14,000 abandoned wind turbines litter the united states


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head

The towering symbols of a fading religion, over 14,000 wind turbines, abandoned, rusting, slowly decaying. When it is time to clean up after a failed idea, no green environmentalists are to be found. Wind was free, natural, harnessing Earth’s bounty for the benefit of all mankind, sounded like a good idea. Wind turbines, like solar panels, break down. They produce less energy before they break down than the energy it took to make them. The wind does not blow all the time, or even most of the time. When it is not blowing, they require full-time backup from conventional power plants.

Without government subsidy, they are unaffordable. With governments facing financial troubles, the subsidies are unaffordable. It was a nice dream, a very expensive dream, but it didn’t work.

California had the “big three” of wind farm locations — Altamont Pass, Tehachapi, and San Gorgonio, considered the world’s best wind sites. California’s wind farms, almost 80% of the world’s wind generation capacity ceased to generate even more quickly than Kamaoa Wind Farm in Hawaii. There are five other abandoned wind farms in Hawaii. When they are abandoned, getting the turbines removed is a major problem. They are highly unsightly, and they are huge, and that’s a lot of material to get rid of.

Unfortunately the same areas that are good for siting wind farms are a natural pass for migrating birds. Altamont’s turbines have been shut down four months out of every year for migrating birds after environmentalists filed suit. According to the Golden Gate Audubon Society 75-110 Golden Eagles, 380 Burrowing Owls, 300 Red-Tailed Hawks and 333 American Kestrels are killed by the turbines every year. An Alameda County Community Development Agency study points to 10,000 annual bird deaths from Altamont wind turbines. The Audubon Society makes up numbers like the EPA, but there’s a reason why they call them bird Cuisinarts.

Palm Springs has enacted an ordinance requiring their removal from San Gorgonio Pass, but unless something else changes abandoned turbines will remain a rotting eyesores, or the taxpayers who have already paid through the nose for overpriced energy and crony-capitalist tax scams will have to foot the bill for their removal.

President Obama’s offshore wind farms will be far more expensive than those sited in California’s ideal wind locations. Salt water is far more damaging than sun and rain, and offshore turbines don’t last as long. But nice tax scams for his crony-capitalist backers will work well as long as he can blame it all on saving the planet.

source: https://americanelephant.wordpress....doned-wind-turbines-litter-the-united-states/


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I remember that time a seagull slicer in Britain blew down because of strong wind.

Yep. It was too windy for a wind turbine.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
This is green energy, it can only do and be good.

Rubbish. "Green" countries like Canada and Britain are going to have their entire power cut off a few years from now as a result of our naive reliance on "green" energy and not building enough coal and nuclear power stations. Our countries will be dark and cold, we'll be living by candlelight and our economies will grind to a halt all because of the enviroMentalists.

Another UK seagull slicer not liking the wind:

And what about this?



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Premier Pinwheel loves 'em ... or was scammed badly by the sales pitch

Without the NG turbine peak plants that were cancelled to supply power when the wind wasn't blowing, ON wind subsidies are spent setting up shop in SK. We built serveral peak powerplants for this purpose.

nice barley BTW...

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
When I see three power dams on Wanapitei River - yet only one generates electricity - but all of them have to be maintained, I see evidence we didn't need the gas plants


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
We already knew that wind farms were massively inefficient, noisy, blights on pristine natural vistas.. incurring untenable transmission and maintenance costs.. but it seems even with huge government subsidies.. they are being abandoned in droves.

The other pillar of 'environmentally sensitive' energy.. solar power is in an equally deplorable state.. scarring the land in strip mining to produce graphite, prohibitively expensive to install and maintain.. and leading to massive disposal problems with toxic batteries and collectors.

I guess the only way to effectively and efficiently produce energy is concentrated thermal energy.. producing carbon emissions.. which we all should realize by now is the most environmentally responsible way to produce power. At least now that most intelligent people realize that AGW is complete fraud


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Meh, our little hydro setup and the 4 solar panels we have produce about 1250 kWh per month which is a bit more than average consumption so we sell power. It is more reliable than the grid around here.
I would prefer power from a nuclear plant over coal or hydro, though, but I think the gov't would get in a snit if we built a plant here.
If we went geothermal, it'd cost more than we'd get back. Well, unless we were able to double the average life expectancy anyways.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Do you get a subsidized rate for the power you sell?
I have no idea. We do not get what the power company charges people, though. I think that is because they own everything from the grid to our rig.