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  1. einmensch

    Monika Schaefer Canadian Thought Criminal In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing, and suggested videos, because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences. Learn more Go Home...
  2. einmensch

    The Gas Chamber Lie Won't Fly

    So, by 1996 the gas chambers had become a symbol! A Swiss Newspaper Sets An Example I predicted that one day organized Jewry eventually would be obliged to give up the lie athis door did indeed close on a gas chamber at Majdanek. However,...bThe only living things killed in this gas chamber...
  3. einmensch

    Rothschilds and their Fleas Here we have a Nazi? She is Jewish just like some of you but she is not an idiot nor a self-hating jew. Nixon the Nazi There are now only 5 nations in the world without a Rothschild controlled...
  4. einmensch

    Demjanjuk and Sobibor

    Demjanjuk’s trial began promptly on the 16 February 1987-in Israel At the trial a number of survivors from the Treblinka death camp testified against John Demjanjuk, these included Pinhas Epstein, Eliahu Rosenberg, Yossef Czarny and Gustav Boraks. All the witnesses stated that the man who was...
  5. einmensch

    Has Israel become a Racist State?

    The rule of fear By Gideon Levy Tags: Netanyahu, Lieberman As Benjamin Netanyahu ascends to power, his message is the danger of a holocaust at the hands of Iran. Avigdor Lieberman emerges victorious and his message is that Israeli Arabs are a cancer. Never before has a government been...
  6. einmensch


    I assume that you are a controller for these forums. Hi Zan, I noted that under my user name I have a brown > . It seems that all? others users have green >. The comment associated with my brown > is: Einmensch can only hope improve 1 Why is mine brown? 2 I'd like you to justify>> Einmensch...
  7. einmensch

    Food Waste

    I doubt anyone who's experienced lengthy hunger in their lives would wish it upon anyone, even *if* they're mouthy. --was your post--I doubt --does that not mean that you feel that I made it up?
  8. einmensch

    Food Waste

    Doubt all you like, karrie, but some people have no clue. By the way, karrie when there are food shortages one simply excepts that as this is how it is-perhaps if a torturer could feel the pain he would have difficulty inflicting it. Food shortages vary, If in the country food id easier to...
  9. einmensch

    Food Waste

    Have you noticed that when one has very little how carful one is and how wasteful in abundance. The food would be spoiled by the time it got to a hungry one. What causes hunger? Conflict, War, starving a group on purpose? Even People who have experienced months and years of varied and great...