BONOKOSKI: Shocker! Resurfaced editorial slams Justin Trudeau as a groper


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017


National Post.

I can hardly wait for it to make it to the mainstream media.

Our idiot Boy Justin says we should take sexual assault issues on a case by case basis and judge accordingly!

So I guess we should judge Our idiot Boy extra harshly since he is such an utterly shameless hypocrite with his relentless and mindless "I am a feminist" blather!

Apparently being a LIE-beral feminist gives you lots of freedom- you can grab some reporters ass just so long as she does not work for a "major news media"!

You can grab her ass and later sneer at people calling you a hypocrite!!!!

You can make endless idiot comments about how she may have experienced the encounter in a negative light and etc!!!

WE should ask the REAL Justin Trudeau to stand up and reveal himself and his TRUE VALUES!!!

Oh- wait- HE DID SHOW US HIS REAL VALUES- right after being elected!!!!!

Who recalls him running through parliament shouting "get the FCUK out of my way" and shoving people and elbowing a female NDP MP in the tits? THAT WAS THE REAL JUSTIN TRUDEAU!!!!!!!!!!!

And as for the NDP woman who got elbowed- a bunch of morally challenged LIE-berals sent her assorted insults and even some death threats!!!

Candice Malcom is a Toronto Sun writer and she sums up the personality of our prime minister quite nicely in her column that I have reprinted below-along with some comments of my own in brackets.)

Malcom says: Trudeau reveals his not-so-sunny side

By Candice Malcolm

First posted: Friday, May 20, 2016 06:41 PM EDT | Updated: Friday, May 20, 2016 06:51 PM EDT

After elbowgate: Ruth Ellen Brosseau became the target of personal attacks
Trudeau behaved like a spoiled brat
'I expect better behaviour of myself'; Trudeau apologizes again for Commons scuffle but actions louder than words
Trudeau tries to undo fuddle-duddle damage. (And CANNOT!)
What do Trudeau's roughhouse tactics mean?
All-party committee (with LIE-berals in majority so don’t expect much) to study how to sanction Trudeau for Commons fracas

(Our brainless Boy faces sanctions for his foul mouth and his roughhouse tactics AND for trying to change our rules of democracy to suit himself while LIE-berals try to move on as if nothing serious has happened!)

#Elbowgate: Social media goes wild over House of Commons altercation
Grits think they're above democracy. 'Get the f--- out of the way'; Trudeau sorry after elbowing NDP MP in Commons

'Let go of me — now,' allegedly manhandled Tory MP Brown told Trudeau

You can only fool people for so long.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau presents himself as a calm and collected kind of guy. His government’s motto – Sunny Ways – is supposed to represent Trudeau’s approach not just to politics, but to life in general.

Where Harper was suspicious, secretive and closed, Trudeau was his opposite – open, trusting and transparent. Or so we are led to believe.

But on Wednesday afternoon in the House of Commons, Canadians saw a different side of our Prime Minister.

When things didn’t go the way he wanted, Trudeau snapped.

He broke Parliamentary decorum and took it upon himself to march across the House floor. He pushed MPs aside and aggressively grabbed the arm of the Conservative whip Gord Brown, forcefully leading him to his chair.

“Let go of me – now,” Brown said to Trudeau.

But Trudeau didn’t. And on his way, he swore at one female MP, telling her to get the f--- out of his way, and elbowed another squarely in the chest. The MP was so shaken up, she left the house and missed the subsequent vote.

Many journalists have gone out of their way to note that the elbow to the chest of MP Ruth-Ellen Brousseau was “accidental” and “inadvertent.” Well, that is what Trudeau claims. But watching the video, Trudeau seems aware of his surroundings and his actions. He knew the NDP MPs were closely standing near the whip, and he intentionally bullied them to yank Brown away from the crowd.

He couldn’t wait 30 seconds for the NDP members to take their seats, so he decided to get physical. In the process, he elbowed Brousseau hard enough that she stumbled backwards.

Perhaps she embellished the contact, but it’s also possible Trudeau actually hurt her.

The guy is a boxer. He regularly shows off his strength by doing one handed push-ups and advanced yoga moves. Maybe he didn’t realize it was a small woman behind him, but he knew he was walking into a crowd and using force to compel his political opponents.

Trudeau’s belligerence caused her to stumble backwards in pain – caused by the sharp elbow of a man nearly twice her size.

After six months in the spotlight, the media darling has finally stumbled.

Despite his rosy demeanour and gregarious style, we saw another side to Canada’s top feminist on Wednesday.

We saw a bully mistreating those around him, a spoiled brat having a temper tantrum, an enraged man asserting his power over those less powerful – bowling over any who dare stand in his way.

Perhaps worst of all, as Trudeau behaved like a thug and an enforcer, his caucus cheered him on. Literally. The Liberal caucus cheered for their boss as he marched back to his seat after the altercation.

Shame on those Liberal MP`s for supporting Trudeau’s bad behaviour.

And as for Trudeau himself, he has been exposed as a hypocrite.

He pretends to care about respecting Parliament, but then proposes draconian limits on MP`s and manhandles those who get in his way.

He talks the big talk about loving and respecting women, but his actions towards his female colleagues speak volumes.

A few weeks ago, Justin Trudeau laughed with joy when one of his Minister’s mocked a female MP’s appearance. This week, he elbowed another in the chest.

Justin Trudeau is not feminist. He is not even a gentleman. He’s an immature adolescent faking his way as Prime Minister. As Thomas Mulcair put it, he is pathetic.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Our idiot Boy Justin says we should take sexual assault issues on a case by case basis and judge accordingly!

And you obviously disagree with the concept that each case should be judged on its own merits, buy its own facts, the basis of Anglo-Canadian law, is proper.

Because you're stupid.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
And you obviously disagree with the concept that each case should be judged on its own merits, buy its own facts, the basis of Anglo-Canadian law, is proper.

Because you're stupid.

Oh POOR Tecumsehbone head!!!!

Clearly you do not understand the problem!!!!

Our idiot Boy Justin is a staunch HYPOCRITE who has LIED about ALL his values and ALL his policies!!!!

This is why he is in so much trouble on this Kokanee Grope business!!!!!!!

A real feminist would not have sloughed off the growing chorus of BOO`s with the dismissive and scornful attitude he has been displaying!!!!

But then a REAL feminist would not be facing this sort of trouble in the first place!!!!!

OUR IDIOT BOY IS being judged on his merits- and HE HAS NONE!!!!!!

He is an ass grabbing HYPOCRITE!!!!!

And now tecumseh bone head why dont you quit ducking the quite legitimate question is posed to you about cops training!

Since you are so very clever why dont you share your wisdom with us and explain exactly how cops should de-escalate a situation where they are confronted with a crazy person with a weapon- and the crazy person thinks the voices in their head are more real than the distant voices of cops trying to get a handle on the situation!!!

Come on T-gurly- share your vision with us!!!!!

Dont be shy and runaway again!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Until the fall of 2019 then hopefully into oblivion

Our idiot Boy Justin will not resign for the same reason that Ontari-owe LIE-beral Wynne-bag did not resign!!!!!!

If either Wynne-bag or idiot Boy resigned as a result of pre-election polling- it would be a public admission of the failure of LIE-beral policy!!!!!!

LIE-berals are compelled to march on following their FAILURE!!!!!!

Recently some LIE-beral knucklehead whined in a Metroland newspaper that we NEED electoral reform so that we can get rid of BAD leaders like Wynne-bag- without destroying the entire LIE-beral party and this is LIE-beral CRAP!!!!!!

Wynne-bag was leader of Ontari-owe LIE-berals- BUT- she is also a member of the legislature- MEANING SHE HAS ONE VOTE- JUST LIKE ANY OTHER MPP!!!!!

Getting rid of Wynne-bag only and leaving the party in place would solve NOTHING!!!!!!

It is LIE-beral policy that is the poison- one individual with one lousy vote is NOTHING!!!!!!!!

The party follows the policies - NOT the leader!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wynne-bag and Our idiot Boy were both elected party leaders because they SUPPORTED PARTY POLICY that the rank and file were determined to SUPPORT!!!!!!!

I have stated before that LIE-beral electoral reform plans are POISON!!!!!

LIE-berals want to use electoral reform to PARALYZE PARLIAMENT!!!!

The LIE-beral intent is to fragment parliament into little political factions with so many radical and diverse views that NOBODY CAN EVER GAIN REAL POWER OR SUFFICIENT CONTROL TO SHUT OFF THE MAD LIE-BERAL SPENDING MACHINE!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Bigger font will make more people believe you.

THAT IS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big font is GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

And exclamation points help too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now here is a reminder of the LIE-beral MESS:

Here is another article illustrating the troubling results of selfish LIE-beral policy. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Hydro customer debt and disconnections soar under Kathleen Wynne

By James Wallace. Published: December 22, 2017. Updated: December 22, 2017 6:54 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

New numbers posted by the Ontario Energy Board paint a painful picture of how hydro customers have fared under Kathleen Wynne’s government.

During the past four years, under Wynne’s watch, there’s been a 19% increase in residential hydro disconnections, a 28% increase in arrears and a 40% increase in customer debt owed to provincial electricity distributors.

Over the same time period, those utilities saw just a 4% increase in new customers.

The numbers depressingly illustrate the degree to which Ontarians have increasingly struggled to pay their hydro bills.

They also nakedly expose the fact there’s nothing “fair” about the way the Liberals are treating hydro customers. That’s a political lie and a fiction perpetuated by a desperate government that’s resorted to marketing slogans in place of sound policy to address the mess they’ve made.

Here’s what the numbers show:

In 2013, Ontario electricity distributors cumulatively had 4,416,713 customers, a number that grew to almost 4,598,314 customers in 2016 — a 4% increase over four years;
The number of accounts disconnected for non-payment grew almost 19% from 49,130 to 58,286 over the same period;
The number of accounts in arrears increased 28% from 307,822 to 392,963;
And the amount of arrears debt owed by customers increased a staggering 40% from $96,461,640 to $134,885,199.

Clearly, a growing number of Ontarians struggled under the Wynne government to pay their hydro bills over that time.

“The numbers are quite staggering,” said PC energy critic Todd Smith. “Things are not getting better under the Liberals.”

(The problem is govt tax inflation- water rates up 9 percent unless its an election year when its ONLY 4 percent. Hydro rates doubled in 10 years- with only a 25 percent decrease this for this year only- with more price increases slated for after the 2018 election. With residential property taxes soaring as much as 25 percent and business taxes doubling or tripling in one year thanks to SCREWED UP market value assessment policy. LIE-berals drive up costs rapidly so they can buy civil service Hog votes- but our incomes do not rise nearly as fast as LIE-beral greed! LIE-berals buy votes and cling to power at any price!)

(It does not help that too many of us have been forced into retirement- taking the company buyout that is better than nothing- but that limited one time funding DOES NOT provide the sort of return on investment that can pay for LIE-beral GREED! We cannot afford LIE-beral policy that drives govt costs while we live on fixed incomes, frozen wages and reduced hours of work! LIE-berals have exactly the same set of vile values as the Pigs in the book Animal Farm!)

In fact, he said, former Ontario Auditor General Jim McCarter predicted with “Kreskin-like” accuracy, back in 2011, that this would happen.

At the time, McCarter raised red flags over the Liberal government’s decision to spend billions of dollars on wind and solar power projects without proper oversight.

“While this helped these projects get off the ground quickly, their high cost will add significantly to ratepayers’ electricity bills in the future,” McCarter predicted at the time, a suggestion the Liberals scoffed at.

The consequence, over the past four years, has been escalating hydro bill problems for consumers rooted in a flawed, mismanaged and ideological Liberal government plan that wasted billions of dollars promoting and overpaying for unneeded green energy.

(In another act of insane greed Hydro One wants us to “pre-pay” for electricity!)

Hydro One makes pitch for pre-paid electricity meters
GOLDSTEIN: Hydro One sale toxic for Wynne
Libs killing business one kilowatt at a time

And although the Liberals have introduced plans to limit disconnections and reduce rates by 25%, the reduction is temporary, will cost future customers $4 billion and rates are poised to skyrocket after the 2018 election. It does nothing to address growing consumer debt.

“Unless something is done to actually lower the cost to generate and produce electricity in three to four years you’re going see these numbers spike again,” Smith said.

(What Smith and others are telling us is that LIE-beral greed is creating a two level economy like something out of a sci fi novel- where a privileged few live well and others- the deprived “Morlocks” starve in the dark!)

The real-world consequence is that families across the province are struggling with record debt and growing difficulty paying their bills, said Nipissing Conservative MP Vic Fedeli.

(With LIE-berals importing tens of thousands of Muslims with multiple children they cannot pay for and with more teeming thousands of illegals coming her at LIE-beral invitation and this muddled immigration will suck govt revenue like DRACULA!)

Fedeli said families are in his northern constituency office on an almost daily basis looking for help to deal with hydro bills.

“Here we are a couple of days before Christmas and we’ve got people in here,” Fedeli said. “We have families who absolutely have to decide whether they can heat or eat.”

“That’s real,” he said. “This falls directly at the feet of Kathleen Wynne and the Liberal government of Ontario.”

A request for comment from Energy Minister Glenn Thibeault’s office was referred to Hydro One.

Meanwhile, the Liberals continue to pump out “Fair Hydro Plan” propaganda suggesting they actually have a plan.

(LIE-berals do have a plan- anybody who cannot pay to live in THEIR Ontari-owe can LEAVE!)

“Ontario is lowering electricity bills for all residential customers as part of a significant system restructuring that will address long-standing policy challenges and ensure greater fairness,” says a current post on the Thibeault’s Energy Ministry’s website under the title “Ontario is cutting electricity bills.”

For many Ontario families this holiday season, it sure as hell doesn’t seem that way.

jawallace at postmedia


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Uh oh...looks like Trudeau isn't out of the woods yet. Still has some splaining to his own caucus.

Some Liberal MPs, pundits say Trudeau still owes a ‘full explanation’ about groping allegation to his MPs at caucus retreat in Saskatchewan

If PM Trudeau does not provide a ‘full explanation’ to his caucus at the Sept. 11-13 retreat in Saskatoon, Liberal MPs will question him, says a Liberal MP. But others say this would be a career-ending move.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s failure so far to clearly explain the groping allegation against him 18 years ago is “front and centre” in the minds of some Liberal MPs as they head to the Liberal summer caucus retreat in Saskatchewan in September, say some Liberal MPs and pundits.

But one former senior Liberal said he wasn’t sure if Mr. Trudeau owes his caucus an explanation into the groping allegations but said, “It would be very useful.”

“As the MPs go out and do what they do in the summers in their ridings, you want to make sure that everybody has the story straight,” the source said.

Addressing caucus, the source said, would cut off the possibility of MPs “coming to the mic and saying what I am saying: ‘What the hell is going on?’”

“I’ve heard people describe events that are diametrically opposed to each other as if it’s fact, I’m not sure what ‘Hoping it goes away on its own’ accomplishes.”

The source said this story now is flowing on two streams, the ethical and political, wherein the former involves the prime minster and the reporter, and the latter involves the opposition. The source said: “I don’t think silence helps either one of those streams, and it certainly doesn’t help politically.”

The source noted that even though it’s summer, the Tories aren’t going to forget about this story, and will raise this issue in the fall when the House returns.

“Politically, it’s not going to go away. Why would it? Why would the opposition lay off this? … You don’t want one of your strengths turned into one of your weaknesses,” the source said speaking of Mr. Trudeau’s strength of being a feminist.

The source was completely in disbelief and “frustrated” with how the PMO “has been handling” the situation, and said that there should have been crisis-communications management implemented when the story resurfaced and went viral on social media.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Congratulations Justin Trudeau on having been a normal full bloodied young Canadian man.

...who has consistently and firmly asserted his devout feminism and declared himself to be the noble defender of women's virtue and honour, setting a moral bar for everyone beneath him that all women must be believed...period. He has been been very explicit that he couldn’t be accused of this kind of behaviour, that he had been “very, very careful” all his life, stating that "This is something that I'm not new to. I've been working on issues around sexual assault for over 25 years."

Normal young Canadian man?? He declared himself above all that. Even now he declares "we all have to reflect" because of his indiscretions. Give me a break!!
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Uh oh...looks like Trudeau isn't out of the woods yet. Still has some splaining to his own caucus.

Some Liberal MPs, pundits say Trudeau still owes a ‘full explanation’ about groping allegation to his MPs at caucus retreat in Saskatchewan

If PM Trudeau does not provide a ‘full explanation’ to his caucus at the Sept. 11-13 retreat in Saskatoon, Liberal MPs will question him, says a Liberal MP. But others say this would be a career-ending move.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s failure so far to clearly explain the groping allegation against him 18 years ago is “front and centre” in the minds of some Liberal MPs as they head to the Liberal summer caucus retreat in Saskatchewan in September, say some Liberal MPs and pundits.

But one former senior Liberal said he wasn’t sure if Mr. Trudeau owes his caucus an explanation into the groping allegations but said, “It would be very useful.”

“As the MPs go out and do what they do in the summers in their ridings, you want to make sure that everybody has the story straight,” the source said.

Addressing caucus, the source said, would cut off the possibility of MPs “coming to the mic and saying what I am saying: ‘What the hell is going on?’”

“I’ve heard people describe events that are diametrically opposed to each other as if it’s fact, I’m not sure what ‘Hoping it goes away on its own’ accomplishes.”

The source said this story now is flowing on two streams, the ethical and political, wherein the former involves the prime minster and the reporter, and the latter involves the opposition. The source said: “I don’t think silence helps either one of those streams, and it certainly doesn’t help politically.”

The source noted that even though it’s summer, the Tories aren’t going to forget about this story, and will raise this issue in the fall when the House returns.

“Politically, it’s not going to go away. Why would it? Why would the opposition lay off this? … You don’t want one of your strengths turned into one of your weaknesses,” the source said speaking of Mr. Trudeau’s strength of being a feminist.

The source was completely in disbelief and “frustrated” with how the PMO “has been handling” the situation, and said that there should have been crisis-communications management implemented when the story resurfaced and went viral on social media.
Unnamed sources suck on both sides of the political spectrum . However that did make sense.