Your Cell Phone (is it bugged or could it be)


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Don't Believe Your Cell Phone Can Be Monitored? Guess Again

Companies such as allow customers to spy on their partners without their knowledge. They're not the only ones doing it.

From Flexispy's website: Download FlexiSPY spyphone software directly onto a mobile phone and receive copies of SMS, Call Logs, Emails, Locations and listen to conversations within minutes of purchase.

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this video explains how it could be done and ways to prevent it


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Heck yeah cell phones can be monitored. My buddy had a scanner and it was easy. It is illegal to do it but it is so simple.


New Member
Mar 29, 2005
Ha well unless your buddy has a 10,000 digital scanner and knows the exact details,its not that easy, but what do i know i only worked at a cell company for 5 years.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
What is a 10,000 digital scanner? One that weighs 5 tons? Is 10,000 cubic feet large? Has 10,000 parts?

Anyway, if anyone is listening to me they'd be bored. I rarely use it in the first place. :D But it's one more reason to get rid of 90% of gov't.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
What is a 10,000 digital scanner? One that weighs 5 tons? Is 10,000 cubic feet large? Has 10,000 parts?

Anyway, if anyone is listening to me they'd be bored. I rarely use it in the first place. :D But it's one more reason to get rid of 90% of gov't.

Mr Gilbert, public governments were gotten rid of about thirty years ago what you advise would be total corporate control, now sir if you want to run part of your country in concert with the rest of your loving citizens you will require a government.Sir, are you an anarchist? I hardly think your prescribed remedy for the dreadful state of telecommunications privacy would address the problem. You're just spewing any drival at hand here for no good reason other than to exalt your position here at TripC. Jesus I got bored thinking about you, you're right you'd be safe Mr Gilbert.:lol:


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Mr Gilbert, public governments were gotten rid of about thirty years ago what you advise would be total corporate control,

He said removal of 90% of the government.... how does that relate to total corporate control?

now sir if you want to run part of your country in concert with the rest of your loving citizens you will require a government. Sir, are you an anarchist?

No, an Anarchist would be 100% removal of the government, not 90% removal.... stop being so black and white about things.

I hardly think your prescribed remedy for the dreadful state of telecommunications privacy would address the problem.

Well who's the one who would benifit from such information from the telecommunication companies? The Government. Remove the Government, and you remove the people who want that information which shouldn't be theirs in the first place..... makes sense to me.

You're just spewing any drival at hand here for no good reason other than to exalt your position here at TripC. Jesus I got bored thinking about you, you're right you'd be safe Mr Gilbert.:lol:

Well to get sorta back on topic, yes, I was aware of the tracing abilities of cell phones for a number of years now.... with that and the insane monopoly these companies have for charging you per minute for local calls, sky rocketed charges for long distant calls compared to LAN lines, the double charging for text messages now, plus half of the charges they still have on their bills to their customers which were for the funding and development of new towers (Which is no longer required and actually expired through government procedures, however cell companies are still charging their customers)

..... is why I don't own or pay for a cell phone in the first place.

The Cell Phone Market has to be probably one of the worst, most corrupt, and uncontrolled markets in the world today, esspecially in Canada, where we have some of the highest cell phone costs to customers in the developed countries. Cell phones are useless and just a money grab gimmick, where they'll add stupid little useless features such as games, music, videos and other useless crap to get you to buy their product and to charge you for every shred of it that they can legally and sometimes illegally sneak past you.

I haven't bought a cell phone yet in my life, I have used a few in the past which were friend's phones, but I have never seen a use for them, nor will I ever see a use for them in the future unless the cell market starts to match up closer to LAN phone companies and their costs.... there is absolutely no need for the prices and fees they charge.

Not to mention their ability to track you down with them..... all for what? Just so you can call susan in your SUV or on the bus ride to and from work and talk about what you ate the day before?

"Oh... But Prax, what would you do in case of an emergency and there's no payphone or anything around to use?"

Damit, that's what Flare Guns are for.... and nobody can call you on a Flare Gun.

(But if your Flare Gun starts ringing.... don't put it up to your ear. I made that mistake once.)


New Member
Mar 29, 2005
What is a 10,000 digital scanner? One that weighs 5 tons? Is 10,000 cubic feet large? Has 10,000 parts?

Anyway, if anyone is listening to me they'd be bored. I rarely use it in the first place. :D But it's one more reason to get rid of 90% of gov't.

10,000 dollars


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
1. Explain why you believe innocent people, who have no connection to terrorism, should--or should not--be concerned if the government intercepts their telephone or e-mail correspondence?


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
1. The White House argues that the terrorist attacks of 9/11 require full restoration presidential powers, curtailed in the 1970s, after abuses by President
a Jimmy Carter.
b GeraLd R. Ford.
c Richard M. Nixon.
d Lyndon B. Johnson.
2. The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution generally requires that if the government wants to conduct a search of a citizen's property it must first
a obtain a warrant from a court.
b obtain permission from the person whose property is to be searched.
c obtain permission from the President.
d notify Local Law-enforcement agencies.
3. The recent National Security Agency INSAI practice of "data mining" differs from its former electronic eavesdropping program in that it
a targets recent immigrants to the U.S.

b restricts monitoring to a smaLL number cities.
c monitors a Larger number of caLLs for shorter periods of time.
d includes written correspondence.
4. "Is the Government Listening?" identifies all of the following Presidents as expanding their powers of office except
a Calvin Coolidge.
b Woodrow Wilson.
c Harry S. Truman,
d Franklin D. Roosevelt.
5. The White House, in its support of President Bush's decision to conduct electronic surveillance of Americans, has cited
a an opinion poll backing such a restoration.
b the powers given to other Presidents.
c powers identified in the Oath of Office.
d a congressional resolution authorizing the President to use "all necessary and appropriate force" to fight terrorists.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
I think V for Vendetta should have been about the US more then the UK.

Soon all the books will be burned, history rewritten, everybody monitored and tagged like cattle pooping money out for them through taxes, working to death for pennies, because they tell us that there's not enough resources to go around, and thus prices have to increase, which in reality is just extra money in their pockets, those who protest will be taken away and never seen again, negative comments about the government over your phone will be tracked, labeled a threat to national security, and then you're picked up too and never seen again, striking fear into everybody and anybody into not know what's going on, who can be trusted, what's true and false in the things told to you, are you next? Are your loved ones next?

But then you shrug your shoulders and figure it's just safer to go along with the system, because hey.... it's not that bad.... you have a roof over your head, a job that pays you for your services, so what that you're entire life feels hallow and empty, that something is missing in it, that something seems wrong, and that your children will grow up feeling the same way?

I mean, so long as we just keep quiet and let our governments keep shoving porcupines and acorns up our arses, and believe whatever they tell us, never question anything they do, and have faith that our governments actually have our best interests at heart...... I'm sure nothing could possibly ever go wrong..... no never

Just be ignorant little nazis, never asking what's going on.
Last edited:


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
I think V for Vendetta should have been about the US more then the UK.

Soon all the books will be burned, history rewritten, everybody monitored and tagged like cattle pooping money out for them through taxes, working to death for pennies, because they tell us that there's not enough resources to go around, and thus prices have to increase, which in reality is just extra money in their pockets, those who protest will be taken away and never seen again, negative comments about the government over your phone will be tracked, labeled a threat to national security, and then you're picked up too and never seen again, striking fear into everybody and anybody into not know what's going on, who can be trusted, what's true and false in the things told to you, are you next? Are your loved ones next?

But then you shrug your shoulders and figure it's just safer to go along with the system, because hey.... it's not that bad.... you have a roof over your head, a job that pays you for your services, so what that you're entire life feels hallow and empty, that something is missing in it, that something seems wrong, and that your children will grow up feeling the same way?

I mean, so long as we just keep quiet and let our governments keep shoving porcupines and acorns up our arses, and believe whatever they tell us, never question anything they do, and have faith that our governments actually have our best interests at heart...... I'm sure nothing could possibly ever go wrong..... no never

Just be ignorant little nazis, never asking what's going on.

Soon all the books will be burned, history rewritten, everybody monitored and tagged like cattle pooping money out for them through taxes, working to death for pennies, because they tell us that there's not enough resources to go around, and thus prices have to increase, which in reality is just extra money in their pockets, those who protest will be taken away and never seen again, negative comments about the government over your phone will be tracked, labeled a threat to national security, and then you're picked up too and never seen again, striking fear into everybody and anybody into not know what's going on, who can be trusted, what's true and false in the things told to you, are you next? Are your loved ones next?

But then you shrug your shoulders and figure it's just safer to go along with the system, because hey.... it's not that bad.... you have a roof over your head, a job that pays you for your services, so what that you're entire life feels hallow and empty, that something is missing in it, that something seems wrong, and that your children will grow up feeling the same way?

I mean, so long as we just keep quiet and let our governments keep shoving porcupines and acorns up our arses, and believe whatever they tell us, never question anything they do, and have faith that our governments actually have our best interests at heart...... I'm sure nothing could possibly ever go wrong

I think this is about the shape of things to come ,if they continue to act as if they are impervious to the law, or have any recompense if they do so...!!! Nice comment Praxius i think you have said it all here...


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
The surveillance system now approved by Congress provides the physical apparatus for the government to collect and store a huge database on virtually the entire population, available for data mining whenever the government wants to target its political opponents at any given moment—all in the hands of an unrestrained executive power. It is the infrastructure for a police state.

AT&T Whistleblower: Spy Bill Creates 'Infrastructure for a Police State

Mark Klein, the retired AT&T engineer who stepped forward with the technical documents at the heart of the anti-wiretapping case against AT&T, is furious at the Senate's vote on Wednesday night to hold a vote on a bill intended to put an end to that lawsuit and more than 30 others.
[Wednesday]'s vote by Congress effectively gives retroactive immunity to the telecom companies and endorses an all-powerful president. It’s a Congressional coup against the Constitution.​

The Democratic leadership is touting the deal as a "compromise," but in fact they have endorsed the infamous Nuremberg defense: "Just following orders." The judge can only check their paperwork. This cynical deal is a Democratic exercise in deceit and cowardice.​