Solar Energy Demand


New Member
Jun 26, 2009
Sun is the best source of inexhaustible and clean energy. Conventionally, the world has been dependent on fossil fuels to fulfill its energy demands. With many advanced technologies getting introduced in the field of solar energy, investments in the sector has seen a rapid rise.

Solar energy investments have seen a steep rise. In 2007, the total installed capacity of photovoltaic devices was 8.7 GW. Solar cell production increased by 50% that year to 3,800 megawatts, and has been doubling every two years. The cost of solar energy, which has gone down 71% since 1980, will continue to drop as demand increases and more production capability becomes available.

The major ways of tapping the solar energy are the Solar Power Plant or by using PV or Photovoltaic Cells, also known as Solar Cells. In solar power plant, the solar radiations are deflected using mirrors into a small space, say a pipe filled with a fluid. The rise in temperature of the fluid can be then used to boil water and produce steam for conventional generator.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Solar energy is a good way to create electricity and there are many ways now to create more energy like geothermal, wind turbines, magnetic generators, hydro and methane.

Eventually all homes will have this technology in their homes and the electrical transmission lines will be a thing of the past.

The downtown core of the city of Toronto has a program that has been in operation for a couple of years which pumps cold water from Lake Ontario through the high-rise office buildings to keep them cool and back into the lake.

Since the water is not being used for anything just cooling it does not have to be treated to back into the lake.

The water pipes extend five or so miles into Lake Ontario.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada

Solar Energy Booming in China

by Zijun Li on September 23, 2005 Solar Energy Booming in China

The city of Beijing, China’s second-largest energy consumer, has announced plans to build a “solar street” where buildings, streetlights, and other features will run entirely on energy from the sun. A second pilot project in the city’s Xuanwu Park will introduce solar power for lighting, heating, and refrigeration. Both projects reflect a larger government commitment to dramatically increase China’s use of renewable energy in the coming decades.
In a move to cut domestic reliance on coal and oil, the Chinese parliament passed a historic law in February pledging to use renewable energy resources for 10 percent of China’s energy consumption by 2020. The new law includes details on the purchase and use of solar photovoltaics (PV), solar water heating, and renewable energy fuels. In particular, the government will promote the use of solar PV in buildings as a way to push China’s solar energy industry, said an official at the International New Energy and Renewable Energy Forum on September 19.
China has several advantages in solar energy development. According to Xinhua Net, two-thirds of China’s land areareceives more than 2,000 hours of sunlight annually, more than many other regions of similar latitude, including Europe and Japan. This gives China a potential solar energy reserve equivalent to 1,700 billion tons of coal. And China has become a world leader in PV cell production: Shangde Solar Energy Power Company, the country’s largest crystal silicon solar cell producer, recentlyexpanded its operations and expects to boost China’s total production capacity of the technology from 200 to 320 megawatts by the end of this year.
China is also a world leader in solar thermal production and use, accounting for 55 percent of global solar heating capacity (excluding pool systems)—or 52 million square meters of collectors—by the end of 2003, reports Worldwatch Institute senior researcher Janet Sawin in Vital Signs 2005. China aims to boost its production capacity of one specific type of collector, solar heat panels, to 51 million square meters by the end of 2005, which wouldmake it the world leader in solar heat panel production, according to an official from the National Engineering Research Center for Renewable Energy.
Several upcoming events, such as the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, Shanghai Expo 2010, and the 2007 World Conference on Solar Energy, will further stimulate China’s solar energy industry. According to China Daily, solar power and terrestrialheat will be used at various Olympic venues; for example, 2-3 megawatt solar generators will power the sports facilities. The Shanghai city government, meanwhile, has drafted a three-year plan to boost municipal use of solar energy by 2007, including setting up several power generators with a combined capacity of 5,000 kilowatts, undertaking 30 projects that combine urban construction with solar energy, and installing solar panels at the factories of 20-30 heavy industries. A proposal has also been approved to install thousands of rooftop solar panels on commercial and residential buildings and educational institutions, according to Shanghai Daily.
With these and other initiatives, China is playing an important role in providing global solar energy markets with the policy support and legal protection they need. Worldwatch Institute statistics show that world PV cell production reached an estimated 1,200 megawatts in 2004, while the global market for solar thermal collectors grew some 50 percent between 2001 and 2004. As China’s solar market emerges, it will be instrumental to moving the world to greater energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Some countries don't realize how much behind time they really are especially when their leaders tell them that they're the best and the believe in that .
The above artical was printed in 2005


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
What’s interesting about these technologies is that they have been around for years but oil and electricity has been cheap.

The businesses got greedy by not building new facilities to keep up with demand because they wanted to charge more for their product.

There is a lot of brown trout and I don’t mean the fish flowing through the sewer pipes of Toronto this can be diverted to a pit to produced methane gas.

Talk about a cheap source of energy.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I am working in Self Promotional SPAM Removed Ltd which is a solar panel manufacturer and wholesaler. I can prove solar energy is seriously needed.

How is it that the need for solar energy is a great revelation to you and one that you hope surprises the rest of the planet? How did you think to self promote yourself with material like that eh? My dear departed cat could prove that solar energy was necessary. :canada: