Search results

  1. wallyj

    Beat American Ass

    Hey,CANADIAN Content members.A small Canadian blog from Saskatchewan is breathing down the neck of a top American blog for the title of best blog.It does have a chance,but it is very close. Put your left/right differences aside and pull for Canada. This may be the link . Cheers...
  2. wallyj

    Tattoo Design

    Karrie,you seem to have some talent with a pen and paper. I would strongly suggest finding a good artist that could recreate your own drawings or has a good sense of what you want. I have attempted to do that and have mixed results. Remember it is there for life or until covered up.Go for...
  3. wallyj

    Welcome to Juan's Kitchen!

    The wine is for the cook. If wine is not available,you can substitute almost anything.Vodka,rum,beer,as long as there is not an umbrella you should be OK... It is a good recipe,'PATAK'S" is the key.
  4. wallyj

    Welcome to Juan's Kitchen!

    Juan,and others. I have a great,EASY,recipe for curries that I will share. Pick up a jar of 'Patak's' curry paste and a bottle of decent red wine.. The hot paste isn't too bad,vindaloo is for the experienced... You will need the paste,wine,aboot a 1 1/2 lbs. of onions,a large can of diced...
  5. wallyj

    9/11 mysteries,7 years later

    Last year about this time I asked the 'truthers' if they could explain how the explosives were planted without arousing suspicion. Mostly I badgered Logic 7(manhattan cheesecake) about this. I recieved a few replies. The most popular answer was,'George Bush'es brother ran the security company '...
  6. wallyj

    FOX News caught using NLP Neuro-linguistic programming

    Well hey ,you nailed me there. As soon as I wipe the droll off my chin I will get back to you.
  7. wallyj

    FOX News caught using NLP Neuro-linguistic programming

    That is why you have to wear extra-strength tinfoil when watching FOX. I'm surprised the other truthers haven't told you that yet.
  8. wallyj

    Why doesn't CBC or CTV cover this?

    I have often said that the media in this country is biased towards the liberals.This bias shows through not only in what they air and print but also by what they ignore. A case in point. Last week Garret Oledzki,a liberal federal candidate in Saskatchewan resigned,citing the usual,spend more...
  9. wallyj

    1,000,000th post.

    I noticed that the counter on the side is getting very close to hitting ONE MILLION. Will there be a celebration? Or maybe the lucky one who posts the 1,000,000 should recieve some award.
  10. wallyj

    9/11, overwhelming proof from alex jones at prison planet

    I work with a group of "truthers" and am always questioning thier beliefs. One of them is as convinced as our own Logic 7,maybe even moreso ,as he hands out dvd's about 9/11 to strangers,he is a devout follower. A couple of weeks ago ,I asked him to give me a list of his top 5 indisputable...
  11. wallyj

    A bad night for the liberals

    The natural governing party,the liberals,took an ass-whupping tonight losing in all three by-elections. Is it time for another leadership convention>
  12. wallyj

    I need a good Moose recipe

    Moose and squirrel veddy veddy bad,come Natasha,we will be rid of moose and squirrel.
  13. wallyj

    Dinning Alone

    Definetly you are self-activated.
  14. wallyj

    Dry spices

    It's kind of like being with an enthusiastic women or watching porn,one is real,the other isn't.Go for real.
  15. wallyj

    Favorite beer(s)?

    Yes,Toro.I concur,trad by far.And my next 5 favourites are the rest of the six-pack.
  16. wallyj

    Joe Volpe Fraud

    Pizza Joe has now been accused of using taxpayer funded charity workers on his campaign. In his defence,Joe pointed out that all parties are funded by taxpayers and it is just nit-picking about where the money is obtained. He says" This is another example of prejudice against Italian-Canadians,I...
  17. wallyj

    Pizza Joe lowers the bar once again.

    Once again,Volpe.infamous for his extravagant pizza dinners and appeal to the younger crowd has lowered the bar for all Liberal leadership contenders. Go to for the gory details.
  18. wallyj

    How a conspiracy starts,Montreal shooting.

    We probably have all seen the tragic event in Montreal unfold. At the start it was widely reported by the news media,eyewitnesses,city officials,police etc. that there was 3 or 4 shooters. Also there was 4 or more dead and twenty or more wounded. It was even widely reported that one of the...
  19. wallyj

    A simple question re: 9/11,Why would the U.S. fly planes int

    Someone out there must have a reasonable explanation. If the world trade center was already rigged with explosives,why would the gov't take the added risk to hi-jack planes to fly into them?
  20. wallyj

    Take this poll,Michael Moore,Bush and our troops.

    How do your beliefs about 9/11 affect your opinion on our troops? I am interested in finding out if there is any correlation between the so-called conspiracy believers and thier support or non-support of our mission in Afghanistan.The Moore I am referring to is Michael,of course,and his movie...