Gangsters in Medicine - " Pill Kill Part 2 "


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004

Kill Pill, isn't that funny, I just watched Kill Bill last night.

Lookit this:
The Journal of the American Medical Association recently reported that as many as 106,000 deaths occur annually in US hospitals due to adverse reactions to prescription drugs that are properly prescribed by physicians that use them as directed by the drug companies.

Even worse, the National Council for Patient Information and Education reported that an additional 125,000 deaths occur annually due to adverse reactions to drugs that the physician never should have prescribed.

106, 000 + 125,000 = 231,000 deaths. DEATHS!!!
- from pills. Kill Pills. That which is supposed to help, by helping relieve the symptoms only, not curing or avoiding the illness.

No cures.

50 years and Trilions $ in research, and not ONE cure, not one.


Like they were avoiding finding cures. They did pay money to some scientists who DID find cures, but then didn't develop those cures. [yes, some of these stories are true].

Treating symptoms is repeat business, and for that we suffer all our lives with chronic illnesses.

Gangsters have got hold of the medical industry, and you don't want to believe it. Its just too ugly, it might put you in a bad mood to recognise this fact. So on it goes, year in and year out.

Our Grandkids will be dealing with the fallout and ongoing suffering of treating symptoms if we don't do something now.

CAnt you see that something is very wrong in health care?
Its not about private of public, that is a distraction from the real issues of treating symptoms or FINDING CURES. And it is working.

Refuse treatment, and just die on the floor? What can we do?

First, we have to PUBLICLY recognise the Gangsterism, and from there it will be easy. Health Canada can issue new directives on how illnesses must be treated, and abolish private clinics that do not comply. '

Tell your MP that this is what you want.

And read the article, then print it and leave it in public places.[like the doc office - just go in any clinic and sit for 10 mins, say you are waiting for someone...then slide copies into magazines there!!

Then, come back here and tell us how it worked out!!