Meeting with the people of Mars.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Meeting with the people of Mars

There is water on Mars; there are two poles with ice; there are Cirrus clouds, in the atmosphere of Mars, with feather-like formations composed mainly of ice crystals; like that on Earth.
" Watching Martian Clouds Go By
Date: 03.24.2008
Opportunity turned its rover eyes skyward to observe clouds drifting overhead that look like cirrus clouds on Earth -- featherlike formations composed mostly of ice crystals.

By looking at the clouds, Opportunity learns about seasonal and daily weather patterns on Mars. Scientists want to understand how water vapor is transported around the planet. For example, on the extremely cold red planet, surface ice warmed by sunlight can briefly turn to vapor that rises into the atmosphere and then quickly cools to form ice crystals again, either in clouds or back on the ground. Scientists also estimate wind speed and direction based on the movement of the clouds. It definitely gives you the sense of what it might feel like to sit back and watch clouds on Mars."

There is life on Mars; and they will find people there (may be a different human race or very similar to our four races.)
As God – be glorified – said in the Quran 21: 30

وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ الْمَاء كُلَّ شَيْءٍ حَيٍّ

The explanation: (and We made – of water – every living thing)

The Quran foretells a future meeting with the people of Mars; although the existence of such people of Mars has not been discovered yet.
An anticipated meeting between the inhabitants of Earth and the inhabitants of some other planets

The planets are inhabited

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Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Feb. 21, 2008
By Emily Wanderer, University of Oregon
After decades of studying the climate conditions of Mars, scientists have recently made a breakthrough observation. At the last conference of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco, Dr. Adrian Brown reported on the latest results of the instrument that led his team to find water on Mars. Brown, a research scientist at the SETI Institute who studies climate similarities between Mars and Earth, says that finding water on Mars makes the potential for past or even future life on Mars much better.
Brown's team found a substantial amount of ephemeral (short lived) water ice in the polar regions of Mars. Early models of the s easonal caps of Mars suggested the polar caps would be pure carbon dioxide (CO2), and indeed, we now know that Mars' seasonal polar caps are 99% CO2 ice. Later thinking on the subject predicted that enough water existed in the Martian atmosphere to form a band, or "annulus," of water ice around the polar caps as they receded during springtime. This was subsequently confirmed in the northern hemisphere, but water ice in the southern hemisphere remained elusive and difficult to find until now.

Atmospheric pressure on Mars is about one percent of Earth. This fact alone would seem to rule out any kind of life as we know it. There may be microbes or bacterial life on Mars but it is extremely optimistic to think there might be any life even remotely like people on that planet.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
Feb. 21, 2008
By Emily Wanderer, University of Oregon
After decades of studying the climate conditions of Mars, scientists have recently made a breakthrough observation. At the last conference of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco, Dr. Adrian Brown reported on the latest results of the instrument that led his team to find water on Mars. Brown, a research scientist at the SETI Institute who studies climate similarities between Mars and Earth, says that finding water on Mars makes the potential for past or even future life on Mars much better.
Brown's team found a substantial amount of ephemeral (short lived) water ice in the polar regions of Mars. Early models of the s easonal caps of Mars suggested the polar caps would be pure carbon dioxide (CO2), and indeed, we now know that Mars' seasonal polar caps are 99% CO2 ice. Later thinking on the subject predicted that enough water existed in the Martian atmosphere to form a band, or "annulus," of water ice around the polar caps as they receded during springtime. This was subsequently confirmed in the northern hemisphere, but water ice in the southern hemisphere remained elusive and difficult to find until now.

Atmospheric pressure on Mars is about one percent of Earth. This fact alone would seem to rule out any kind of life as we know it. There may be microbes or bacterial life on Mars but it is extremely optimistic to think there might be any life even remotely like people on that planet.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Feb. 21, 2008
By Emily Wanderer, University of Oregon
After decades of studying the climate conditions of Mars, scientists have recently made a breakthrough observation. At the last conference of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco, Dr. Adrian Brown reported on the latest results of the instrument that led his team to find water on Mars. Brown, a research scientist at the SETI Institute who studies climate similarities between Mars and Earth, says that finding water on Mars makes the potential for past or even future life on Mars much better.
Brown's team found a substantial amount of ephemeral (short lived) water ice in the polar regions of Mars. Early models of the s easonal caps of Mars suggested the polar caps would be pure carbon dioxide (CO2), and indeed, we now know that Mars' seasonal polar caps are 99% CO2 ice. Later thinking on the subject predicted that enough water existed in the Martian atmosphere to form a band, or "annulus," of water ice around the polar caps as they receded during springtime. This was subsequently confirmed in the northern hemisphere, but water ice in the southern hemisphere remained elusive and difficult to find until now.

Atmospheric pressure on Mars is about one percent of Earth. This fact alone would seem to rule out any kind of life as we know it. There may be microbes or bacterial life on Mars but it is extremely optimistic to think there might be any life even remotely like people on that planet.

This is indeed a good scientific progress.

And I remind you and the other members of what we said few months ago, about the existence of life on Mars, and they said it is impossible, and there is no water on Mars, and it is merely CO2 ice.

Now, I affirm that the ice in both poles are water ice, the cloud there is from water vapor, and there is life on Mars and some other outer planets, but not on Mercury nor on Venus.

I repeat also that there will be a meeting between the inhabitants of the Earth and the inhabitants of Mars and some other outer planets, depending – in that – on the Glorious Quran 42: 29
(و مِنْ آياتِهِ خَلْقُ السماواتِ و الأرضِ و ما بَثَّ فيهِما مِنْ دابّةٍ و هو على جَمعِهم إذا يَشاءُ قديرٌ .)
The explanation: (And [one] of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and what He has spread abroad therein of beasts [: moving creatures]; and He is All-Able to gather them if He wills.)
The word دابّةٍ means any moving being including man and animal.
An anticipated meeting between the inhabitants of Earth and the inhabitants of some other planets



Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
This is indeed a good scientific progress.

And I remind you and the other members of what we said few months ago, about the existence of life on Mars, and they said it is impossible, and there is no water on Mars, and it is merely CO2 ice.

Now, I affirm that the ice in both poles are water ice, the cloud there is from water vapor, and there is life on Mars and some other outer planets, but not on Mercury nor on Venus.

If we affirmed anything, it was that there is very little water on Mars, and that the white polar caps are almost entirely CO2. I think you mis-read. Life on Mars is still a very tiny outside chance for some form of bacteria.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
If we affirmed anything, it was that there is very little water on Mars, and that the white polar caps are almost entirely CO2. I think you mis-read. Life on Mars is still a very tiny outside chance for some form of bacteria.

The Quran foretells a future meeting with the people of Mars
I know that they now say such words, but they – in the near future – will discover that the words of the Quran are true and authentic; and many of them will believe (but not all of them, of course) .

And this is another aya of the Quran 13: 15
وَلِلّهِ يَسْجُدُ مَن فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ طَوْعًا وَكَرْهًا وَظِلالُهُم بِالْغُدُوِّ وَالآصَالِ
The explanation: (All those who are in the heavens and the earth prostrate themselves to God; willingly or loath; so do their shadows [give witness to their prostration], day and night.)
And there are a large number of Quranic revelations (ayat) that bear the same meaning.

I say: it is very strange why they presume such improper explanations like the CO2 snow instead of the water ice?

Moreover, the water on Mars is not in little amount; so that such huge caps of the north and south pole will form, and clouds will be there that move by the wind in such a way (very rapid) because these clouds are high up in the atmosphere.

In addition, how can the atmosphere be so little and thin as do they say, while it bears such amount of cloud at such high altitude; because if the atmosphere is so thin then the cloud will certainly be low and near to the ground.

Moreover, why is the water ice confined to one of the poles and not to both of them?

In case it is only now that their camera has caught such a natural process of the cloud with ice crystals being drifted rapidly by the wind; and that is when their camera moved upwards, why then that their maneuvers in taking the images are not very accurate; because they have taken most of their past views, in a horizontal direction, very near to the ground surface.

I mean: imagine that a man sees the view of the surroundings while he is lying on his back; but when this man stands up, he will certainly see more details.
