We need to change,now .


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
The mind must be free to observe the extraordinarily complex structure of society and also the still more complex psychological structure of oneself; because oneself is the world. We have created the world, and the world is me and you. We cannot separate the two, and so, to understand the world one has to understand oneself. To change the social structure which obviously needs colossal change, one has to change oneself because one is part of this society. The change must begin with the human being, not with the outward structure. The human being is confused, the human being is conditioned. He believes, and therefore there is a contradiction in himself. He is really, deeply confused and if he wants to change the social structure, the change from confusion only breeds more confusion. Whereas, if he could bring about clarity within himself, and from that clarity act, then such an action is really a deep psychological revolution. That revolution is absolutely necessary. Education as it now is, is really the cultivation of a corner of a vast field. We are concerned with that little corner, with its technological knowledge, conditioning the mind with information and neglecting the whole field; and therefore there is an imbalance. Technologically we have gone very far, and psychologically we are very primitive. We are still at the stage of tribal conflict with our beliefs, with our gods, our separate nationalities, and armies and all the rest of it, which is really a continuation of the tribal existence. Apparently we don't see in education that it's immensely important to cultivate, to understand the whole field and not just one corner of it. Your thought .


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I'v seen the gulf between the technological world and social development of man expressed as trying to run the most advanced software on very old hardware. The information explosion has outstripped social development and psycological development and produced an enormous disconnect from the natural world. To cope requires further and further specialization which further widens the gulf in individuals and thier natural world. The loss of basic survival skills such as agriculture, husbandry, carpentry all the old practices of dayly life are done for us by the corporations, we know how to prepare frozen foods but don't know where the food comes from. We won't eat anything unless it's wrapped in plastic and sliced up to stuff in our toaster, everything is processed and poisoned.We educate to serve the machine not each other.As long as we serve our economic master we will never effect the change we need to survive. We are caught in a spiraling out of control illusion of growth and developement. The combination of modern technology and information accumulation moves faster and faster still than social and psycological change in man, the technocracy believes it can control the outcome and I don't.We're running on the edge of castastrophic disaster, environmentaly, economicly and militaryily simultaneously.Just one mistake and it's game over, we may already have made it.:wave:


Council Member
Nov 12, 2006
We are in a pathetic state aren't we. It is as if our minds have been pushed to the point that they are running faster than the rest of us. Industry gives us thing almost before we want or need them, government pass law so quickly we cannot keep up, big thinkers are always look for ways to advance our way of life at lightning speed. The past qualities that were cherished in man no longer count, what a loss. Man needs to take a lesson from Mother Nature, no matter how we try to change her or destroy her beauty she always comes back to her original self. It may take a long time but she comes back. Maybe someday she will force us to do the same if we don't change.