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  1. danieltowsey

    Life under communism

    Life under communism audio-video transcript When I was young I remember teachers at school warning our classes that there was an agenda at work to bring communism to my country. I was young and had no idea what that meant. But I stayed very observant to the changes happening in my free...
  2. danieltowsey

    Canada's Police State Bill C51 Camouflaged as a Health Bill

    Canada's Police State Bill C51 Camouflaged as a Health Bill On April 8th 2008 The Health Minister of Canada introduced a totally unnecessary bill, that is quickly being forced through Parliament to attack the Natural health products and services industry on behalf of big Pharma. The public is...
  3. danieltowsey

    War Has Been Declared

    War Has been declared by Daniel J Towsey Yes the war has been declared. It has been declared against humanities freedoms, liberties and health. You have been unknowingly disarmed. You have lost the most powerful weapon. That weapon is knowledge of the truth. Society has been fed a diet...
  4. danieltowsey

    The American Constitution

    The American Constitution By Daniel J Towsey August 14, 2007 As usual we have been deceived by the New World Order secret societies. Now if you go into any court of America to argue the constitutionality of any issue. You are told that the...
  5. danieltowsey

    US Declaration of Independence

    US Declaration of Independence By Daniel J Towsey English bankers have never let the US be independent and FREE..Through the covert creation of the illegal Federal Reserve System they have taken all your freedoms.. And have corrupted society to the...
  6. danieltowsey

    Once upon a time there was a CANADA

    Once Upon a Time there was a Canada By Daniel J Towsey It was the most beautiful country from sea to shining sea, some 7000 thousands miles across. The people were so proud and happy. We were free, or so we thought. It was...
  7. danieltowsey

    Psychiatry Industry of Death

    Psychiatry Industry of Death by Daniel J Towsey Psychiatry; The hidden social control to achieve their NWO plans. Psychiatry is politics. It is the application of force against those who do not want to be forced. In Oct 1945 at the US dept of the interior in Washinton DC...
  8. danieltowsey

    The Gray Plane That No One Saw

    The Gray Plane, That No One Saw By Daniel J Towsey May 7th, 2007 <snip> It absolutely amazes me how people can not see the obvious. Yet it is right in front of their eyes. Everyone is looking for a smoking gun, when, all along it has been staring everyone right in the face. I...
  9. danieltowsey

    Why get a FLU shot?

    Why get a flu shot when it can only protect you from other years flus? To get the antibodies for the flu, you have to be injected with other years flu viruses. I suspect that anyone who gets a flu shot becomes infectious and spreads the flu. I wouldn't be surprised if they are creating the new...
  10. danieltowsey

    Chemicals in TOBACCO (A must read)

    Tobacco Chemicals (Canada) Ever wonder where all those cancer causing chemicals come from that the government always tells us are in tobacco? Well so did I. So I suspected that these chemicals are not natural to this organic...