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    Harper's enemy

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper toured the First World War battlefield at Vimy Ridge on Tuesday where he quipped that the enemy now carries news cameras, not guns. So we need to increase funding to our military to combat... the media?
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    Ebola virus best way to kill billions

    A respected Texas scientist says the best way to kill 90 per cent of the people on the planet and save the world is the Ebola virus. "HIV is too slow," Eric Pianka said. "It's no good." Pianka, a 67-year-old biology professor at the University of Texas in Austin, can't understand why people...
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    Live cam on eagles nest

    This is a neat site with a live cam in a bald eagles nest on Hornby Island in BC. dialup is slow, but it's amazing to watch the two squabble and take turns on the eggs.
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    This doesn't happen very often..

    At two minutes and 3 seconds after 1 a.m. tomorrow, it will be 01:02:03, 04/05/06.
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    Internet use at work.. is this you?

    ...According to the study, 72.34 percent of all employee personal use of the Internet in the workplace has to do with "employee productivity draining Web sites," including the following types of sites in order of highest use: shopping, entertainment, personal e-mail, sports, chat rooms, job...
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    Who does their income tax online?

    And what program is the easiest to use?
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    How to get a still picture from a DVD?

    Do I need some special software to grab a still picture from a DVD? We bought a DVD of ourselves on a tour in Mexico recently, and they told us we could get a still picture from it, but I haven't the foggiest idea how to do that. Ctrl V doesn't work, it just shows up as black. Appreciate any...