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  1. Minority Observer84

    Book List

    Hi For those of you that like to read books could your list what books you,ve read , plan to read or are reading ? God Delusion Breaking the spell Letter to a Christian nation . Letter to an Atheist Against All Enemies . The Audacity of hope Infidel . America the book . Selfish Gene ...
  2. Minority Observer84


    This is an open question to anyone tempted to answer . If your a theist I would like to know what it would take for you to leave you faith , what proof , evidence .................? If your an Atheist I would like to know what would make you convert to any given religion ? If your agnostic what...
  3. Minority Observer84

    How The Concept of a Mater Plan Defies Free will

    Have you ever wondered why there is suffering in the world and why there is pain ? I have quite frequently . I came a few years ago to the conclusion that suffering and pain is caused by pain givers . People who enjoy and relish the sorrow and pain of others why else would there be suffering...
  4. Minority Observer84


    Sicko the new movie by Micheal Moore Encourages American immigration to Canada . So i was thinking guys we should save our country from these evil economic immigrants . Any Volunteers for building a fence ??
  5. Minority Observer84

    The Truth Leaks out Oh so slowly

    Australia 'has Iraq oil interest' Australia has about 1,500 military personnel in the Gulf Australian Defence Minister...
  6. Minority Observer84


    Custom Title and signature are not showing up for me :( I checked all my options to make sure they are set right and have logged out and logged back in still nothing . Any ideas ?