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  1. look3467

    Revelation 14

    Anybody care to discuss the wording and what it all means in this chapter? Since it is central to all that I believe to be the designed plan of God, I would gladly discuss my insights into it. Some questions concerning the words are: 1. Who and why are there 144,000? 2.How is the Fathers...
  2. look3467

    "Who among us can dwell with everlasting fire"?

    Quoting Isa. 33:14 OK folks, tell me all you know about fire. The fire that burns the physical The fire that burns spiritually What all does fire represent? How can we still burn without being burned? Is fear a fire that burns within? Is fearlessness a fire that burns within? Is rust a...
  3. look3467

    "Identify the Beast"

    This is a challenge to all believers and non believers alike, have you wisdom? I know who it is, and I dare say if I were to reveal it in this thread I will become an outcast. So, I will give you all a chance to tell me if I am wrong, but first, lets hear it from you all, and at some point I...
  4. look3467

    Is Israel the ticking time clock for world destruction?

    Christianity, in it's view believes that Israel will usher in Armageddon. That the worlds powers will be hooked like a fish and drawn into battle with Israel. If our salvation is of the Jews : Isa 49:6 And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of...
  5. look3467

    Human lusts', why does it work against us?

    What is it about the flesh that craves all earthly things? I mean if the food is good, we over eat. If the beer makes us feel good, we over drink. If power gives us a high, why do we abuse it? If money buys us many things, we over spend. If we have a wife, why do we look as if we had none? Why...
  6. look3467

    What hope hath the flesh have in this life?

    What hope hath the flesh if everything in life is against it? I mean, as long as humanity has existed, death reigns, sickness, diseases, wars, catastrophes and suicides. I mean look at the animals, they exist to die by predators and or all of the things mentioned above. What hope then is...
  7. look3467

    Invitation is out; “Come am who so ever will”

    Invitation is out; “Come whosoever will” Rev 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. If in doubt about God, and life and or are just too dismayed...
  8. look3467

    "Protestant Thread, all others keep out"

    Hey folks, talk to me about any religious thoughts or beliefs you have. Perhaps, I may be persuaded, and then again, I may persuade you in the course of the discussion to a different point of view. Which ever the case, lets talk. Lets give it a starter question: Should society have some sort of...
  9. look3467

    " Can Theological differences be set aside?"

    Question is: Can a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian and non-believers get along as brothers despite the theological differences? If the answer is possibly yes, how? If the answer is no, need not answer. Peace>>>AJ:love9:
  10. look3467

    “Impact the world”

    “Impact the world” What one human being caused and causing the greatest impact on the world of humanity? What event is the pivot between “the world that then was” and “the world that now is”? Peace>>>AJ
  11. look3467

    “Unpardonable sin”

    “Unpardonable sin” What constitutes the unpardonable sin? Eternal: damnation, separation, death to the soul? If all mankind are separated (Death to God) from God, how then can we be pardoned? Check this verse out: Jer 5:1 Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and...
  12. look3467

    "Good and Evil"

    What is good and what is evil? Who decides? What standard do we use to discern the difference? Is it a natural trait we all acquire or is it a gift? If natural, how did we acquire it? If a gift, how was it given? What inspires the good in the conscience verses the evil? Why would good be...
  13. look3467

    """The sky is falling, the sky is falling"""

    I mean, we hear of all these crazy things happening in a world that should be somewhat stable, we find, or it seems anyway that the sky is falling in on us. What hope do we have then? I mean religiously speaking, divisions amongst the very believers. Amongst the un-believers, what hope do they...
  14. look3467

    "Resurrection day"

    Notice on what day it falls on? 1st day of a new week? The 8th day? A new week as meaning the last week has passed away? The 8th day meaning as part of the last 7 days but a new start? Could this somehow be tied in with the 7-day creation? Look3467 sees 3 pictures of the whole creation as...
  15. look3467

    "Do you have peace"?

    There are many people out there in the world who have not peace. I'm talking peace in our souls concerning our relationship with the Almighty. You've heard the expression when when someone is facing death: "Better make peace with your maker because you are about to die"? Well, that peace I am...
  16. look3467

    "This thread is for healing", spiritualy: that is.

    I have started this thread to take on all commers, believers and unbelievers alike. No discrimination here. I will advice you that I will use the bible plentifully, since it is my experience that all the questions are answered there. After all, wouldn't the creator know what we are all about and...
  17. look3467

    " I am born again", are you?

    One death, two borns. Once my spirit was death after being born the first time, but now my spirit is alive, being born the second time. But my flesh, dies onces only. For the benefit of some, I am posting as requested. Peace>>>AJ:love9:
  18. look3467


    When I visit a thread, I don't get any notification of any replys. Have I been turned off? Please Advice Thanks, AJ
  19. look3467

    "Without faith"

    Heb 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. No body can come to God with out first having faith. So, then how can we have faith in God except we first know...
  20. look3467

    "End times senerios"

    For believers and non-believers alike. Based on your knowledge, what is your belief in the end times? How will it happen? When will it happen, or will it happen at all? I would like to get a broad spectrum of what is thought of out there about this subject. I have my own views and will at...