Canada Failing to Put Climate Change Plans in Action


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Natural gas will overtake oil to become North America's 'single largest energy source' this year, risk management firm says

Guess who paid Evil Corp LLC to convert to NG?



Here is an older article illustrating how badly flawed is all LIE-beral environmental policy and how far LIE-berals will stretch the truth to hide their messes! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Ontario Liberals deny tampering with witnesses at hearing into wind turbines near Collingwood airport

Keith Leslie, The Canadian Press | September 27, 2016 7:28 AM ET

TORONTO — Ontario’s Liberal government denies Opposition charges that it interfered with the witness list for a hearing into a plan to install at least six, 152-metre-high wind turbines near the Collingwood airport.

(The planned installation is on hold after it was pointed out that the towers would be pretty much in line with the runways at the Collingwood airport- with rather obvious dangers for planes taking off or landing. As we know, LIE-berals were so desperate to reward their pals that they killed off the ability of local municipalities to regulate the location of wind towers- with the result that a lawsuit was launched to try get the towers moved away from the runways.

Progressive Conservative house leader Jim Wilson says the province decided at the last minute to call a witness from NAVCanada instead of an expert from Transport Canada at an Environmental Review Tribunal hearing.

NAVCanada is a private corporation that owns and operates the country’s civil air navigation service, while Transport Canada is the federal government department responsible for transportation policies and programs.

(In other words, NavCanada is dependent on govt good will for its contracts.)

Wilson says the witnesses were changed because Transport Canada has concerns about putting industrial wind turbines between the Collingwood Regional Airport and the Stayner aerodrome.

(So Wilson has publicly alleged that private company with profit motive as guide sees nothing wrong with the location of the towers but a civil servant whose job is public safety thinks the location is lousy-and LIE-berals don’t want the civil servant near a court-and is hoping we wont notice or care!)

David Reevely: Wind farm company, Ontario government had cozy relationship until deal fell apart. David Reevely: American company alleges Ontario invented pretexts to stop Great Lakes wind farms.

(Well-YES! LIE-berals are being SUED for about 28 million dollars due to their abrupt cancellation of planned wind towers in the Wolfe Island area near Kingston! LIE-berals have become suddenly shy of public opinion and of mounting public rage at the cost of these mouldy green power sources!)

He says the Ontario government refuses to acknowledge that putting giant turbines so close to the small airports pose a hazard to aircraft operations.

But Environment Minister Glen Murray says it would be against the law for him to play any role in determining witnesses or influencing the environmental tribunal.

“I will keep it as a non-political process and let the experts choose the witnesses,” Murray told the legislature. “I wish the member opposite would not be politicizing it in the way he’s trying to, because neither he nor I should be involved in this process.”

(Oh right! LIE-berals WRITE the law and then claim they have no control over it? Just how hypocritical are these LIE-berals?)

Wilson said a witness from Transport Canada “would have made much more sense” since it is the agency tasked with ensuring aviation safety.

(AS opposed to the LIE-beral preferred witness whose job it is to sell LIE-berals staffers at airport control towers- for PROFIT!)

“Minister, you can spin this all you want, but my people believe, and we have reason to believe — good reason to believe — that somebody in your ministry tampered with the witnesses,” he said.

Wilson said the Liberal government has agreed it could no longer support two of the eight proposed turbine locations near the airport because they pose a serious safety risk, and asked why officials “refuse to act on the serious risk posed by the other six turbines” when experts say they are also dangerous.

But again, Murray said he would stay out of the process.

“I had nothing to do with the decision to change the configuration of turbines,” he said. “Experts did that. I had no role, nor did any politician on this side or any other influencer, in who witnesses are.”

(Apparently Murray thinks we are all fools and will accept any claims Murray cares to spout just so long as its supported by an expert? And WHO CARES what the supporter is really expert in? LIE-berals define an `expert` as somebody who AGREES WITH THEM! All dissenting voices are labeled as fools!)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Call your local solar company and get a quote for a 10KV grid tie system and I'll get a wholesale quote from China and we'll compare.

A Geo-thermal plant that uses the heat under Yellowstone would net you the cleanest and cheapest power around and it would last how many 1,000's of years?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
A Geo-thermal plant that uses the heat under Yellowstone would net you the cleanest and cheapest power around and it would last how many 1,000's of years?
Or till the caldera blows.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Fortunately the world is going green despite the petroleum-funded climate change deniers.

Other than feiging all this concern and urgency on the net, exactly what are you doing to mitigate anything?

A Geo-thermal plant that uses the heat under Yellowstone would net you the cleanest and cheapest power around and it would last how many 1,000's of years?

getting that power from Yellowstone to a population center will alter the economics hugely


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Is it really? Are you a schill funded by natural gas? Big oil is big natural gas therefore you must be funded by them.

If solar is the energy of the future, why is there a 600% mark up and a 122% tariff on solar?

Call your local solar company and get a quote for a 10KV grid tie system and I'll get a wholesale quote from China and we'll compare.


They still want to believe in their gods.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Other than feiging all this concern and urgency on the net, exactly what are you doing to mitigate anything?

getting that power from Yellowstone to a population center will alter the economics hugely

Tell that to Quebec. It sends power from James Bay to the USA. Yellowstone to Los Angeles is actually a shorter distance. And as to feigning, I suspect you have that market covered.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017



MHz has made his tinfoil hat too tight and now the blood flow to his brain is badly reduced!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His mad scheme to power us all from a Yellowstone goethermal plant ruins into various little obstacles- like that mention of the CALDERA in the middle of Yellowstone!

Scientists suggest the VOLCANO under Yellowstone Park is overdue for another eruption one of these days- so that is certainly a PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then there is the major power drop that occurs when electricity is shipped long distances and that would be a problem!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I have no doubt MHz will have "solutions" in that foil hat of his!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh- and for the airheads who want us in Ontari-owe to buy all our electricity from Quebec- your idea fails because Quebec has a thing called WINTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And in this "Winter" time - much of the water turns into a thing called ICE and refuses to fit into the generators- thus the Quebec supply of electricity is CURTAILED in winter so we would need other sources of electricity anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!