

Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Is there such a "thing" as love when each one of us is seeking his own security,both psychological as well as worldly, outwardly? I am not talking of some love which is abstract, - an abstract idea of love has no value at all. You and I can have a lot of theories about it, but actually - the thing that we call love ,what is it?[/FONT]



Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

True love is something which we are unable to "make happen" or "create"....

It can be love in any or all its forms, but we cannot turn it on, or unfortunately turn it off either.

We are powerless against the most powerful force in our lives which coexists (often in conflict) with our desire and need to survive, find shelter and sustenance, good health, knowledge and comfort.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I think china, waxes poetic, and thinks deeply.

I can love someone enough, to lay my life on th eline for them, I love can love my country enough t o go to war for it, I can love my fellow man enough to try and save them.

But allas, as long as there are those willing to love unconditionaly, there are those that are willing to exploit them.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
curiosity : True love is something which we are unable to "make happen" or "create"....
....which implies that there is love which isn't true ....?


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

There is "hopeful love" - but that is one of our human weaknesses - we wish to love so desperately - we create that feeling.

True love cannot be created nor deleted from our souls/hearts. It is not something we can make.

We can attempt to replicate the feelings - the good things - even the pain - but that kind of love is

We have to be still and let the voices have their way so the feelings may be experienced in serenity even to the point of loss.

Modern man has spent untold hours and billions in attempting to attract "love" among people - but those attempts are a poor and fleeting substitute - and words on a forum cannot describe love for others - in all its manifestations. It is either there or not.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
CDNBear: I can love someone enough, to lay my life on th eline for them, I love can love my country enough t o go to war for it, I can love my fellow man enough to try and save them.----------------------------

You are a very brave man ,CDNBear ,how many times have you done any of these above ?

But allas, as long as there are those willing to love unconditionaly, there are those that are willing to exploit them.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

obviously there must be a difference between the love that I,m inquiring , and stupitidy.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
There is a story that I've read somewhere before ,perhaps you know it .
Satan was walking with his friend and they see this man in front of them bending and scooping something of the ground ,smiling, and puting it into his pocket .What is it that he found ?.asks the friend, LOVE,replies the Satan with a smile on his face. But isn't that sort of against you ?..asks the friend.
Oh dont wory ,replies the Satan, I will help him organize it.
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the caracal kid

the clan of the claw
Nov 28, 2005
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Is there such a "thing" as love when each one of us is seeking his own security,both psychological as well as worldly, outwardly? I am not talking of some love which is abstract, - an abstract idea of love has no value at all. You and I can have a lot of theories about it, but actually - the thing that we call love ,what is it?[/FONT]

Love is merely a trust relationship.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You are a very brave man ,CDNBear ,how many times have you done any of these above ?
To many to count, I will live with the images and demons, for the rest of my life. I regret nothing, but wish I had chosen my battles more wisely.

obviously there must be a difference between the love that I,m inquiring , and stupitidy.

A huge difference, but what I was saying, is, I agree with you. Love could be the catylist that turns the world around, but there are those that would try to exploit those that take the first steps. It would have to be instant and everybody at once, to be of any use.

I think you are a deep thinker and I take pleasure in the thoughts you conjure up in me. Your spirit is rare and even more beautiful. I wish the eutopias you and I see as we ponder these thoughts, were attainable. I fear though, I myself lack the control to grasp the tools needed to allow it to take place, and I consider myself enlightend. I'm quick to judge, and even quicker to react, with violence no less.

Ty for calling me brave.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
the carcal kid
Love is merely a trust relationship----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hey c kidd ,you'r on to someting .


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
What is love? The word is so loaded and corrupted. Everybody talks of love - every magazine and newspaper and every missionary talks of love.Love is merely a trust in a relationship ,I love my country, I love my king, I love some book, I love that mountain, I love pleasure, I love my wife, I love God. Is love an idea? If it is, it can be cultivated, nourished, cherished,twisted in any way you like. When you say you love God what does it mean? It means that you love a projection of your own imagination, a projection of yourself clothed in certain forms of respectability according to what you think is noble and holy.... so to say, `I love God', is absolute nonsense. When you worship God you are worshipping yourself - and that is not love.The purpose of this thread is to see if we can perhaps find the answer to this very question ...what is Love?.....hope we can.
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Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
S-lone :
True love dissolves boundaries between individuals. I see it as the universal solvent---------------------------

It does that also,but the question is ....what is the"It",....that disolves the boundaries between the individuals ?
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Love is merely a trust relationship.

Having been, at the age of 51, in a love relationship for over 35 years, I am forced to disagree...............

It is the "merely" that got me.............a trust relationship between two people is much more significant than a "merely".....

And besides, love can be many things all mixed up can be trust, friendship, concern, lust, partnership..........

I love my mother, but not the same way I love my brother. I love my best friend, but not the same way I love my wife.............

Love defies definition, but I think the best attempt to define the greatest, or truest Love is the emotion that leads you to care so much for another person that you would take their pain on yourself if you could.

I think there are many levels of love below that..........

The whole damn thing is confusing, chaotic, confounding, and wonderful.

the caracal kid

the clan of the claw
Nov 28, 2005

By "merely" I was not reducing the relationship, but attempting to "de-mystify" the construct.

Indeed, you may love your mother differently than your brother. They are different relationships, both being trust relationships.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
China, I think you may be trying to reduce a very large and complex idea to a simple definition that can't possibly cover it adequately. Is there such a thing as love? Of course there is. My wife and I will celebrate our 26th wedding anniversary at the end of this month, and even after all those years she is still my best friend, my closest confidante, the person I trust above all others to understand and care about me, and she can still make me seethe with lust to a degree no other woman I've ever known can do. That's one kind of love.

I have five siblings, two sisters and three brothers, and they are always welcome in my home, I will always be happy to see any of them, and if they ever get into trouble I can help them with, emotionally, financially, materially, whatever, help will be given freely and unconditionally. And I know they'd do the same for me. That's another kind of love.

We have two children, both grown up and moved out now, but while they lived with my wife and me they got every kind of support and assistance and attention we could give them (though not without discipline and rules), which of course is still available at need and they know it, and they've turned into secure and confident adults that we are both very pleased with and proud of. That's yet a third kind of love.

There are four people--two married couples of longevity similar to ours--that we call our dearest friends. We socialize a lot, we talk a lot, we've had similar life experiences and have come to similar understandings of them, and the sibling rule applies to them as well: you need help I can give, you got it. A fourth kind of love.

And there's a fifth. My wife's mother, still going strong at 88, a magnificent old lady who looks like she might outlive us all. And a sixth: my wife's five siblings, three brothers and two sisters. I don't feel about them quite as I do about my own siblings, but my wife of course does, so the sibling rule applies there too. And a seventh: this evening we were at a dinner party hosted by one of those two married couples, their children were there, and one of their sons-in-law, and the man's mother, another magnificent old lady in her 80s. More people whose company I enjoy and I care deeply about. Three days ago I was a pallbearer at the funeral of that particular magnificent old lady's older sister, because her son, one of my dearest friends, asked me to do that for him and his mother. You can't refuse a request for help like that.

So I'm up to seven different kinds of relationships that the word love legitimately applies to, without even having to think hard about it. I'm sure that with a little more effort I could come up with a dozen more, from certain co-workers we depend on to the abstract notion of "our shared humanity." The common threads in them all are trust, care, and concern. Ever seen somebody injured and rushed to help? Isn't that a response rooted in love?

Love means way too many things to be able to pin it down to a simple definition. I love my wife, I love my children, I love my siblings, I love my wife's siblings, I love my friends, I loved my parents (both, alas, gone now), I love my wife's parents, I love my best friends' parents... same word, but it means something different in every case. Complex questions have complex answers.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Good to hear from you Dexter Sinister,First let me congratulate you and send you and your wife my best wishes for the next 26 years of loving marriege .You are a lucky man Dexer Sinister (though I know that it,s not "luck" that keeps two people together),and I congratulate you once again.---------------------------------

Dexter Sinister :Love means way too many things to be able to pin it down to a simple definition. I love my wife, I love my children, I love my siblings, I love my wife's siblings, I love my friends, I loved my parents (both, alas, gone now), I love my wife's parents, I love my best friends' parents... same word, but it means something different in every case. Complex questions have complex answers .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.......and all complex answers are full of b....!
What is love? Can love be divided into the sacred and the profane ,the human and the divine ,or is there only LOVE? Is love of the one or of the many? If i say that I love you;does that exlude the love of the other?Is love personal or impersonal;moral or immoral ? If you love the menkind ,can you love the particular? Is love a sentiment? Is love emotion? Is love pleasure and desire? What is love?
You love your wife,and in that love is involved sexual pleasure , the pleasure of having someone in the houce to look after your children ,too cook.You depend on her; she has given you her body ,her emotions ,her encouragement ,a certtain feeling of security and well being. Then she turns awy from you; she gets bored or goes with someone else, and your whole emotional balance is destroyed and this disturbance which you don't like is .... jealousy .There is pain in it ,anxiety ,hate and violence .
And what you are really saying is.. 'as long as you belong to me ,I love you ,but the moment you don't , I hate you'? As long as I can rely on you to satisfy my demends, sexual and otherwise , I love you ,but the moment you cease to supply what I want ,I don't like you? So there is antagonism between you , there is separation and when you feel separate from another ,ther is no love.But if you can live with your wife without your thought creating these contradictory states, these endless quarrels in yourself then perhaps- perhaps ,you will know what love is. And then you are completely free and so is she . Whereas if you depend on her for all your pleasure ,you are a slave to her.So,when one loves ,there mut be freedom, not only from the other person, but also from YOURSELF.
when you is not
when you are not ....LOVE IS !

Please don,t accept my points of view I,m not an authority .
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Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
Trying to define what love is exactly is a bit like trying to describe a color. We experience it so directly that it is very hard to describe it in words.

In complex matters such as this one (love ), it is interesting to reduce our thought to pure rationaltity and objectivity.

Is love an abstract illusion? Or is it a concrete reality?

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Good to hear from you Dexter Sinister,First let me congratulate you and send you and your wife my best wishes for the next 26 years of loving marriege .You are a lucky man Dexer Sinister (though I know that it,s not "luck" that keeps two people together),and I congratulate you once again.
Thank you my friend, heartfelt good wishes are always gratefully accepted and returned tenfold.

and all complex answers are full of b....!
Um... no, I think that's wrong.

Can love be divided into the sacred and the profane ,the human and the divine ,or is there only LOVE? Is love of the one or of the many? If i say that I love you;does that exlude the love of the other?Is love personal or impersonal;moral or immoral ? If you love the menkind ,can you love the particular? Is love a sentiment? Is love emotion? Is love pleasure and desire?
No, no, yes, both, no, both, neither, yes, yes, yes, yes. And more. That doesn't even begin to cover it.

You love your wife,and in that love is involved sexual pleasure , the pleasure of having someone in the houce to look after your children ,too cook.You depend on her; she has given you her body ,her emotions ,her encouragement ,a certtain feeling of security and well being. Then she turns awy from you; she gets bored or goes with someone else, and your whole emotional balance is destroyed and this disturbance which you don't like is .... jealousy .
No, that's not what it's like at all. She doesn't look after our children, we both look after them together. I do most of the cooking, because I'm retired and she's not, and frankly I'm better at it than she is anyway. And she has never turned away from me. I have never had occasion to doubt her fidelity or loyalty, she is my favourite person and I am hers, and we tell each other that regularly.

And what you are really saying is.. 'as long as you belong to me ,I love you ,but the moment you don't , I hate you'? As long as I can rely on you to satisfy my demends, sexual and otherwise , I love you ,but the moment you cease to supply what I want ,I don't like you?
Not even close. Not even in the ballpark. To put it crudely, she's not always horny when I am, and neither am I when she is. You learn to roll with it. We are together because we want to be, not because we have some kind of sick co-dependency. We were friends first, long before we became lovers, and we haven't always been madly in love with each other, but the friendship has carried us through those times and we've fallen in love with each other over and over again through the years. Which is fabulous, I highly recommend it. Somebody you can do that with... well, that's the one you marry.

... I,m not an authority .
That much is obvious, but you get big points for at least trying to understand. Frankly though, I don't think you have any idea yet what a successful intimate relationship consists of.