200ft, 3D crop circle appears in field in Clay Hill near Warminster


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
A 200ft crop circle has appeared in a field at Clay Hill, near Warminster, Wiltshire. And the crop circle uses an optical illusion to give the impression that it is a three dimensional cube.

The clever perpetrators of this latest design in the crop circle capital of the world are, like most others, a mystery.

The area around the town of Warminster is a UFO hotbead. In the 1960s and 1970s so much strange UFO phenomena was reported in the area that it became known as the Warminster Triangle and the phenomena were known as "The Thing."

Close encounter of the 3-D kind? Crop circle followers spotted dancing around mysterious 200ft 'cube'

By Daily Mail Reporter
12th July 2010
Daily Mail

Perhaps it was caused by a close encounter of the 3-D kind.

This sophisticated crop circle uses an optical illusion to give the impression of a three dimensional cube.

The creators of the 200ft wide design in a field of wheat at Clay Hill near Warminster, Wiltshire remain a mystery.

The area is known as the UFO capital of Britain after repeated sightings of unearthly objects and numerous crop circle appearances over the last few decades.

An amazing four-dimensional crop circle has appeared in field of wheat at Clay Hill, Warminster, Wiltshire. The people standing within it indicate its huge size.

However, those hoping that the mysterious circle is a message from another world or a sign of a spacecraft landing are likely to disappointed.

In 1991 pranksters Doug Bower and Dave Chorley admitted that they had created 200 crop circles mostly around Warminster.

Mr Bower explained that after sketching them out in his studio workshop they would take a plank and rope to a cornfield where they would walk around with the rope in ever-increasing circles and make a passageway leading to another identical circle.

Not that this very down to earth explanation halted wild conjecture about their origins.

The crop circle phenomenon started in Westbury, just three miles north of Warminster in August 1980 and last month 200 crop circles have appeared in one elaborate formation in the nearby village of Mere.

Some believe Westbury's proximity to the prehistoric stone circles at Stonehenge and Avebury is the reason for the strange goings-on.

Others say it is because it lies on the confluence of two so-called leylines, which link spots said to have 'mystical energy'.

Conspiracy theorists put them down to the proximity of Salisbury Plain, home of secret military work.

Crop circle expert Steve Alexander said of the latest design: 'It appears to be a cube which involves the circle makers using techniques other than just flattening the crop.'

This spectacular design has appeared 40 miles away

The Thing

Warminster was a hotbed of UFO phemonena in the 1960s and 1970s. At first, the phenomena reported was strange sounds rather than strange sightings. This led to the phenomena to be dubbed the "Thing."

The strange events began on Christmas morning 1964. A number of witnesses were awoken by strange sounds, variously described as like twigs or leaves were being drawn across a roof, or a chimney being crashed to the ground, or like roof tiles being forcefully rattled around. The sounds were witnessed in one case by as many as thirty individuals. Perhaps the strangest was that witnessed at 6.12am that morning by Mrs Marjorie Bye, who was walking to the Holy Communion service at Christ Church in Warminster. As she approached the church the air about her filled with strange sounds that she found disturbing, and made her feel weak and unable to move. These unidentified noises continued on an ad-hoc basis until at least June 1966.

The first UFO sighting recorded in The Warminster Mystery was around 19 May, 1965, when three times during that week one witness saw unusual objects in the sky. The UFOs were silent, stationary and cigar-shaped, covered in winking bright lights, and gradually faded as the witness watched.

On the 3 June, 1965, a brightly glowing, cigar-shaped object was witnessed by a family in Heytesbury, a village near Warminster. The UFO remained motionless over the south of Warminster for almost half an hour. The UFO was also observed by two Warminster residents, who described the UFO as 'twin red-hot pokers', and by seventeen people swimming or fishing at Shearwater, a lake near Warminster.

Although UFO sightings had now commenced, the strange sounds still continued to be heard, and on the 10 August, 1965 a connection between UFOs and the strange sounds appeared to be confirmed. At 3.45am, a local woman was woken by a terrible droning sound. When she looked out of her bedroom window she saw a bright object like a massive star. It remained visible for some 25 minutes, then the humming began to attenuate, and the UFO began to flicker; the noise finally stopped, and the object vanished from sight. As with the reports from earlier in the year, it was the noise that most disturbed the witness.

As the reports of strange sounds and unidentified lights in the sky began to flood in to Arthur Shuttlewood and the local papers, ufological groups and personalities became involved. Shuttlewood managed to place stories into the national papers. A public meeting was held in the town in August 1965 at which the topic of UFOs was discussed. The meeting was televised and reported in local and national papers, and led to an invasion of the curious over the bank holiday weekend. Public interest in the Warminster phenomenon was further piqued by the publication, in the Daily Mirror, of a photograph of a UFO, taken in daylight over the town by Gordon Faulkner at the end of August. Interest in the Warminster Thing had become national, and was later to become international. Ufologists and skywatchers flocked to Warminster.

UFOs continued to be seen throughout the decade subsequent to 1965. The hey-day of the mass skywatch was in the mid-1960s, but continued through to the mid-1970s. Cradle Hill became the centre of skywatching activities, but Starr (Middle) Hill and Cley Hill were also popular with skywatchers. Warminster's reputation as a UFO hotspot diminished towards the end of the 1970s, although UFOs do continue to be reported in the area. In the 1980s, with the growth of the crop circle phenomena in Wiltshire, interest was rekindled in Warminster's UFO connection.



Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
What a bunch of Maroons.... you'd think they would have come across a TV sometime in their lives that showed them how these things were made...... just because someone figured out how to make them more complicated, doesn't suddenly mean they're really made by aliens.

That's like someone making a pretty cool picture on an etch-a-sketch and thinking they're magicians.


Then again these crop circles started showing up only a few months after I was born..... hmmmm...... could the prophecy be true? :-?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
There's an ad I've seen on TV for some juice or something that shows a bunch of people making a crop circle design.

They're lovely designs, I think it's great fun. It's even funnier knowing that people believe they're made by UFOs.