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  1. P

    US Republican strategist coaching Conservative Party. Holy S / Pretty long, but educational. It talks about the Luntz memo to the Bush administration on environmental communication (i.e. don't say "global warming" say "climate change") which I've noticed the CPC seems to be following. Manipulating the message...
  2. P

    Climate Scientists Praise Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' It's time to act. Reject the lie that this is a right vs. left issue, we're all in this together and need to face it together. Go here to find out what you can do:
  3. P

    Former Canadian Alliance MP Larry Spencer writes memoir!!!

    Read rest here --> Well now, isn't that something? I wonder if there's grist for the opposition in there. Looking at Harpers quotes, it seems there might be.
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    What is your opinion of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation?

    I've been reading some things and it seems like this organization is claiming to be interested in taxpayers but is actually focussed on a Conservative-right social and economic agenda. Thoughts?
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    Global Warming debate is over.

    Read rest ---> Agree 100%. I heard about those ice cores a little while ago. I guess they've put the nail in the skeptics coffin. The "LIARS ALERT" is pretty funny!! Tattlin' on the google ad LOL!
  6. P

    Why a "war on terror"?? It's a bad idea

    Read rest here: Excellent points IMO. It was not only uneccessary to declare a "war on terror", but might actually have made things worse as the article points out. I hope our leadership stops using the phrase. Someone with a little courage should...