't intend to obey.

They would also be putting themselves at a disadvantage relative to the government, which is retaining its own weapons despite a distinct lack of competence (in April, a police station provided one-stop, discount gun shopping for an enterprising burglar) and intends to further squeeze the country's liberty. Even before the latest law has been fully implemented, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is planning more gun legislation, including registration. Additionally, the Security Intelligence Service stepped up domestic spying after the mosque attacks and saw a big boost in its funding courtesy of the latest budget.

Arguably, defiant gun owners are just being realistic in seeing little to gain by obeying restrictive laws that have their greatest impact on those who pose no threat to their neighbors.

Fulfilling internal police expectations, some Kiwis openly boast of defying the law—especially with compensation rates set well below the value of the firearms that are supposed to be surrendered. The low turn-in numbers suggest they're matching words with action.
And who can claim to be surprised? By refusing to comply with restrictions, New Zealand gun owners are just following in the footsteps of their counterparts in Australia, Europe, and the United States. In each of these places, and many more besides, gun owners ignored laws, kept their property out of sight, and frustrated efforts to disarm them.

If New Zealand's political class had looked to the history of gun control efforts they would have seen that they were walking a well-trodden path that leads to a dead end. But then again, if they had enough foresight to know that ill-considered restrictions on personal liberty are usually counterproductive and often breed rebellion, they probably wouldn't have gone into government.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
36 the 1960s, the original version of the M16 was simply not reliable.
That is why troopers preferred captured AKs.
The M16 A1 version cured most of the ills, the switch to the newer, heavier 62 gr bullet upped stopping power (it tumbles), and the M16 A2 version made the rifle one of the most dependable military weapons around.
It is much superior to the AK in accuracy and ergonomics. And it is lighter, as is the ammo.
Now only a fool would take an old AK 47 over a good M16 A2 or M4.
The Russians and Chinese have seeded to entire planet with AK-47s and they seem to be bloody everywhere. I suspect that it's a lot harder to get hold of an American made M-16 type in the Arab bazzar beside the Oasis. .... harder that is unless you live in Tayeksus.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015

ISIS Shows Off Its American-Made M16 Rifles

ISIS appears to be making use of U.S.-made weapons in Iraq.

A video released by ISIS' media arm in northern Iraq purportedly shows more than a dozen of the terror group's fighters undergoing weapons training — on American M16 rifles

The United States has supplied Iraq with hundreds of millions of dollars in military hardware — including humvees. Iraq's government said in June

Yorgie , one day we are going to have to discuss your batting average.
Your damned belfry appears to be full

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Yeah, to go war against governments that you don't personally like.

That is the #1 reason that you should have your guns taken away from you. You don't believe in democracy and you think that you have the right to impose your own armed rule on those who don't agree with your politics.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Yeah, to go war against governments that you don't personally like.
That is the #1 reason that you should have your guns taken away from you. You don't believe in democracy and you think that you have the right to impose your own armed rule on those who don't agree with your politics.
Well, sort of. Remember, Boomster's Canadian. He claims to hate Trudeaubama, but I don't see him marching on Ottawa with his Alberta Militia.

Where I come from, we call that "all hat, no cattle." Or as Mayor Pete called it "the loudmouth guy at the bar."

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Well, sort of. Remember, Boomster's Canadian. He claims to hate Trudeaubama, but I don't see him marching on Ottawa with his Alberta Militia.
Where I come from, we call that "all hat, no cattle." Or as Mayor Pete called it "the loudmouth guy at the bar."
I can imagine the giffaws from the sidewalks when the rootin' tootin' straight shootin' Albertans stride up Banks street, High Noon style. The last time they went to Ottawa to clean up Dodge, they got sucked into the black hole of Ottawa before the Reformers had even checked in to the Holiday Inn.

Too many Rawhide re-runs on Alberta TV and now they think that they're the authentic Wild West.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
It's purely financial.. right now I am making a lot of money.. you fukk with that.... and well. ;)
That's my only true love. $$$$$$$
Well, certainly not women. You've made your fear and hatred of them crystal clear.

So, gonna take yer gun and get after them thar socialists, or just sit around and beat your gums, Chairborne Ranger?