Gord Downie, Tragically Hip singer, has terminal cancer


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Gord Downie, Tragically Hip singer, has terminal cancer

Gord Downie, lead singer of iconic Canadian rock band The Tragically Hip, announced this morning he has a form of terminal brain cancer.

News of Downie's illness was posted on the band's website.

Downie, 52, and his wife Laura Leigh Usher have four children.

The statement says the diagnosis came "a few months ago."

It goes on to say: "Since then, obviously, he's endured a lot of difficult times, and he has been fighting hard. In privacy along with his family, and through all of this, we've been standing by him."

The statement also says the band is going to do one last tour. "This feels like the right thing to do now, for Gord, and for all of us.

"What we in The Hip receive, each time we play together, is a connection; with each other; with music and it's magic; and during the shows, a special connection with all of you, our incredible fans.

"So, we're going to dig deep, and try to make this our best tour yet."

Gord Downie, Tragically Hip singer, has terminal cancer - Toronto - CBC News

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
What is with this epidemic of brain cancer? a few decsdes ago, there was almost none.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I wouldn't call that an epidemic.

The population has increased considerably in the last 10 years and the numbers you've provided don't even increase as much in proportion.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I wouldn't call that an epidemic.

The population has increased considerably in the last 10 years and the numbers you've provided don't even increase as much in proportion.


You must be young.

When I was young the only brain tumors that were ever heard of were on TV soap operas. They were exceedingly rare to the point of unknown.

Anyway, believe what you want.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
No mention in the article but long enough to complete at least one more tour.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
This is not the sort of news one hopes to hear on the morning drive in. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, it's a horrible thing.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
My wife went with brain cancer ten years ago. She refused the chemo because she'd been through it all for four years ending four years before - so she already knew how sick 'treatment' made her. May 29 2006, she limped the length of the Survivors Walk in the local Relay for Cancer. Very early in June cancer was determined to have come back and chemo was proposed. She was just as happy to have had those four more years (during which our first grandchild was born) A week later, they agreed that chemo wasn't going to help as hers was a very aggressive cancer. August 18, she was gone.

I wish Gord Downie painfree days


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Tragically Hip scalpers: Getting ahead by a tragedy
By Michael Platt, Calgary Sun
First posted: Monday, May 30, 2016 08:18 PM EDT | Updated: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 12:20 AM EDT
A $1,200-per-seat profit, off one man's battle with brain cancer.

If Canadians didn't already loathe scalpers and agencies that support them, they certainly do now, after watching concerts meant as a farewell to a beloved Canadian icon turned into a orgy of profit for those with the technology to scoop up choice seats before ordinary fans had a chance.

Gord Downie and The Tragically Hip will definitely play to packed houses on their final tour, but thanks to scalpers and ticket bots, it will be mainly those with deep wallets watching the show, rather than fans with a deep appreciation of a band considered by many to be Canada's definitive musical act.

"Did #thehip's presale tickets for #YYC sell out immediately? I barely got to the loading screen and apparently they're all out!" was one of the kinder tweets Monday morning, as a pre-sale of tickets meant for the band's fan club sold out in seconds, only to appear minutes later on resale sites.

The mark-up, naturally, was massive — because if there's one thing scalpers understand, it's how to turn all that sentimentality into sweet, sweet profit.

And for Canadians, this one is sentimental like no other, being a farewell tour for Downie, who announced last week he has terminal brain cancer — and after 32 years of hit records and high-octane concerts, it seems this tour will be the band's swan song.

But seats that should have sold for $166 in Calgary's Saddledome were being flogged for US$1,360 over StubHub within minutes of the 10 a.m. pre-sale shutting down, and that was just one of 329 tickets on that site alone.

The same will certainly happen Friday, when seats for the Aug. 1 Saddledome show are released to the general public, and scalpers will skim the cream of the crop on Tuesday, when a pre-sale takes place for a second Calgary Hip show, added for Aug. 3.

It's the same story across the country. Naturally, Hip faithful are furious.

"Pre-sales are supposed to be for true fans, who are given a special code as a reward for their devotion to the band," said Alan Cross, a well-known national music broadcaster, who tackled the touchy subject on his website ajournalofmusicalthings.com under the heading "Something Really Stinks About the Presale for the Tragically Hip Tour".

Within hours, furious fans from across Canada were using the website as a venting ground against a ticketing system that seems rigged in favour of maximum profit.

"I’m both furious and heartbroken. No surprise here: Spent an hour and a half using two browsers plus the browser on my phone and nothing. A friend has already paid $520 for a pair for the 8/10 show on StubHub. Rat bastards," wrote a fan named Amber.

Cross, who personally knows the band, says The Hip will be "distraught" over the controversy, but the musicians are trapped in the same broken system — and when it comes to selling a nation's worth of concerts, promoters have little choice.

But Cross says profiteering off cancer seems particularly peevish.

"This is the most cold-blooded, market-driven display of capitalism that we've ever seen involving Canadian concerts," he said.

"Of course, we shouldn't be surprised — people have been complaining about this very thing for decades, but no matter what they do to fix it, they always seem to skirt the system."

A recent expose by New York’s attorney general found the public has no chance when pitted against special software known as "Ticket Bots," with one typical program snapping up 1,012 tickets to a Madison Square Garden U2 concert in under a minute.

“Ticketing, to put it bluntly, is a fixed game,” the report concludes.

Of course, those in the business say it's about providing a service the market is willing to support: "StubHub is commited to ensuring fans have access to buy and sell tickets to the events they want to see," said San Francisco-based StubHub via Twitter, in reply to outrage over Hip tickets.

The agency also said a portion of the profits would go to the Sunnybrook Foundation, the same medical charity being supported by The Tragically Hip.

"That was a corporate decision made today, based on the fact many of the people in the StubHub office in Canada are Tragically Hip fans as well," said Shannon Kelly, spokeswoman for StubHub.

Tragically Hip scalpers: Getting ahead by a tragedy | MICHAEL PLATT | Music | En


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Ontario attorney general may look into sales of Tragically Hip tickets
First posted: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 05:10 PM EDT | Updated: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 05:45 PM EDT
TORONTO -- Ontario's attorney general says she's prepared to try and find out why so many Tragically Hip fans couldn't buy tickets for their summer concerts -- unless they wanted to pay many times face value on resale sites.
Fans across the country complained the tickets were sold out almost instantly when they went on presale Monday.
Many rushed to social media to complain about exorbitant prices on secondary resale sites that climbed into the thousands of dollars.
The Tragically Hip announced last week that lead singer Gord Downie has terminal brain cancer and would embark on a brief summer tour in parts of Canada.
Attorney General Madeleine Meilleur says she sympathizes with fans who would have to pay such tremendous prices to see the band.
She says the ministry needs to look at what is happening now with the resale prices and insists she wants to fix the situation.
Meilleur denies the province is to blame for scrapping a law that prevented primary sellers like Ticketmaster from owning resale sites like StubHub.
"The intent was to prevent this from happening," Meilleur told reporters.
"And I'm very sorry for the (fans) of this group that they have to pay a great price to go to the concert."
While the public sale of Tragically Hip tickets doesn't begin until Friday, eager buyers already snapped up limited tickets offered during pre-sale events Monday and Tuesday, but far more fans were left disappointed.
Some questioned how the tickets -- which required buyers to enter a code to complete their purchase -- could turn up for resale within minutes. Others lamented that concerts which were raising money for charity were being exploited by scalpers.
The Hip will play 15 shows across parts of the country during a month-long stretch from late July to August.
Ontario attorney general may look into sales of Tragically Hip tickets | Music |


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Hardly a day goes by that you don't hear a story of someone's grief and suffering somewhere not too far from home and it just makes one very thankful that all his woes are mild in comparison and we can look forward to another day.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
My wife went with brain cancer ten years ago. She refused the chemo because she'd been through it all for four years ending four years before - so she already knew how sick 'treatment' made her. May 29 2006, she limped the length of the Survivors Walk in the local Relay for Cancer. Very early in June cancer was determined to have come back and chemo was proposed. She was just as happy to have had those four more years (during which our first grandchild was born) A week later, they agreed that chemo wasn't going to help as hers was a very aggressive cancer. August 18, she was gone.

I wish Gord Downie painfree days

sorry to hear about your wife.

as for this so-called band, I don't care.