Solon & Pericles: social engineers of Athenian Democracy

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Direct participation was the key to Athenian democracy. In the Assembly, every male citizen was not only entitled to attend as often as he pleased but also had the right to debate, offer amendments, and vote on proposals. Every man had a say in whether to declare war or stay in peace. Basically any thing that required a government decision, all male citizens were allowed to participate in.1
The first changes toward democracy in Greece were started by the archon Solon in 594 B.C. Solon passed laws that not only protected Athenians from being enslaved or arrested for debt, but also gave them more rights.
Solon divided the population of Athens into four political groups based on agricultural output. The most powerful group was the pentakosiomedimnoi which consisted of powerful land owning individuals. The next most powerful group was the hippeis, which consisted of archons and other high officials. The third group, the zeugitai held lower offices in the government. The least powerful of the four was the thetes, who owned no land and had little or no influence in government.
Solon created the Council of 400 that consisted of 100 members of each political class. The purpose of this group was to screen business going before the Assembly. This council allowed the public to play a more active role in government, but the absolute power still remained in the hands of the Areopagus, the council of aristocrats. The invention of a civilian assembly also allowed the lowest class to serve as jurors in a trial for the first time.
Solon was one of the founding fathers of democracy. Many of his reforms did not last for long, as Athens soon reverted to a tyrannical government, but other of his changes laid the foundations for modern democracy.3
The change from a tyrannical government to a democracy in ancient Greece was started by Cleisthenes. After the tyrant Hippias was exiled, Cleisthenes gathered the common people and received their backing by promising them changes in the structure of government. One major change he proposed was the right for all citizens to vote in the assembly.
Cleisthenes redivided the citizens of Athens into ten tribes, each sending 50 representatives to the Council of 500. Each man had to be at least 30 years old and was chosen by lot. Each member of the Council of 500 served a one year term and could not serve more than twice. The council was allowed to veto any of the council's proposals and was the only branch of government that could declare war.2

was the most important figure in the development of Greek democracy. Pericles expanded upon Cleisthenes' ideas of democracy, and was able to gain the support of the people. He expanded the power of the assembly, and led Greece into the Periclean Age. During this period, Athens became a great center of literature and art.
The Periclean age brought about an age of "radical democracy." This period was more of a true democracy than other previous government. Under this form of government, the civilian masses had the supreme power in the government.
During the Periclean Age, Greece became the most powerful and wealthy nation in the world. This was a period of great artistic and intellectual developments in Athens, and established Athens as one of the greatest cities in the ancient world.3

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Re: Solon & Pericles: social engineers of Athenian Democ

The Golden Age of Athens was a very interesting period. The masses having supreme power is precisely what led them to their demise, in today's terms, it is called majority mob rule.


what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006
Re: Solon & Pericles: social engineers of Athenian Democ

Typhoid, of course, having nothing to do with it since that would put them on par with the Inca and Aztec which weren't democratic. Nice oversimplification, though, since it gives an insight into your lack of respect for true democracy.

not that Athens was REALLY a TRUE democracy, what with their being patriarchal and the slaves and all. Pericles. That was the poet that called that economic do-over by ruling all debts forgiven, no?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Re: Solon & Pericles: social engineers of Athenian Democ

I think not said:
The Golden Age of Athens was a very interesting period. The masses having supreme power is precisely what led them to their demise, in today's terms, it is called majority mob rule.

Perhaps you could elaborate on this opinion ITN. It seems elitest to me.