Carl Sagan TV science idiot, contributions O


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Friday, February 18, 2011

Yet Another Idiotic Sentence By Carl Sagan

I realize it's childsplay and beating a dead horse to pick on late professor Carl Sagan, especially since most of his idiotic statements were catalogued by historian Charles Ginenthal in his book Carl Sagan and Immanuel Velikovsky. However this one is pretty funny:

"Science fiction was a new idea at the time of the Thirty Years War...." -- Carl E. Sagan, pseudoscientist, Cosmos, 1980

Let us analyze this Darwinist claim that has absolutely no basis in historical reality.

The Thirty Years War began in 1618 with the Defenestration of Prague and ended in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia.

So according to Carl Sagan, the Greco-Roman author Lucian who wrote science fiction in ancient times was actually writing science nonfiction?

"Once upon a time I gathered together the poorest people in my kingdom and undertook to plant a colony on the Morning Star [Venus], which was empty and uninhabited. Phaethon out of jealousy thwarted the colonisation, meeting us half-way at the head of his Ant Dragoons. At that time we were beaten, for we were not a match for them in strength, and we retreated: now, however, I desire to make war again and plant the colony." -- Lucian, author, True History, 2nd century

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Miraculous Spontaneous Evolution of Science

"... a thing will either be at rest or must be moved ad infinitum, unless something more powerful get in its way." -- Aristotle, philosopher, Physics, Book IV, 350 B.C.

Despite the actual historical record, the Neo-Darwinist Carl E. Sagan believed that Sir Isaac Newton "discovered" the law of inertia in 1663.

"Newton discovered the law of inertia, the tendency of a moving object to continue moving in a straight line unless something influences it and moves it out of it's path." -- Carl E. Sagan, professor, Cosmos, 1980

However Isaac Newton himself knew this was false.

"All those ancients knew the first law [of motion] who attributed to atoms in an infinite vacuum a motion which was rectilinear, extremely swift and perpetual because of the lack of resistance... Aristotle was of the same mind, since he expresses his opinion thus...[in Physics 4.8.215a19-22], speaking of motion in the void [in which bodies have no gravity and] where there is no impediment he writes: 'Why a body once moved should come to rest anywhere no one can say. For why should it rest here rather than there ? Hence either it will not be moved, or it must be moved indefinitely, unless something stronger impedes it.'" -- Isaac Newton, alchemist/mathematician, Unpublished Scientific Papers of Isaac Newton, 1962

"Democritus' atomism in principle is built only on quantities, namely the number and size of the atoms and their velocities. Here Democritus was far ahead of his time in that he took, preceding Galileo in assuming something like a law of inertia, each atom's velocity to be constant, unless a collision with another atom prevents it's free motion. For Democritus, the cosmos is a world of quantities uniquely given which continue their motion according to their own inertia until they are perturbed by other particles of the same nature." -- Hans-Jürgen Treder, physicist, October 1987


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Sagan was smarter than DB...which isn't saying much but I wanted to point out the irony.

Smart does not equate with honest. Prisons are full of smart people. Smarter than me gets Sagan no points whatever and none for you for that matter.

Don't look at it that way DB, think of him as a really effective multi-tasker

He certainly was effective but to what purpose? A person may have a science degree and not be a scientist and not follow the method nor the law. A degree does not a scientist make only adherence to the method may accomplish that. A common slave to relativity hardly warrants any scientific recognition whatever. Sagan was nothing but a pop star for pulp science spewed out by the same money grubbing
dog fornicating economic paradigm that has orchestrated the designed degeneration of western institutions to the point of collapse.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
For being smarter than Darkbeaver:

Carl Sagan: 1
Darkbeaver: 0

Winner: Carl Sagan

Whose yer daddy Darkbeaver?
That's right Carl Sagan.

Dead for yonks.
In your thread.
He still pwnd you.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
For being smarter than Darkbeaver:

Carl Sagan: 1
Darkbeaver: 0

Winner: Carl Sagan

Whose yer daddy Darkbeaver?
That's right Carl Sagan.

Dead for yonks.
In your thread.
He still pwnd you.

Yeah right, I suppose giant dirty burning snowballs in space is fine by you eh. Wright a tune Unforgiven, then I'll toss a coin for your little dance on the corner.
How's your monkey?


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
One of the silliest things I've seen, db critisizing Carl Sagan, professor of
astronomy at Cornell University for twenty years, who won awards all over
the world including a Pulitzer prize for one of his books, "Dragons of Eden".
Db you are not qualified to shine his shoes.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
One of the silliest things I've seen, db critisizing Carl Sagan, professor of
astronomy at Cornell University for twenty years, who won awards all over
the world including a Pulitzer prize for one of his books, "Dragons of Eden".
Db you are not qualified to shine his shoes.

Al Gore won numerous awards and a Nobel prize for a 'factual' documentary that proved to be founded on fiction.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Sagan was smarter than DB...which isn't saying much but I wanted to point out the irony.
Smarter? Just by a fraction?

Hey Beave. You're still smart just but it's just fell short by 1/16 anyway.

Al Gore won numerous awards and a Nobel prize for a 'factual' documentary that proved to be founded on fiction.
The Putzpuller prize is a load of crap anyway. It's like the Grammys or Academy Awards.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Smarter? Just by a fraction?

Hey Beave. You're still smart just but it's just fell short by 1/16 anyway.

The Putzpuller prize is a load of crap anyway. It's like the Grammys or Academy Awards.

But you don't have one, and nor does beaver.

Sagan is on the opposite side to the "Electric Universe" crap that beaver is pushing. That would attract beaver's hate.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Yeah right, I suppose giant dirty burning snowballs in space is fine by you eh. Wright a tune Unforgiven, then I'll toss a coin for your little dance on the corner.
How's your monkey?

I would but geez Beave, Sour Grapes is already written, recorded and published.

Which monkey? Our Founder or Our Future? Or do you mean the Mingkey?
Don't worry, you will survive being bested.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005