Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Legalized marijuana ,. Good idea . I here there is a push amount young people and certain political actors , I am sure you can get solidly behind this idea as it promotes democracy and youth involvement . Are you prepared for lower age restrictions on alcohol or tobacco use ?
So...with a legal age of 21 which will come into effect soon, Marajuana legalized is still better than for alcohol or cigarettes which are also legal and they are taxed!! At least the taxes do go to the government some of which go towards keeping some of the better programs out of the red. I am sure there will still be those underage which will find a way to access the drug, just as they do alcohol and cigarettes!! Just that there will hopefully be fewer of them.

Whether legalized or not there will be users of all three for some time to come.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
So...with a legal age of 21 which will come into effect soon, Marajuana legalized is still better than for alcohol or cigarettes which are also legal and they are taxed!! At least the taxes do go to the government some of which go towards keeping some of the better programs out of the red. I am sure there will still be those underage which will find a way to access the drug, just as they do alcohol and cigarettes!! Just that there will hopefully be fewer of them.

Whether legalized or not there will be users of all three for some time to come.


Oh pity the poor Bluebyrdie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She is wrong about so many things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral two faced hypocrisy is on full display over this legal Weed crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the stuff is so harmless then why is it STILL ILLEGAL for cops to EVER smoke the stuff?????????????????

And if it is so harmless then why is it illegal for the military to sue it except under TIGHTLY CONTROLLED time limits????????????

And if it is so harmless then why are doctors claiming that one user in six is likely to get addicted??????????????

And if it is so harmless then why are doctors warning that the legal age should be raised in order to protect kids brains since they are at greater risk than adults of having problems related to Weed use??????????????????

In 40 percent of fatal car crashes, the driver who caused the accident was STONED as well as drunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals should have left well enough alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Decriminalize possession of small quantities but continue to prosecute dealers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are DELUDING THEMSELVES- and trying to delude us into thinking their actions will lead to a reduction in criminal activity around Weed production and sales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What it comes down to is that LIE-berals are so bankrupt financially and morally that they are frantic for any new source of gravy!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals are hoping to tap into Weed sales- and they DO NOT CARE that those sales will facilitate money laundering by organized crime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weed is not yet even legal but we have already seen TWO producers arrested for violating the production terms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes- LIE-berals are so desperate for gravy they are prepared to LOOK THE OTHER WAY as criminals launder their ill gotten gains- just so long as LIE-berals get some sort of tax cut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
My Gawd but you have some of the most twisted thought processes as to be scarey!. It would be a great help to your understanding of the world around you, if, you could avoid propaganda rags and programs and listen to or watch straight news programs. You know the ones, you consider boring because they simply state facts without their predjudices mixed in.

I AM not poor in any way, shape or form......not in brain power, life experiences or in wealth......I have good health and a decent bank account. AND...Look up the meaning of words you do not understand instead of using them and proving you don't.

Look up the word pity for does not mean envy lol.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

Oh pity the poor Bluebyrdie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She is wrong about so many things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral two faced hypocrisy is on full display over this legal Weed crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You don't do yourself any favours with your posts either! :) :)


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
That is kind of an odd comment from you. I don't know of very many women that have been raped, they all have firearms to prevent that from happening. But then again, you are against women having firearms, so your concern is probably justified.
Yes and how many Canadian women go out carrying a lady's pistol in the purse and how many Canadian woman would if they could?? What the heck; that would mean everyone having to look over their shoulders at all times.

That is not the ideal way of achieving a civilized society... the sort of society where protection and freedom of all members are taken for granted. I was brought up to believe it may in another century or so that might be a possibility. Instead it appears the wild west movies seem to have made a deep impression on some. Maybe it is time to read more of the real history of that time to get an understanding of why we have laws we do..


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
No doubt there are times when substituting a killing for a rape is justified as it is the only possible solution given the circumstances, BUT it should only be as a last resort. Whether a woman carries a gun or not should be up to the woman. If she's stupid/impetuous it could end up with dire consequences, if she's smart it will in all probability just give her piece of mind.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I am not looking for favors. Just to discuss reasonably. " I calls em as I sees em" but only after irritation gets the better of me. At least I didn't whip out a real gun to solve the problem. (if it ever gets solved)

Did I screw up? :) That post wasn't addressed to you!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Naw++ I dd!! Sorry about that. Too much turkey does that!! Wish I could say it was the wine but it got cleaned out early on.


Pity the poor foolish bluebyrdie whose LIE-beral propaganda has been exposed for the selfish Fake News that it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should know that the Toronto Red Star reviewed the book "Who Stole Feminism" by Christana Hoff-Somers and ADMITTED there was some truth in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Red Star also dismissed Hoff-Somers book as "an over wrought attack on a FEW MINOR ISSUES"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is of course STANDARD LIE-beral policy- socialism is NEVER WRONG IN THEIR EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Therefore the most glaring and outrageous and DELIBERATELY SELFISH policies are NEVER wrong- they are just dismissed as "MINOR ISSUES"!!!!!!!!!!!!

When LIE-berals get caught out selling huge masses of outrageous and offensive Fake News - they ALWAYS dismiss the issues as MINOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any issue ONLY BECOMES MAJOR if a LIE-beral is offended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why the UNSUBSTANTIATED attack on Kavanaugh had to be fully fought out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals were using unsubstantiated RUMOURS to kill the man`s career!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If LIE-berals had got away with smearing Kavanaugh over the Ford mud slinging then it not only would have killed his chances for Supreme Court but it would have crippled his career as a lower level judge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How could Kavanaugh have continued in ANY legal capacity if LIE-beral mud had stuck to him?????????

This is why the matter had to be fully examined and why Ford is now seen as a LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral and their Feminazi allies KNOW all this but simply will NOT admit it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In exchange for votes and power and money- LIE-berals and their Feminazi allies are prepared to DESTROY 1000 years of legal precedent, rules of evidence and honest examination and to plunge us back into a world where justice goes to those withe a royal title issued by our LIE-beral overlords!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SORRY little Byrdie- your Feminazi political coup is exposed and has FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL LIE-beral policy is failing because it is built on greed and entitlements so gross that an 18th century French aristocrat would be ENVIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Yes and how many Canadian women go out carrying a lady's pistol in the purse and how many Canadian woman would if they could?? What the heck; that would mean everyone having to look over their shoulders at all times.
That is not the ideal way of achieving a civilized society... the sort of society where protection and freedom of all members are taken for granted. I was brought up to believe it may in another century or so that might be a possibility. Instead it appears the wild west movies seem to have made a deep impression on some. Maybe it is time to read more of the real history of that time to get an understanding of why we have laws we do..

wow, you are truly delusional.

Canada already is a civilized society, if you had your way, you would turn it into a police state that criminalizes civilians and pampers criminals.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Does he really? I wonder how many men here would support taking away women;s right to birth control and abortion if it were their daughters or their wives who were raped and became pregnant because of it?

What percentage of pregnancies are the result of rape? 2? 3? 5?


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
What percentage of pregnancies are the result of rape? 2? 3? 5?

1 in 4 woman have had an abortion by the age of 45.
1 in 100 abortions cite incest or rape.

so 1 in 400 woman are at risk from bluebyrd's misogynist 'no guns for woman' beliefs.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
We already have that thanks to self described liberals.


LIE-beral policy is simple and direct:

They want all the money and all the power...............and NO RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at the City Tv news- with some 70 year old Muslim school crossing guard whining about being arrested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The problem began when a car whizzed through an intersection..................and I am sure the driver was pushing things a little -as so many drivers do- trying to sneak past before the guard was fully in position to block the road!!!!!!!!!!!

But the annoyed guard WAS close enough to whack the car with his wooden stop sign as it went past!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So driver is in the wrong to start with...............but guard is in the wrong for slapping at the car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guard is being quite evasive about how hard he slapped the car.........................

Driver and his off duty cop father/passenger - say there is damage to the car from the "slap"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muslim family is outraged that crossing guard was arrested and held in a cruiser while the matter was examined by other cops!!!!!!

Muslim family says health of father in the cruiser was UNDER THREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That he needed water and that he was in danger of a heart attack from the ALLEGED ABUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I say its no wonder Muslims love soccer- since both Muslims AND soccer players can take dives better than a Hollywood stuntman!!!!!!!!!!!

In the end- after half an hour- guard was released without charges - and Muslim airheads think the cop and driver should be charged for detaining the Muslim guard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a classic example of LIE-beral NEGLECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have no doubt the driver was pushing things..........because LIE-berals consider that maintaining any sort of discipline on our roads is BENEATH their dignity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE have all seen idiot drivers and wished there was a cop around to take action against the BONE HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it is LIE-berals with their GREED FOR GRAVY that are PROMOTING CHAOS on our roads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals would rather BUY VOTES than bother dealing with road safety!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But of course stupid LIE-beals are too busy trying to figure out how to get Isis fighters and their wives and children home from Syrian and Kurdish refugee camps to be bothered with some stupid road incidents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Quote: Spiltbeer:
How could Kavanaugh have continued in ANY legal capacity if LIE-beral mud had stuck to him?????????

Obviously you did not watch both interviews before the supreme court or you have noticed,,,,

Dr.Ford was forced into coming forward. She advised her member of Parliament when she saw Kavaugh on the first list of Trump's picks for filling the empty seat of her experience. Then when she saw the short list she made sure she got heard. (By the way she identified this man before he became a judge the first time to her therapist and then her husband.) The therapist notes were dated a good 5 years before he even made judge. Then she identified him to her husband long before he was put on the first list of Trump's choices. She was very believable.

Then Kavanaugh testified and as you obviously did not watch his job "interview" I will tell you right up front that person came off as a nasty indiviual. This was not someone who is fit to be a judge, never mind a supreme court one. He ranted much like you do with very little of it coming off as reasonable or provable.

This person should not be hired as a dog catcher never mind a supreme court judge. My opinion!!
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Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Dumb response....My friend had an abortion just before her youngest son's wedding........There are many reasons for having an abortion. There are abortions done in Dr's offices these days. One reason I admire Dr. Ford is despite not needing an abortion, she came forward and had her life thrown upside down and even receiving death threats. I wonder just how fast you would have reported being gang raped if you were out gunned and out numbered. I do NOT want my children or grandchildren growing up in a wild west type of society.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Dumb response....My friend had an abortion just before her youngest son's wedding........There are many reasons for having an abortion. There are abortions done in Dr's offices these days. One reason I admire Dr. Ford is despite not needing an abortion, she came forward and had her life thrown upside down and even receiving death threats. I wonder just how fast you would have reported being gang raped if you were out gunned and out numbered. I do NOT want my children or grandchildren growing up in a wild west type of society.

You want your children or grandchildren disarmed so they have no means of defending themselves from someone much bigger that wants to rape them.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Quote: Spiltbeer:
How could Kavanaugh have continued in ANY legal capacity if LIE-beral mud had stuck to him?????????

Obviously you did not watch both interviews before the supreme court or you have noticed,,,,

Dr.Ford was forced into coming forward. She advised her member of Parliament when she saw Kavaugh on the first list of Trump's picks for filling the empty seat of her experience. Then when she saw the short list she made sure she got heard. (By the way she identified this man before he became a judge the first time to her therapist and then her husband.) The therapist notes were dated a good 5 years before he even made judge. Then she identified him to her husband long before he was put on the first list of Trump's choices. She was very believable.

Then Kavanaugh testified and as you obviously did not watch his job "interview" I will tell you right up front that person came off as a nasty indiviual. This was not someone who is fit to be a judge, never mind a supreme court one. He ranted much like you do with very little of it coming off as reasonable or provable.

This person should not be hired as a dog catcher never mind a supreme court judge. My opinion!!

THAT is one opinion which is possibly accurate and possibly isn't!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Quote: Spiltbeer:
How could Kavanaugh have continued in ANY legal capacity if LIE-beral mud had stuck to him?????????

Obviously you did not watch both interviews before the supreme court or you have noticed,,,,

Dr.Ford was forced into coming forward. She advised her member of Parliament when she saw Kavaugh on the first list of Trump's picks for filling the empty seat of her experience. Then when she saw the short list she made sure she got heard. (By the way she identified this man before he became a judge the first time to her therapist and then her husband.) The therapist notes were dated a good 5 years before he even made judge. Then she identified him to her husband long before he was put on the first list of Trump's choices. She was very believable.

Then Kavanaugh testified and as you obviously did not watch his job "interview" I will tell you right up front that person came off as a nasty indiviual. This was not someone who is fit to be a judge, never mind a supreme court one. He ranted much like you do with very little of it coming off as reasonable or provable.

This person should not be hired as a dog catcher never mind a supreme court judge. My opinion!!
Of course you think so , yet you do not realize in America there are no members of parliament .