The Asteroid 2007 WD5 will not impact Mars.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The Asteroid 2007 WD5 will not impact Mars
As a complement to my topic about the Tungus blast, (where we said that this asteroid will not hit Mars; simply because it rotates around Mars not around the Sun ) the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA has announced that the tiny 2007 WD5 asteroid most probably will not impact Mars:

"Word from the orbit gurus at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is that the impact watch for Mars is officially "off." On January 9th they announced ( )that the odds of tiny 2007 WD5 crashing into Mars on January 30th have dropped precipitously, to about 1 in 10,000 (0.01%). Instead, the two should come no closer than about 16,000 miles. "

And see at our website the following:



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Too bad. Would have been a good show like the ones that hit Jupiter a few years ago.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Too bad. Would have been a good show like the ones that hit Jupiter a few years ago.

Happy new year for you and Dexter and Darkbeaver and others,
You don't wish any harm to the people of Mars?
Like the punishment of ? some disbelievers among the people of Jupiter; and like the extermination of the People of Prophet Lot: in their place now is the Dead Sea in Jordan.


Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Ah eanassir, I see you've absorbed nothing anyone has told you about physics and reality, at this site and the dozen other sites where you've posted your unscientific nonsense, you continue to cling to the mystic works of Mohammed-Ali Hassan al-Hilly that you've translated and use as a source for all this. I found 42 references to that name with Google, every one of them started with you (yes, I looked at them all), and you've received exactly the same kind of corrections and criticisms everywhere you've posted that stuff as you have here, or you've been ignored. Asteroid 2007 WD5 does indeed orbit the sun, not Mars, that's a relatively simple matter of observation. Al-Hilly's supposedly "important work," as you keep calling it, is simply nonsense. If it really were an important work, there'd be references to it by other people than you on the Web, but if there are, I didn't find them by searching on his name. It has no value as a scientific work, it is simply wrong about too many things to be taken seriously. Your post about the Tunguska event may be correct in the one specific detail that it was a comet, for instance, though the evidence doesn't definitively demonstrate that, but most of your other claims in that post are demonstrably false and they've all been explained to you several times, here and elsewhere. Does it not strike you as significant that nobody's bothered--not even me--to respond to that post yet? It just repeats the same errors you started out here with and have been corrected on multiple times. You're not getting it because you're sunk in the invalid arguments from authority that religion trades in.

You and al-Hilly are wrong about just about everything, and repeating his claims over and over again won't change that. Give it up, the evidence is all against you. It's a losing argument.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Ah eanassir, I see you've absorbed nothing anyone has told you about physics and reality ...

In all my past posts, I displayed many things that did not agree with much of the available nowadays knowledge.

I wanted to find some who would start to research and verify the ideas; but sorry to tell you that [with only few exceptions] I have not found scientists but merely students repeating what are already acknowledged.

In other words when I tell them that Mars is larger than Earth; because it is farther than Earth from the Sun; they hurry to some books of Astronomy then will say: "This is wrong; that book of Astronomy says so and so."

Yes, I know Astronomers do say now that Mars is smaller than Earth. But why don't you go and study and measure the size of Mars? And in case you cannot do such new measurements, then why do you shut the door in the face of others? [Refer to the many corrections, which took place along the past decades, about the measurements and moons of the planets.]

Not merely you refer to that and that book which I know they say Mars is smaller than Earth.
Well, I am not an Astronomer; but the ideas that I presented are worth to be verified and ascertained, in spite I know you may dislike it.

Therefore, the difference between our views is that I know they say Mars is smaller than Earth, but I invite others to re-study and re-search and correct; but don't tell me what I already know about their hypotheses and the present theories.

And what Mohammed-Ali Hasan said about Moon at 1947 [when he published his first edition of his book]; do you know what Astronomers knew about Moon at 1947 ?
There were many theories and even fictions of some creatures on Moon (e.g. like that of H.G. Wells and many other novelists); but only when they landed on Moon about twenty years later that they practically ascertained many facts about Moon. Then look what he said at 1947:
" As regards Moon; there is no life, no water and no plant on it …"
Traveling to the moon


Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
In all my past posts, I displayed many things that did not agree with much of the available nowadays knowledge.

I wanted to find some who would start to research and verify the ideas....
Why not learn the science and do it yourself? Nobody else is likely to bother, because they're already known to be false. Mars *is* smaller than the earth, the asteroids *do* orbit the sun, Pluto is *not* a moon of Neptune, comets are *not* balls of fire, they do *not* wander freely around the solar neighborhood, they *are* subject to gravity, meteorites *do* dig holes on impact, they are *not* preferentially attracted to colder regions of the earth, and so on. You and al-Hilly make claims that are contrary to over 500 years of continuous scientific observation and analysis, with no evidence but the authority of the Quran and al-Hilly's interpretation of it to back them up. You'll have to do better than that if you want to be taken seriously.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Why not learn the science and do it yourself? Nobody else is likely to bother, because they're already known to be false. Mars *is* smaller than the earth, the asteroids *do* orbit the sun, Pluto is *not* a moon of Neptune, comets are *not* balls of fire, they do *not* wander freely around the solar neighborhood, they *are* subject to gravity, meteorites *do* dig holes on impact, they are *not* preferentially attracted to colder regions of the earth, and so on. You and al-Hilly make claims that are contrary to over 500 years of continuous scientific observation and analysis, with no evidence but the authority of the Quran and al-Hilly's interpretation of it to back them up. You'll have to do better than that if you want to be taken seriously.​

I may later on remind you about your words, when some new discoveries will be done or when they will change their theories; like to this Asteroid 2007 WD5 when they have somewhat changed their opinion and calculations.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Mercury shrunk [as did Venus]

By Frank D. Roylance, Baltimore Sun
January 19, 2008
"Mariner 10 saw these big, big cliff-shaped faults that have been interpreted as indicating the planet contracted -- shrank" -- as it cooled, Solomon said.

AndBy:Dr.Tony Phillips
"Another early highlight of the [MESSENGER]flyby are ridges geologists call lobate scarps: photo
These are fractures in Mercury's crust formed, perhaps, as a result of planetary shrinkage."

And see this, at our website:
concerning Venus, which is also applied to Mercury, [written 60 years ago by a man who only could read and write Arabic]:
"The volume of Venus was two-thirds that of the Earth, but later it shrunk, so that its volume becomes somewhat smaller." to Venus Is Dangerous

Moreover see at this link what they say now of the comets that might have hit Mercury

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Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Mercury shrunk [as did Venus]
Oh come on eanassir, you're grasping at straws and misrepresenting your own web site. None of those links make any reference to Venus shrinking, your web site doesn't mention Mercury shrinking, and you're trying to pretend that a scientific suggestion--and note that it was only a suggestion, not a definitive conclusion--about Mercury shrinking justifies al-Hilly's claim of Venus shrinking.

"The volume of Venus was two-thirds that of the Earth, but later it shrunk, so that its volume becomes somewhat smaller."
So how do you explain the fact that now Venus has about 85% of the earth's volume? Earth and Venus's radii differ by only about 5%. Learn some simple physics, look up a few numbers, and try some simple arithmetic, and you'll see that most of al-Hilly's claims are false.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005

All this information is available somewhere on the internet. The comparative sizes of the planets, the mass of the planets, the number of moons, it is all out there if you take the time to look. This guy al-hilly is not doing you any good. So far everything he says is wrong. Sixty years ago the correct information was available in libraries all over the world Al-hilly just didn't avail himself of it.
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Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Oh come on eanassir, you're grasping at straws and misrepresenting your own web site. None of those links make any reference to Venus shrinking, your web site doesn't mention Mercury shrinking, and you're trying to pretend that a scientific suggestion--and note that it was only a suggestion, not a definitive conclusion--about Mercury shrinking justifies al-Hilly's claim of Venus shrinking.​

The process that had taken place with Mercury did also take place with Venus later on, and is the same that will happen to our Earth in the future.
This includes the change on the planet surface, core and atmosphere.

Therefore, the same findings on Mercury will happen to Venus; but we may find the situation on Mercury more severe; because it stopped before; and it will give us the idea what will happen on Earth.

About Mercury see at our website the subject: "The Burnt World" immediately after the subject of "The Mistake of Astronomers about sunspots"

Meteorites will fall on the planet in large number, leading to the formation of a large number of craters, the atmosphere of the planet will change into smoke and will be turbid and not clear, the temperature will be very extreme heat and coldness …etc.

The reason for a planet stopping its spinning:
The central heat of the planet is the factor that force it to move around itself.
When the central heat of a planet decreases gradually, then finishes, the planet will slow down in movement around itself, until it will stop rotation around itself, but will go on circulating around the Sun.

Because Mercury is the smallest among these planets, its heat finished before the rest of the planets, and it stopped its spinning around itself before the rest of the planets; it then followed by Venus, and will be followed by the Earth one thousand years after the cessation of Venus from spinning [I think it may be Venus stopped at 1956.]

The circumstances at such planet as Mercury and Venus will start to deteriorate long time before it stops; because such stoppage will be gradual and things will gradually worsen.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007

All this information is available somewhere on the internet. The comparative sizes of the planets, the mass of the planets, the number of moons, it is all out there if you take the time to look. This guy al-hilly is not doing you any good. So far everything he says is wrong. Sixty years ago the correct information was available in libraries all over the world Al-hilly just didn't avail himself of it.

The man was not an engineer neither was he a physicist nor a physician. He only could read and write Arabic. It need not measuring with centimeters; he gave a general idea of the planet will contract or shrink and its volume will decrease when it become colder.

I can add: I go along with your objections: but Moon faces the Earth with one face only; Mercury and Venus - if not stopping their rotation around themselves - they about or nearly facing the Sun with one face, and this will lead to the extreme changes there.

And even see how much change in data and moons of the planets have been all these decades. Do you remember the old images of Mars through the telescope, and the straight lines across its surface, and what they postulated at that time? And what fictions there were about some creatures on Moon?

Don't you read Jesus Christ said in the Gospel according to John 16: 12-13:
"12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come."

Here is the saying of God in the Quran 15: 14 -15

وَلَوْ فَتَحْنَا عَلَيْهِم بَابًا مِّنَ السَّمَاء فَظَلُّواْ فِيهِ يَعْرُجُونَ . لَقَالُواْ إِنَّمَا سُكِّرَتْ أَبْصَارُنَا بَلْ نَحْنُ قَوْمٌ مَّسْحُورُونَ .

The explanation: (And even if We opened before them a gate of heaven and the [angels] continued ascending through it.
They would only say: "Our eye-sight is confounded; nay, but we are under the effect of some magic.")

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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

Thirty Years of Cults and Comets
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Mon, 28 Jan 2008 09:02 EST

©UnknownComet of 1532 This morning I was thumbing through a newly arrived book: Comet/Asteroid Impacts and Human Society, published by the eminent scientific publishing house, Springer, edited by Peter T. Bobrowsky and Hans Rickman. This book is a collection of scientific papers presented at a workshop under the aegis of the International Council for Science. In the introduction, we read:
The International Council for Science recently recognized that the societal implications (social, cultural, political and economic) of a comet/asteroid impact on Earth warrants an immediate consideration by all countries in the world.
Wow! You think? You mean it's not just us here at SOTT (and a few others on the net) who are keeping track of the increasing number of Fireballs and Meteorites that suggest we are passing through a rather dangerous areas of space, or that maybe Something Wicked This Way Comes?
Yes, it seems so. In the chapter entitled "Social Perspectives on Comet/Asteroid Imact (CAI) Hazards: Technocratic Authority and the Geography of Social Vulnerability" we read:
Until quite recently, research into comet and asteroid hazards was focused on establishing the scale and scope of past impacts, credible estimates of their recurrence, and models for physical impact scenarios. ... CAI hazards have moved well beyond the realm of ungrounded speculation and apocalyptic visions. The results represent more than just new findings. They revolutionize, or are about to revolutionize, some basic understandings about the Earth, its history, biological evolution and future. Although human life has had a tiny place in the story so far, our longer term fate seems to be challenged by these forces and may be decided by them.
No kidding.
In a chapter entitled "Social Science and Near-Earth Objects: an Inventory of Issues", we read:
It would have been ridiculous, not too long ago, to admit openly that you were thinking about asteroids and comets slamming into the Earth. Such events could mean the end of the world as we know it - TEOTWAWKI as millenialists call it - and that kind of talk is often ridiculed. ...
Respectable people are pondering the issues. For example, S. Pete Worden, who is a Brigadier General in the US Air Force and Deputy Director for Command and Control Headquarters at the Pentagon, has said that he believes "we should pay more attention to the 'Tunguska-class' objects - 100 meter or so objects which can strike up to several times per century with the destructiveness of a nuclear wea


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007

Material objects will not keep up the same state as they are always, but they will disintegrate and decay and pass through various stages and states.
Stars have been frequently recorded to burst and explode.

It is a well-known fact that the earth had passed through various stages of development and evolution. This will not stop, and an end will come, although we dislike it.

Every object on earth: like mountains, continents, islands and others are vulnerable to various phases of development and changes.

In the solar system there is the planet of "Asteroids"; these asteroids occupy a vacant orbit between Mars and Jupiter. [This we may call a localized Doomsday.]

Recently, a comet has been observed –moment by moment – by Astronomers when it hit Jupiter. All the world saw this incident.

Three examples have been mentioned in our website:
Which might be due to comets impacting the earth:
  • Tunguska
  • Carolina Bays
  • Arizona crater
In this latter, see the image of the crater; I don't think this can be other than an impact of a comet: because no remarkable rock has been found: the hot comet will melt the stone and rock to bury inside the earth.

By the way, their definition of the comet is not convincing; it may be similar to the asteroid which is an inert rock.
See this recent link, after they received the sample from the Deep Impact:

I did not intend to terrify people about comets and meteorites; but only to shed light on the Quranic revelations that include a very large number of scientific implications.

Moreover, the Doomsday, which is believed by all the heavenly religions; it will be inevitable. And as was there a beginning, there will be an end; and as there was a birth, there will be death.

But all the good is by the hand of God Most Gracious, to Him belong the first material life in this World and the next spiritual life following death.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Don't you lot, know a lot, and there was me waiting for the big bang.

If some unbelieve that there will be the Doomsday, let us remember that:
  • the central heat of the earth is gradually decreasing by time; because of radiation and eruption of volcanoes and hot gases.
  • the day duration is getting longer as time passes.
  • There are examples in the planet of the 'asteroids', and the large number of rocks of meteorites which are the remnants of some planets that had broken up in the past.
  • Concerning comets: scientists have observed a comet impacting Jupiter and recorded it by their cameras.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Eanassir, can I avoid doomsday by living out my life in a spaceship?

They may migrate from Earth to Mars, when the Earth will stop its axial rotation, or prior to that, and they will get 500 years of life on Mars, before Doomsday. But Doomsday is inevitable for all the solar system, and will take place at the same time including all the solar system [after 2000 years from the time Venus has stopped its axial rotation.]
The emigration to Mars to Mars

If man can get rid from the confines of the solar system, let him go; he cannot go unless by an authority of the science which God inspires him. This is in the Quran 55: 33

يَا مَعْشَرَ الْجِنِّ وَالْإِنسِ إِنِ اسْتَطَعْتُمْ أَن تَنفُذُوا مِنْ أَقْطَارِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ فَانفُذُوا لَا تَنفُذُونَ إِلَّا بِسُلْطَانٍ

The explanation: (O multitudes of genies [: demon-kind] and man-kind! If it be you can get out of the confines of the [torn up] heavens and earth, then get out [of them!] Not without [Our] authority shall you be able to get out.)

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Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
eanassir, if you say the central heat (I am a central heating engineer)0f the earth is decreasing, how come people are telling us we have got global warming, whilst here in the south of the U K we are told to expect -10c this weekend? Now that's a poser (no not me silly)

This year seems very cold everywhere!
But it is a known fact that the heat of the earth core is decreasing by time and the crust of the earth is increasing in thickness, and the duration of the day is getting longer by time (eventhough slowly): am I wrong ?